// rshapes draws shapes with random colors, openvg.Strokes, and sizes.
func rshapes(width, height, n int) {

	var sx, sy, cx, cy, px, py, ex, ey, pox, poy float64

	np := 10
	polyx := make([]float64, np)
	polyy := make([]float64, np)
	openvg.Start(width, height)
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		openvg.FillRGB(randcolor(), randcolor(), randcolor(), rand.Float64())
		openvg.Ellipse(randf(width), randf(height), randf(200), randf(100))
		openvg.Circle(randf(width), randf(height), randf(100))
		openvg.Rect(randf(width), randf(height), randf(200), randf(100))
		openvg.Arc(randf(width), randf(height), randf(200), randf(200), randf(360), randf(360))

		sx = randf(width)
		sy = randf(height)
		openvg.StrokeRGB(randcolor(), randcolor(), randcolor(), 1)
		openvg.Line(sx, sy, sx+randf(200), sy+randf(100))

		sx = randf(width)
		sy = randf(height)
		ex = sx + randf(200)
		ey = sy
		cx = sx + ((ex - sx) / 2.0)
		cy = sy + randf(100)
		openvg.Qbezier(sx, sy, cx, cy, ex, ey)

		sx = randf(width)
		sy = randf(height)
		ex = sx + randf(200)
		ey = sy
		cx = sx + ((ex - sx) / 2.0)
		cy = sy + randf(100)
		px = cx
		py = sy - randf(100)
		openvg.Cbezier(sx, sy, cx, cy, px, py, ex, ey)

		pox = randf(width)
		poy = randf(height)
		for j := 0; j < np; j++ {
			polyx[j] = pox + randf(200)
			polyy[j] = poy + randf(100)
		openvg.Polygon(polyx, polyy) // , np)

		pox = randf(width)
		poy = randf(height)
		for j := 0; j < np; j++ {
			polyx[j] = pox + randf(200)
			polyy[j] = poy + randf(100)
		openvg.Polyline(polyx, polyy) // , np)
	openvg.FillRGB(128, 0, 0, 1)
	openvg.Text(20, 20, "OpenVG on the Raspberry Pi", "sans", 32)
文件: twh.go 项目: Ebiroll/openvg
// drop shows the raindrop icon
func (d *dimen) drop(color string) {
	x, y, w, h := d.x, d.y, d.width, d.height
	openvg.Ellipse(x+(w/2), y+(h*0.40), w*0.52, h*0.65)
	xp := []openvg.VGfloat{x + (w / 2), x + (w * 0.25), x + (w * 0.75)}
	yp := []openvg.VGfloat{y + h, y + (h / 2), y + (h / 2)}
	openvg.Polygon(xp, yp)
func arrowhand(cx, cy, px, py, r openvg.VGfloat, t float64, value int, color string) {
	ax := []openvg.VGfloat{cx, 0, px, 0, cx}
	ay := []openvg.VGfloat{cy, 0, py, 0, cy}
	t = minadjust(t, value) * deg2rad
	rf := float64(r * 0.9)
	tf := math.Pi / 45.0
	ax[1] = cx + openvg.VGfloat(rf*math.Cos(t-tf))
	ay[1] = cy + openvg.VGfloat(rf*math.Sin(t-tf))
	ax[3] = cx + openvg.VGfloat(rf*math.Cos(t+tf))
	ay[3] = cy + openvg.VGfloat(rf*math.Sin(t+tf))
	openvg.Polygon(ax, ay)
// refcard shows a reference card of shapes
func refcard(width, height int) {
	shapenames := []string{
		"Rounded Rectangle",
		"Quadratic Bezier",
		"Cubic Bezier",
	top := float64(height) * .95
	sx := float64(width) * 0.10
	sy := top
	sw := float64(width) * .05
	sh := float64(height) * .045
	dotsize := 7.0
	spacing := 2.0
	fontsize := int(float64(height) * .033)
	shapecolor := Color{202, 225, 255, 1.0}

	openvg.Start(width, height)
	openvg.FillRGB(128, 0, 0, 1)
	openvg.TextEnd(float64(width-20), float64(height/2),
		"OpenVG on the Raspberry Pi", "sans", fontsize+(fontsize/2))
	openvg.FillRGB(0, 0, 0, 1)
	for _, s := range shapenames {
		openvg.Text(sx+sw+sw/2, sy, s, "sans", fontsize)
		sy -= sh * spacing
	sy = top
	cx := sx + (sw / 2)
	ex := sx + sw
	openvg.FillRGB(shapecolor.red, shapecolor.green, shapecolor.blue, shapecolor.alpha)
	openvg.Circle(cx, sy, sw)
	coordpoint(cx, sy, dotsize, shapecolor)
	sy -= sh * spacing
	openvg.Ellipse(cx, sy, sw, sh)
	coordpoint(cx, sy, dotsize, shapecolor)
	sy -= sh * spacing
	openvg.Rect(sx, sy, sw, sh)
	coordpoint(sx, sy, dotsize, shapecolor)
	sy -= sh * spacing
	openvg.Roundrect(sx, sy, sw, sh, 20, 20)
	coordpoint(sx, sy, dotsize, shapecolor)
	sy -= sh * spacing

	openvg.StrokeRGB(204, 204, 204, 1)
	openvg.Line(sx, sy, ex, sy)
	coordpoint(sx, sy, dotsize, shapecolor)
	coordpoint(ex, sy, dotsize, shapecolor)
	sy -= sh

	px := []float64{sx, sx + (sw / 4), sx + (sw / 2), sx + ((sw * 3) / 4), sx + sw}
	py := []float64{sy, sy - sh, sy, sy - sh, sy}

	openvg.Polyline(px, py) // , 5)
	coordpoint(px[0], py[0], dotsize, shapecolor)
	coordpoint(px[1], py[1], dotsize, shapecolor)
	coordpoint(px[2], py[2], dotsize, shapecolor)
	coordpoint(px[3], py[3], dotsize, shapecolor)
	coordpoint(px[4], py[4], dotsize, shapecolor)
	sy -= sh * spacing

	py[0] = sy
	py[1] = sy - sh
	py[2] = sy - (sh / 2)
	py[3] = py[1] - (sh / 4)
	py[4] = sy
	openvg.Polygon(px, py) // , 5)
	sy -= (sh * spacing) + sh

	openvg.Arc(sx+(sw/2), sy, sw, sh, 0, 180)
	coordpoint(sx+(sw/2), sy, dotsize, shapecolor)
	sy -= sh * spacing

	var cy, ey float64
	cy = sy + (sh / 2)
	ey = sy
	openvg.Qbezier(sx, sy, cx, cy, ex, ey)
	coordpoint(sx, sy, dotsize, shapecolor)
	coordpoint(cx, cy, dotsize, shapecolor)
	coordpoint(ex, ey, dotsize, shapecolor)
	sy -= sh * spacing

	ey = sy
	cy = sy + sh
	openvg.Cbezier(sx, sy, cx, cy, cx, sy, ex, ey)
	coordpoint(sx, sy, dotsize, shapecolor)
	coordpoint(cx, cy, dotsize, shapecolor)
	coordpoint(cx, sy, dotsize, shapecolor)
	coordpoint(ex, ey, dotsize, shapecolor)

	sy -= (sh * spacing * 1.5)
	openvg.Image(sx, sy, 110, 110, "starx.jpg")

文件: vgplot.go 项目: sequoiar/openvg
// plot places a plot at the specified location with the specified dimemsions
// using the specified settings, using the specified data
func plot(x, y, w, h float64, settings plotset, d []rawdata) {
	nd := len(d)
	if nd < 2 {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%d is not enough points to plot\n", len(d))
	// Compute the minima and maxima of the data
	maxx, minx := d[0].x, d[0].x
	maxy, miny := d[0].y, d[0].y
	for _, v := range d {

		if v.x > maxx {
			maxx = v.x
		if v.y > maxy {
			maxy = v.y
		if v.x < minx {
			minx = v.x
		if v.y < miny {
			miny = v.y
	// Prepare for a area or line chart by allocating
	// polygon coordinates; for the horizon plot, you need two extra coordinates
	// for the extrema.
	needpoly := settings.opt["area"] || settings.opt["connect"]
	var xpoly, ypoly []float64
	if needpoly {
		xpoly = make([]float64, nd+2)
		ypoly = make([]float64, nd+2)
		// preload the extrema of the polygon,
		// the bottom left and bottom right of the plot's rectangle
		xpoly[0] = x
		ypoly[0] = y
		xpoly[nd+1] = x + w
		ypoly[nd+1] = y
	// Draw the plot's bounding rectangle
	if settings.opt["showbg"] && !settings.opt["sameplot"] {
		openvg.Rect(x, y, w, h)
	// Loop through the data, drawing items as specified
	spacer := 10.0
	for i, v := range d {
		xp := fmap(v.x, minx, maxx, x, x+w)
		yp := fmap(v.y, miny, maxy, y, y+h)
		if needpoly {
			xpoly[i+1] = xp
			ypoly[i+1] = yp
		if settings.opt["showbar"] {
			openvg.Line(xp, yp, xp, y)
		if settings.opt["showdot"] {
			openvg.Circle(xp, yp, settings.size["dotsize"])
		if settings.opt["showx"] {
			if i%int(settings.size["xinterval"]) == 0 {
				openvg.TextMid(xp, y-(spacer*2), fmt.Sprintf("%d", int(v.x)), settings.attr["font"], int(settings.size["fontsize"]))
				openvg.Line(xp, y, xp, y-spacer)
	// Done constructing the points for the area or line plots, display them in one shot
	if settings.opt["area"] {
		openvg.Polygon(xpoly, ypoly)

	if settings.opt["connect"] {
		openvg.Polyline(xpoly[1:nd+1], ypoly[1:nd+1])
	// Put on the y axis labels, if specified
	if settings.opt["showy"] {
		bot := math.Floor(miny)
		top := math.Ceil(maxy)
		yrange := top - bot
		interval := yrange / float64(settings.size["yinterval"])
		for yax := bot; yax <= top; yax += interval {
			yaxp := fmap(yax, bot, top, float64(y), float64(y+h))
			openvg.TextEnd(x-spacer, yaxp, fmt.Sprintf("%.1f", yax), settings.attr["font"], int(settings.size["fontsize"]))
			openvg.Line(x-spacer, yaxp, x, yaxp)
	// Finally, tack on the label, if specified
	if len(settings.attr["label"]) > 0 {
		openvg.FillColor(settings.attr["labelcolor"], 0.3)
		openvg.TextMid(x+(w/2), y+(h/2), settings.attr["label"], settings.attr["font"], int(w/8)) // int(settings.size["fontsize"]))