func saveBandRecordToConcertHandler(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { err := req.ParseForm() common.CheckError(err) form := req.Form concertId, err := strconv.ParseInt(form["concert_id"][0], 10, 64) common.CheckError(err) bandId, err := strconv.ParseInt(form["band_id"][0], 10, 64) dbmap := db.InitDb(BandConcert{}, "band_concert") defer dbmap.Db.Close() bandConcert := BandConcert{BandId: bandId, ConcertId: concertId} err = dbmap.SelectOne(&bandConcert, "SELECT * FROM concertsap.concert_band WHERE band_id=? AND concert_id=?", bandConcert.BandId, bandConcert.ConcertId) if err != nil { insertBandConcert(bandConcert) err = dbmap.SelectOne(&bandConcert, "SELECT * FROM concertsap.concert_band WHERE band_id=? AND concert_id=?", bandConcert.BandId, bandConcert.ConcertId) } formDate := form["date"][0] formTime := form["time"][0] bandConcertRecord := BandConcertRecord{BandId: bandConcert.BandId, ConcertId: bandConcert.ConcertId, Date: formDate, Time: formTime} insertBandConcertRecord(bandConcertRecord) http.Redirect(rw, req, "addBandRecordToConcert", http.StatusFound) }
func addHandler(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { if req.Method == "POST" { dbmap := db.InitDb(Retailer{}, "retailer") defer dbmap.Db.Close() err := req.ParseForm() common.CheckError(err) form := req.Form err = dbmap.Insert(&Retailer{Name: form["name"][0], Website: form["website"][0]}) common.CheckError(err) } type Page struct { PageName string Title string } p := Page{ PageName: "retailer", Title: "Add Controller", } common.Templates = template.Must(template.ParseFiles("templates/retailer/add.html", common.LayoutPath)) err := common.Templates.ExecuteTemplate(rw, "base", p) common.CheckError(err) }
func saveBandsToConcertHandler(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { dbmap := db.InitDb(Band{}, "band") defer dbmap.Db.Close() err := req.ParseForm() common.CheckError(err) form := req.Form concertId, err := strconv.ParseInt(form["concert_id"][0], 10, 64) common.CheckError(err) r, err := regexp.Compile(`([^<]+)<br>`) common.CheckError(err) rawBands := form["parsedInput"][0] bandMatches := r.FindAllStringSubmatch(rawBands, -1) for _, bandName := range bandMatches { newBand := Band{Name: bandName[1]} err = dbmap.SelectOne(&newBand, "SELECT * FROM WHERE name=?", strings.ToUpper(newBand.Name)) if err != nil { insertBand(newBand) err = dbmap.SelectOne(&newBand, "SELECT * FROM WHERE name=?", newBand.Name) } newBandConcert := BandConcert{BandId: newBand.Id, ConcertId: concertId} insertBandConcert(newBandConcert) } http.Redirect(rw, req, "addBandsToConcert", http.StatusFound) }
func addHandler(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { if req.Method == "POST" { dbmap := db.InitDb(State{}, "state") defer dbmap.Db.Close() err := req.ParseForm() common.CheckError(err) form := req.Form err = dbmap.Insert(&State{Name: form["name"][0], Acronym: form["acronym"][0]}) common.CheckError(err) } type Page struct { PageName string Title string } p := Page{ PageName: "state", Title: "Add New Concert", } common.Templates = template.Must(template.ParseFiles("templates/state/add.html", common.LayoutPath)) err := common.Templates.ExecuteTemplate(rw, "base", p) common.CheckError(err) }
func userViewOneHandler(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { params := mux.Vars(req) id := params["id"] type Page struct { PageName string Title string Concert Concert ConcertState int UntilDays int } concert := FindOne(id) var concertState int var untilDays int tStart, terr := time.Parse("2006-01-02 15:04:05", concert.Start+" 23:59:59") common.CheckError(terr) tEnd, terr := time.Parse("2006-01-02 15:04:05", concert.End+" 23:59:59") common.CheckError(terr) if time.Now().After(tEnd) { // Concert is in the past - concertState = 1 concertState = 1 untilDays = int(time.Since(tEnd).Hours()/24) + 1 } else if time.Now().After(tStart) { // Concert is now! - concertState = 2 concertState = 2 untilDays = int(time.Since(tEnd).Hours()/24) + 1 } else { // Concert is in the future - concertState = 3 concertState = 3 untilDays = -1*int(time.Since(tStart).Hours()/24) + 1 } p := Page{ PageName: "user_concert", Title: "View One Controller: " + id, Concert: concert, ConcertState: concertState, UntilDays: untilDays, } common.Templates = template.Must(template.ParseFiles("templates/concert/userViewOne.html", common.LayoutPath)) err := common.Templates.ExecuteTemplate(rw, "base", p) common.CheckError(err) }
func addHandler(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { type Page struct { PageName string Title string Concerts []concert.Concert Retailers []retailer.Retailer Now string } concerts := concert.FindAll() retailers := retailer.FindAll() t := time.Now() p := Page{ PageName: "ticket", Title: "Add Controller", Concerts: concerts, Retailers: retailers, Now: t.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), } common.Templates = template.Must(template.ParseFiles("templates/ticket/add.html", common.LayoutPath)) err := common.Templates.ExecuteTemplate(rw, "base", p) common.CheckError(err) }
func userViewOneHandler(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { params := mux.Vars(req) id := params["id"] type Page struct { PageName string Title string Band Band Concerts []concert.Concert } band := FindOne(id) concerts := concert.FindConcertsByBand(id) p := Page{ PageName: "user_band", Title: "View One Controller: " + id, Band: band, Concerts: concerts, } common.Templates = template.Must(template.ParseFiles("templates/band/userViewOne.html", common.LayoutPath)) err := common.Templates.ExecuteTemplate(rw, "base", p) common.CheckError(err) }
func FindBandConcert(concertId string) []BandJoinedConcert { dbmap := db.InitDb(BandConcert{}, "band_concert") defer dbmap.Db.Close() var concertIdString string if concertId != "" { concertIdString = "AND = " + concertId } var bandConcerts []BandJoinedConcert _, err := dbmap.Select(&bandConcerts, ` SELECT AS band_id, AS band_name, AS band_website, AS concert_id, AS concert_name, c.address AS concert_address, c.state_id AS concert_state_id, AS concert_website, c.start AS concert_start, c.end AS concert_end FROM band_concert bc JOIN band b ON = bc.band_id JOIN concert c ON = bc.concert_id `+concertIdString+` ORDER BY`) common.CheckError(err) return bandConcerts }
func ConcertBandHandler(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { params := mux.Vars(req) id := params["id"] json, err := json.Marshal(band.FindBandConcert(id)) common.CheckError(err) fmt.Fprintf(rw, "%v", string(json)) }
func FindOne(id string) Concert { dbmap := db.InitDb(Concert{}, "concert") defer dbmap.Db.Close() var concert Concert err := dbmap.SelectOne(&concert, "SELECT * FROM concert WHERE id = ? ORDER BY name", id) common.CheckError(err) return concert }
func FindAll() []Concert { dbmap := db.InitDb(Concert{}, "concert") defer dbmap.Db.Close() var concerts []Concert _, err := dbmap.Select(&concerts, "SELECT * FROM concert ORDER BY name") common.CheckError(err) return concerts }
func FindOne(id string) Band { dbmap := db.InitDb(Band{}, "band") defer dbmap.Db.Close() var band Band err := dbmap.SelectOne(&band, "SELECT * FROM band WHERE id = ? ORDER BY name", id) common.CheckError(err) return band }
func FindBandsAndConcerts() []BandAndConcertsCount { dbmap := db.InitDb(Band{}, "band") defer dbmap.Db.Close() var bandsAndConcertsCount []BandAndConcertsCount _, err := dbmap.Select(&bandsAndConcertsCount, "SELECT,, COUNT(*) AS count_count FROM band_concert bc JOIN band b ON bc.band_id = GROUP BY ORDER BY") common.CheckError(err) return bandsAndConcertsCount }
func FindAll() []State { dbmap := db.InitDb(State{}, "state") defer dbmap.Db.Close() var states []State _, err := dbmap.Select(&states, "SELECT * FROM state ORDER BY acronym") common.CheckError(err) return states }
func FindAll() []Ticket { dbmap := db.InitDb(Ticket{}, "ticket_record") defer dbmap.Db.Close() var tickets []Ticket _, err := dbmap.Select(&tickets, "SELECT * FROM ticket_records ORDER BY timestamp") common.CheckError(err) return tickets }
func FindAll() []Band { dbmap := db.InitDb(Band{}, "band") defer dbmap.Db.Close() var bands []Band _, err := dbmap.Select(&bands, "SELECT * FROM band ORDER BY name") common.CheckError(err) return bands }
func saveHandler(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { err := req.ParseForm() common.CheckError(err) form := req.Form stateId, err := strconv.ParseInt(common.IssetInForm(form["state_id"], 0), 10, 64) common.CheckError(err) concert := Concert{ Name: common.IssetInForm(form["name"], 0), Address: common.IssetInForm(form["address"], 0), StateId: stateId, Website: common.IssetInForm(form["website"], 0), Start: common.IssetInForm(form["start"], 0), End: common.IssetInForm(form["end"], 0), } insertConcert(concert) http.Redirect(rw, req, "add", http.StatusFound) }
func InitDb(i interface{}, dbName string) *gorp.DbMap { // connect to db using standard Go database/sql API // use whatever database/sql driver you wish db, err := sql.Open("mysql", "root:@tcp(") common.CheckError(err) // construct a gorp DbMap dbmap := &gorp.DbMap{Db: db, Dialect: gorp.MySQLDialect{}} dbmap.AddTableWithName(i, dbName).SetKeys(true, "id") return dbmap }
func saveHandler(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { dbmap := db.InitDb(Band{}, "band") defer dbmap.Db.Close() err := req.ParseForm() common.CheckError(err) form := req.Form newBand := Band{Name: strings.ToUpper(form["name"][0]), Website: form["website"][0]} insertBand(newBand) http.Redirect(rw, req, "add", http.StatusFound) }
func saveHandler(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { err := req.ParseForm() common.CheckError(err) form := req.Form retailer := Retailer{ Name: common.IssetInForm(form["name"], 0), Website: common.IssetInForm(form["website"], 0), } insertRetailer(retailer) http.Redirect(rw, req, "add", http.StatusFound) }
func saveHandler(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { err := req.ParseForm() common.CheckError(err) form := req.Form state := State{ Name: common.IssetInForm(form["name"], 0), Acronym: common.IssetInForm(form["acronym"], 0), } insertState(state) http.Redirect(rw, req, "add", http.StatusFound) }
func addHandler(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { type Page struct { PageName string Title string } p := Page{ PageName: "admin_band", Title: "Add Controller", } common.Templates = template.Must(template.ParseFiles("templates/band/add.html", common.LayoutPath)) err := common.Templates.ExecuteTemplate(rw, "base", p) common.CheckError(err) }
func loginHandler(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { type Page struct { PageName string Title string } p := Page{ PageName: "login", Title: "Login", } common.Templates = template.Must(template.ParseFiles("templates/home/login.html", common.LayoutPath)) err := common.Templates.ExecuteTemplate(rw, "base", p) common.CheckError(err) }
func FindConcertsByBand(bandId string) []Concert { dbmap := db.InitDb(Concert{}, "concert") defer dbmap.Db.Close() var concerts []Concert _, err := dbmap.Select(&concerts, ` SELECT c.* FROM band_concert bc JOIN concert c ON = bc.concert_id WHERE bc.band_id = ? ORDER BY name`, bandId) common.CheckError(err) return concerts }
func saveHandler(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { err := req.ParseForm() common.CheckError(err) form := req.Form ticket := Ticket{ Price: common.IssetInForm(form["price"], 0), ConcertId: common.IssetInForm(form["concert_id"], 0), RetailerId: common.IssetInForm(form["retailer_id"], 0), Timestamp: common.IssetInForm(form["datetime"], 0), } insertTicket(ticket) http.Redirect(rw, req, "add", http.StatusFound) }
func adminViewOneHandler(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { params := mux.Vars(req) id := params["id"] type Page struct { PageName string Title string } p := Page{ PageName: "admin_concert", Title: "View One Controller: " + id, } common.Templates = template.Must(template.ParseFiles("templates/concert/adminViewOne.html", common.LayoutPath)) err := common.Templates.ExecuteTemplate(rw, "base", p) common.CheckError(err) }
func editHandler(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { params := mux.Vars(req) id := params["id"] type Page struct { PageName string Title string } p := Page{ PageName: "retailer", Title: "Edit Controller: " + id, } common.Templates = template.Must(template.ParseFiles("templates/retailer/edit.html", common.LayoutPath)) err := common.Templates.ExecuteTemplate(rw, "base", p) common.CheckError(err) }
func adminViewAllHandler(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { type Page struct { PageName string Title string Concerts []Concert } concerts := FindAll() p := Page{ PageName: "admin_concert", Title: "View All Concerts", Concerts: concerts, } common.Templates = template.Must(template.ParseFiles("templates/concert/adminViewAll.html", common.LayoutPath)) err := common.Templates.ExecuteTemplate(rw, "base", p) common.CheckError(err) }
func viewAllHandler(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { type Page struct { PageName string Title string Retailers []Retailer } retailers := FindAll() p := Page{ PageName: "retailer", Title: "View All Retailers", Retailers: retailers, } common.Templates = template.Must(template.ParseFiles("templates/retailer/viewAll.html", common.LayoutPath)) err := common.Templates.ExecuteTemplate(rw, "base", p) common.CheckError(err) }
func userViewAllHandler(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { type Page struct { PageName string Title string Bands []BandAndConcertsCount } bandsWithConcertsCount := FindBandsAndConcerts() p := Page{ PageName: "user_band", Title: "View All Bands", Bands: bandsWithConcertsCount, } common.Templates = template.Must(template.ParseFiles("templates/band/userViewAll.html", common.LayoutPath)) err := common.Templates.ExecuteTemplate(rw, "base", p) common.CheckError(err) }