文件: s3.go 项目: hasGavriel/fasts3
// List function with retry and support for listing all keys in a prefix
func List(bucket *s3.Bucket, prefix string, delimiter string) <-chan *s3.ListResp {
	ch := make(chan *s3.ListResp, 100)
	go func(pfix string, del string) {
		defer close(ch)
		isTruncated := true
		nextMarker := ""
		for isTruncated {
			attempts := 0
			for {
				res, err := bucket.List(pfix, del, nextMarker, 1000)
				if err != nil {
					if err.Error() == "runtime error: index out of range" {
					if attempts >= maxRetries {

					time.Sleep(time.Second * 3)
				} else {
					ch <- res
					if len(res.Contents) > 0 {
						nextMarker = res.Contents[len(res.Contents)-1].Key
					} else if len(res.CommonPrefixes) > 0 {
						nextMarker = res.CommonPrefixes[len(res.CommonPrefixes)-1]
					isTruncated = res.IsTruncated
	}(prefix, delimiter)
	return ch
func killBucket(b *s3.Bucket) {
	var err error
	for attempt := attempts.Start(); attempt.Next(); {
		err = b.DelBucket()
		if err == nil {
		if _, ok := err.(*net.DNSError); ok {
		e, ok := err.(*s3.Error)
		if ok && e.Code == "NoSuchBucket" {
		if ok && e.Code == "BucketNotEmpty" {
			// Errors are ignored here. Just retry.
			resp, err := b.List("", "", "", 1000)
			if err == nil {
				for _, key := range resp.Contents {
					_ = b.Del(key.Key)
			multis, _, _ := b.ListMulti("", "")
			for _, m := range multis {
				_ = m.Abort()
	message := "cannot delete test bucket"
	if err != nil {
		message += ": " + err.Error()
// Recursively descend into an S3 directory tree, filtering based on the given
// schema, and sending results on the given channel. The `level` parameter
// indicates how far down the tree we are, and is used to determine which schema
// field we use for filtering.
func FilterS3(bucket *s3.Bucket, prefix string, level int, schema Schema, kc chan S3ListResult) {
	// Update the marker as we encounter keys / prefixes. If a response is
	// truncated, the next `List` request will start from the next item after
	// the marker.
	marker := ""

	// Keep listing if the response is incomplete (there are more than
	// `listBatchSize` entries or prefixes)
	done := false
	for !done {
		response, err := bucket.List(prefix, "/", marker, listBatchSize)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("Error listing: %s\n", err)
			// TODO: retry?
			kc <- S3ListResult{s3.Key{}, err}

		if !response.IsTruncated {
			// Response is not truncated, so we're done.
			done = true

		if level >= len(schema.Fields) {
			// We are past all the dimensions - encountered items are now
			// S3 key names. We ignore any further prefixes and assume that the
			// specified schema is correct/complete.
			for _, k := range response.Contents {
				marker = k.Key
				kc <- S3ListResult{k, nil}
		} else {
			// We are still looking at prefixes. Recursively list each one that
			// matches the specified schema's allowed values.
			for _, pf := range response.CommonPrefixes {
				// Get just the last piece of the prefix to check it as a
				// dimension. If we have '/foo/bar/baz', we just want 'baz'.
				stripped := pf[len(prefix) : len(pf)-1]
				allowed := schema.Dims[schema.Fields[level]].IsAllowed(stripped)
				marker = pf
				if allowed {
					FilterS3(bucket, pf, level+1, schema, kc)

	if level == 0 {
		// We traverse the tree in depth-first order, so once we've reached the
		// end at the root (level 0), we know we're done.
		// Note that things could be made faster by parallelizing the recursive
		// listing, but we would need some other mechanism to know when to close
		// the channel?