// Update runs the update action.
func (c *TrackerqueryController) Update(ctx *app.UpdateTrackerqueryContext) error {
	result := application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {

		toSave := app.TrackerQuery{
			ID:        ctx.ID,
			Query:     ctx.Payload.Query,
			Schedule:  ctx.Payload.Schedule,
			TrackerID: ctx.Payload.TrackerID,
		tq, err := appl.TrackerQueries().Save(ctx.Context, toSave)

		if err != nil {
			cause := errs.Cause(err)
			switch cause.(type) {
			case remoteworkitem.BadParameterError, remoteworkitem.ConversionError:
				jerrors, _ := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(goa.ErrBadRequest(err.Error()))
				return ctx.BadRequest(jerrors)
				jerrors, _ := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(goa.ErrInternal(err.Error()))
				return ctx.InternalServerError(jerrors)
		return ctx.OK(tq)
	return result
// Create runs the create action.
func (c *SpaceController) Create(ctx *app.CreateSpaceContext) error {
	_, err := login.ContextIdentity(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, goa.ErrUnauthorized(err.Error()))
	err = validateCreateSpace(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, err)

	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		reqSpace := ctx.Payload.Data

		newSpace := space.Space{
			Name: *reqSpace.Attributes.Name,
		if reqSpace.Attributes.Description != nil {
			newSpace.Description = *reqSpace.Attributes.Description

		space, err := appl.Spaces().Create(ctx, &newSpace)
		if err != nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, err)
		res := &app.SpaceSingle{
			Data: ConvertSpace(ctx.RequestData, space),
		ctx.ResponseData.Header().Set("Location", rest.AbsoluteURL(ctx.RequestData, app.SpaceHref(res.Data.ID)))
		return ctx.Created(res)
func createSpaceAndIteration(t *testing.T, db *gormapplication.GormDB) iteration.Iteration {
	var itr iteration.Iteration
	application.Transactional(db, func(app application.Application) error {
		repo := app.Iterations()

		newSpace := space.Space{
			Name: "Test 1" + uuid.NewV4().String(),
		p, err := app.Spaces().Create(context.Background(), &newSpace)
		if err != nil {
		start := time.Now()
		end := start.Add(time.Hour * (24 * 8 * 3))
		name := "Sprint #2"

		i := iteration.Iteration{
			Name:    name,
			SpaceID: p.ID,
			StartAt: &start,
			EndAt:   &end,
		repo.Create(context.Background(), &i)
		itr = i
		return nil
	return itr
// List runs the list action.
func (c *SpaceIterationsController) List(ctx *app.ListSpaceIterationsContext) error {
	spaceID, err := uuid.FromString(ctx.ID)
	if err != nil {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, goa.ErrNotFound(err.Error()))

	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {

		_, err = appl.Spaces().Load(ctx, spaceID)
		if err != nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, goa.ErrNotFound(err.Error()))

		iterations, err := appl.Iterations().List(ctx, spaceID)
		if err != nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, err)

		// fetch extra information(counts of WI in each iteration of the space) to be added in response
		wiCounts, err := appl.WorkItems().GetCountsPerIteration(ctx, spaceID)
		if err != nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, err)
		res := &app.IterationList{}
		res.Data = ConvertIterations(ctx.RequestData, iterations, UpdateIterationsWithCounts(wiCounts))

		return ctx.OK(res)
func (rest *TestSpaceIterationREST) TestSuccessCreateIterationWithOptionalValues() {
	t := rest.T()
	resource.Require(t, resource.Database)

	var p *space.Space
	iterationName := "Sprint #22"
	iterationDesc := "testing description"
	ci := createSpaceIteration(iterationName, &iterationDesc)

	application.Transactional(rest.db, func(app application.Application) error {
		repo := app.Spaces()
		testSpace := space.Space{
			Name: "Test 1",
		p, _ = repo.Create(context.Background(), &testSpace)
		return nil
	svc, ctrl := rest.SecuredController()
	_, c := test.CreateSpaceIterationsCreated(t, svc.Context, svc, ctrl, p.ID.String(), ci)
	assert.NotNil(t, c.Data.ID)
	assert.NotNil(t, c.Data.Relationships.Space)
	assert.Equal(t, p.ID.String(), *c.Data.Relationships.Space.Data.ID)
	assert.Equal(t, *c.Data.Attributes.Name, iterationName)
	assert.Equal(t, *c.Data.Attributes.Description, iterationDesc)

	// create another Iteration with nil description
	iterationName2 := "Sprint #23"
	ci = createSpaceIteration(iterationName2, nil)
	_, c = test.CreateSpaceIterationsCreated(t, svc.Context, svc, ctrl, p.ID.String(), ci)
	assert.Equal(t, *c.Data.Attributes.Name, iterationName2)
	assert.Nil(t, c.Data.Attributes.Description)
// Show returns the authorized user based on the provided Token
func (c *UserController) Show(ctx *app.ShowUserContext) error {
	id, err := c.tokenManager.Locate(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		jerrors, _ := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(goa.ErrBadRequest(err.Error()))
		return ctx.BadRequest(jerrors)

	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		identity, err := appl.Identities().Load(ctx, id)
		if err != nil || identity == nil {
			log.Error(ctx, map[string]interface{}{
				"identityID": id,
			}, "auth token containers id %s of unknown Identity", id)
			jerrors, _ := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(goa.ErrUnauthorized(fmt.Sprintf("Auth token contains id %s of unknown Identity\n", id)))
			return ctx.Unauthorized(jerrors)

		var user *account.User
		userID := identity.UserID
		if userID.Valid {
			user, err = appl.Users().Load(ctx.Context, userID.UUID)
			if err != nil {
				return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, errors.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("Can't load user with id %s", userID.UUID)))

		return ctx.OK(ConvertUser(ctx.RequestData, identity, user))
// Create runs the create action.
func (c *WorkItemRelationshipsLinksController) Create(ctx *app.CreateWorkItemRelationshipsLinksContext) error {
	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		// Check that current work item does indeed exist
		if _, err := appl.WorkItems().Load(ctx.Context, ctx.ID); err != nil {
			jerrors, httpStatusCode := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(err)
			return ctx.ResponseData.Service.Send(ctx.Context, httpStatusCode, jerrors)
		// Check that the source ID of the link is the same as the current work
		// item ID.
		src, _ := getSrcTgt(ctx.Payload.Data)
		if src != nil && *src != ctx.ID {
			jerrors, _ := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(goa.ErrBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("data.relationships.source.data.id is \"%s\" but must be \"%s\"", ctx.Payload.Data.Relationships.Source.Data.ID, ctx.ID)))
			return ctx.BadRequest(jerrors)
		// If no source is specified we pre-fill the source field of the payload
		// with the current work item ID from the URL. This is for convenience.
		if src == nil {
			if ctx.Payload.Data.Relationships == nil {
				ctx.Payload.Data.Relationships = &app.WorkItemLinkRelationships{}
			if ctx.Payload.Data.Relationships.Source == nil {
				ctx.Payload.Data.Relationships.Source = &app.RelationWorkItem{}
			if ctx.Payload.Data.Relationships.Source.Data == nil {
				ctx.Payload.Data.Relationships.Source.Data = &app.RelationWorkItemData{}
			ctx.Payload.Data.Relationships.Source.Data.ID = ctx.ID
			ctx.Payload.Data.Relationships.Source.Data.Type = link.EndpointWorkItems
		return createWorkItemLink(newWorkItemLinkContext(ctx.Context, appl, c.db, ctx.RequestData, ctx.ResponseData, app.WorkItemLinkHref), ctx, ctx.Payload)
func (tester *TestSearchSpaces) createTestData() ([]space.Space, error) {
	names := []string{"TEST_A", "TEST_AB", "TEST_B", "TEST_C"}
	for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
		names = append(names, "TEST_"+strconv.Itoa(i))

	spaces := []space.Space{}

	err := application.Transactional(tester.db, func(app application.Application) error {
		for _, name := range names {
			space := space.Space{
				Name:        name,
				Description: strings.ToTitle("description for " + name),
			newSpace, err := app.Spaces().Create(context.Background(), &space)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			spaces = append(spaces, *newSpace)
		return nil
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to insert testdata", err)
	return spaces, nil
func (rest *TestCommentREST) TestListCommentsByParentWorkItem() {
	// given
	wiid := rest.createDefaultWorkItem()
	application.Transactional(rest.db, func(app application.Application) error {
		repo := app.Comments()
		repo.Create(context.Background(), &comment.Comment{ParentID: wiid, Body: "Test 1", CreatedBy: uuid.NewV4()})
		repo.Create(context.Background(), &comment.Comment{ParentID: wiid, Body: "Test 2", CreatedBy: uuid.NewV4()})
		repo.Create(context.Background(), &comment.Comment{ParentID: wiid, Body: "Test 3", CreatedBy: uuid.NewV4()})
		repo.Create(context.Background(), &comment.Comment{ParentID: wiid + "_other", Body: "Test 1", CreatedBy: uuid.NewV4()})
		return nil
	// when
	svc, ctrl := rest.UnSecuredController()
	offset := "0"
	limit := 3
	_, cs := test.ListWorkItemCommentsOK(rest.T(), svc.Context, svc, ctrl, wiid, &limit, &offset)
	// then
	require.Equal(rest.T(), 3, len(cs.Data))
	rest.assertComment(cs.Data[0], "Test 3", rendering.SystemMarkupDefault) // items are returned in reverse order or creation
	// given
	wiid2 := rest.createDefaultWorkItem()
	// when
	_, cs2 := test.ListWorkItemCommentsOK(rest.T(), svc.Context, svc, ctrl, wiid2, &limit, &offset)
	// then
	assert.Equal(rest.T(), 0, len(cs2.Data))
// Create runs the create action.
func (c *WorkItemLinkTypeController) Create(ctx *app.CreateWorkItemLinkTypeContext) error {
	// WorkItemLinkTypeController_Create: start_implement
	// Convert payload from app to model representation
	model := link.WorkItemLinkType{}
	in := app.WorkItemLinkTypeSingle{
		Data: ctx.Payload.Data,
	err := link.ConvertLinkTypeToModel(in, &model)
	if err != nil {
		jerrors, _ := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(goa.ErrBadRequest(err.Error()))
		return ctx.BadRequest(jerrors)
	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		linkType, err := appl.WorkItemLinkTypes().Create(ctx.Context, model.Name, model.Description, model.SourceTypeName, model.TargetTypeName, model.ForwardName, model.ReverseName, model.Topology, model.LinkCategoryID)
		if err != nil {
			jerrors, httpStatusCode := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(err)
			return ctx.ResponseData.Service.Send(ctx.Context, httpStatusCode, jerrors)
		// Enrich
		linkCtx := newWorkItemLinkContext(ctx.Context, appl, c.db, ctx.RequestData, ctx.ResponseData, app.WorkItemLinkTypeHref)
		err = enrichLinkTypeSingle(linkCtx, linkType)
		if err != nil {
			jerrors, _ := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(goa.ErrInternal("Failed to enrich link type: %s", err.Error()))
			return ctx.InternalServerError(jerrors)
		ctx.ResponseData.Header().Set("Location", app.WorkItemLinkTypeHref(linkType.Data.ID))
		return ctx.Created(linkType)
	// WorkItemLinkTypeController_Create: end_implement
// Update does PATCH workitem
func (c *WorkitemController) Update(ctx *app.UpdateWorkitemContext) error {
	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		if ctx.Payload == nil || ctx.Payload.Data == nil || ctx.Payload.Data.ID == nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, errors.NewBadParameterError("missing data.ID element in request", nil))
		wi, err := appl.WorkItems().Load(ctx, *ctx.Payload.Data.ID)
		if err != nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, errs.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to load work item with id %v", *ctx.Payload.Data.ID)))
		// Type changes of WI are not allowed which is why we overwrite it the
		// type with the old one after the WI has been converted.
		oldType := wi.Type
		err = ConvertJSONAPIToWorkItem(appl, *ctx.Payload.Data, wi)
		if err != nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, err)
		wi.Type = oldType
		wi, err = appl.WorkItems().Save(ctx, *wi)
		if err != nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, errs.Wrap(err, "Error updating work item"))
		wi2 := ConvertWorkItem(ctx.RequestData, wi)
		resp := &app.WorkItem2Single{
			Data: wi2,
			Links: &app.WorkItemLinks{
				Self: buildAbsoluteURL(ctx.RequestData),
		return ctx.OK(resp)
// Update does PATCH comment
func (c *CommentsController) Update(ctx *app.UpdateCommentsContext) error {
	identity, err := login.ContextIdentity(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, goa.ErrUnauthorized(err.Error()))

	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		cm, err := appl.Comments().Load(ctx.Context, ctx.CommentID)
		if err != nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, err)

		if identity != cm.CreatedBy.String() {
			// need to use the goa.NewErrorClass() func as there is no native support for 403 in goa
			// and it is not planned to be supported yet: https://github.com/goadesign/goa/pull/1030
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, goa.NewErrorClass("forbidden", 403)("User is not the comment author"))

		cm.Body = *ctx.Payload.Data.Attributes.Body
		cm.Markup = rendering.NilSafeGetMarkup(ctx.Payload.Data.Attributes.Markup)
		cm, err = appl.Comments().Save(ctx.Context, cm)
		if err != nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, err)

		res := &app.CommentSingle{
			Data: ConvertComment(ctx.RequestData, cm, CommentIncludeParentWorkItem()),
		return ctx.OK(res)
// Show runs the show action.
func (c *WorkitemtypeController) Show(ctx *app.ShowWorkitemtypeContext) error {
	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		res, err := appl.WorkItemTypes().Load(ctx.Context, ctx.Name)
		if err != nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, err)
		return ctx.OK(res)
func (rest *TestSpaceAreaREST) TestListAreas() {
	t := rest.T()
	resource.Require(t, resource.Database)

	// Create a new space where we'll create 3 areas
	var s *space.Space

	// Create another space where we'll create 1 area.
	var anotherSpace *space.Space

	application.Transactional(rest.db, func(app application.Application) error {
		var err error
		repo := app.Spaces()
		newSpace := &space.Space{
			Name: "Test Space 1" + uuid.NewV4().String(),
		s, err = repo.Create(context.Background(), newSpace)
		require.Nil(t, err)

		newSpace = &space.Space{
			Name: "Another space" + uuid.NewV4().String(),
		anotherSpace, err = repo.Create(context.Background(), newSpace)
		require.Nil(t, err)
		return nil

	svc, ctrl := rest.SecuredController()
	spaceId := s.ID
	anotherSpaceId := anotherSpace.ID
	var createdAreaUuids1 []uuid.UUID

	for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
		name := "Test Area #20" + strconv.Itoa(i)
		spaceAreaContext := createSpaceArea(name, &name)
		_, c := test.CreateSpaceAreasCreated(t, svc.Context, svc, ctrl, spaceId.String(), spaceAreaContext)
		require.NotNil(t, c.Data.ID)
		require.NotNil(t, c.Data.Relationships.Space)
		createdAreaUuids1 = append(createdAreaUuids1, *c.Data.ID)

	name := "area in a different space"
	anotherSpaceAreaContext := createSpaceArea(name, &name)
	_, createdArea := test.CreateSpaceAreasCreated(t, svc.Context, svc, ctrl, anotherSpaceId.String(), anotherSpaceAreaContext)
	require.NotNil(t, createdArea)

	_, areaList := test.ListSpaceAreasOK(t, svc.Context, svc, ctrl, spaceId.String())
	assert.Len(t, areaList.Data, 3)
	for i := 0; i < len(createdAreaUuids1); i++ {
		assert.NotNil(t, searchInAreaSlice(createdAreaUuids1[i], areaList))

	_, anotherAreaList := test.ListSpaceAreasOK(t, svc.Context, svc, ctrl, anotherSpaceId.String())
	assert.Len(t, anotherAreaList.Data, 1)
	assert.Equal(t, anotherAreaList.Data[0].ID, createdArea.Data.ID)

// List runs the list action.
func (c *IdentityController) List(ctx *app.ListIdentityContext) error {
	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		result, err := appl.Identities().List(ctx.Context)
		if err != nil {
			jerrors, _ := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(goa.ErrInternal(fmt.Sprintf("Error listing identities: %s", err.Error())))
			return ctx.InternalServerError(jerrors)
		return ctx.OK(result)
// Delete runs the delete action.
func (c *WorkItemLinkCategoryController) Delete(ctx *app.DeleteWorkItemLinkCategoryContext) error {
	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		err := appl.WorkItemLinkCategories().Delete(ctx.Context, ctx.ID)
		if err != nil {
			jerrors, httpStatusCode := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(err)
			return ctx.ResponseData.Service.Send(ctx.Context, httpStatusCode, jerrors)
		return ctx.OK([]byte{})
// Delete does DELETE workitem
func (c *WorkitemController) Delete(ctx *app.DeleteWorkitemContext) error {
	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		err := appl.WorkItems().Delete(ctx, ctx.ID)
		if err != nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, errs.Wrapf(err, "error deleting work item %s", ctx.ID))
		if err := appl.WorkItemLinks().DeleteRelatedLinks(ctx, ctx.ID); err != nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, errs.Wrapf(err, "failed to delete work item links related to work item %s", ctx.ID))
		return ctx.OK([]byte{})
// Show does GET workitem
func (c *WorkitemController) Show(ctx *app.ShowWorkitemContext) error {
	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		comments := WorkItemIncludeCommentsAndTotal(ctx, c.db, ctx.ID)
		wi, err := appl.WorkItems().Load(ctx, ctx.ID)
		if err != nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, errs.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("Fail to load work item with id %v", ctx.ID)))
		wi2 := ConvertWorkItem(ctx.RequestData, wi, comments)
		resp := &app.WorkItem2Single{
			Data: wi2,
		return ctx.OK(resp)
// List runs the list action.
func (c *UsersController) List(ctx *app.ListUsersContext) error {
	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		var err error
		var users []*account.User
		var result *app.UserArray
		users, err = appl.Users().List(ctx.Context)
		if err == nil {
			result, err = LoadKeyCloakIdentities(appl, ctx.RequestData, users)
			if err == nil {
				return ctx.OK(result)
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, errors.Wrap(err, "Error listing users"))
// List runs the list action
func (c *WorkitemtypeController) List(ctx *app.ListWorkitemtypeContext) error {
	start, limit, err := parseLimit(ctx.Page)
	if err != nil {
		jerrors, _ := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(goa.ErrBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("could not parse paging: %s", err.Error())))
		return ctx.BadRequest(jerrors)
	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		result, err := appl.WorkItemTypes().List(ctx.Context, start, &limit)
		if err != nil {
			jerrors, _ := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(goa.ErrBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("Error listing work item types: %s", err.Error())))
			return ctx.BadRequest(jerrors)
		return ctx.OK(result)
// Update runs the update action.
func (c *IterationController) Update(ctx *app.UpdateIterationContext) error {
	_, err := login.ContextIdentity(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, goa.ErrUnauthorized(err.Error()))
	id, err := uuid.FromString(ctx.IterationID)
	if err != nil {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, goa.ErrNotFound(err.Error()))

	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		itr, err := appl.Iterations().Load(ctx.Context, id)
		if err != nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, err)
		if ctx.Payload.Data.Attributes.Name != nil {
			itr.Name = *ctx.Payload.Data.Attributes.Name
		if ctx.Payload.Data.Attributes.StartAt != nil {
			itr.StartAt = ctx.Payload.Data.Attributes.StartAt
		if ctx.Payload.Data.Attributes.EndAt != nil {
			itr.EndAt = ctx.Payload.Data.Attributes.EndAt
		if ctx.Payload.Data.Attributes.Description != nil {
			itr.Description = ctx.Payload.Data.Attributes.Description
		if ctx.Payload.Data.Attributes.State != nil {
			if *ctx.Payload.Data.Attributes.State == iteration.IterationStateStart {
				res, err := appl.Iterations().CanStartIteration(ctx, itr)
				if res == false && err != nil {
					return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, err)
			itr.State = *ctx.Payload.Data.Attributes.State
		itr, err = appl.Iterations().Save(ctx.Context, *itr)
		if err != nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, err)

		response := app.IterationSingle{
			Data: ConvertIteration(ctx.RequestData, itr),

		return ctx.OK(&response)
// Show runs the show action.
func (c *WorkItemLinkCategoryController) Show(ctx *app.ShowWorkItemLinkCategoryContext) error {
	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		res, err := appl.WorkItemLinkCategories().Load(ctx.Context, ctx.ID)
		if err != nil {
			jerrors, httpStatusCode := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(err)
			return ctx.ResponseData.Service.Send(ctx.Context, httpStatusCode, jerrors)
		linkCtx := newWorkItemLinkContext(ctx.Context, appl, c.db, ctx.RequestData, ctx.ResponseData, app.WorkItemLinkCategoryHref)
		err = enrichLinkCategorySingle(linkCtx, res)
		if err != nil {
			jerrors, _ := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(goa.ErrInternal("Failed to enrich link category: %s", err.Error()))
			return ctx.InternalServerError(jerrors)
		return ctx.OK(res)
// Create runs the create action.
func (c *WorkitemtypeController) Create(ctx *app.CreateWorkitemtypeContext) error {
	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		var fields = map[string]app.FieldDefinition{}

		for key, fd := range ctx.Payload.Fields {
			fields[key] = *fd
		wit, err := appl.WorkItemTypes().Create(ctx.Context, ctx.Payload.ExtendedTypeName, ctx.Payload.Name, fields)

		if err != nil {
			jerrors, httpStatusCode := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(err)
			return ctx.ResponseData.Service.Send(ctx.Context, httpStatusCode, jerrors)
		ctx.ResponseData.Header().Set("Location", app.WorkitemtypeHref(wit.Name))
		return ctx.Created(wit)
// Create runs the create action.
func (c *SpaceIterationsController) Create(ctx *app.CreateSpaceIterationsContext) error {
	_, err := login.ContextIdentity(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, goa.ErrUnauthorized(err.Error()))
	spaceID, err := uuid.FromString(ctx.ID)
	if err != nil {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, goa.ErrNotFound(err.Error()))

	// Validate Request
	if ctx.Payload.Data == nil {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, errors.NewBadParameterError("data", nil).Expected("not nil"))
	reqIter := ctx.Payload.Data
	if reqIter.Attributes.Name == nil {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, errors.NewBadParameterError("data.attributes.name", nil).Expected("not nil"))

	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		_, err = appl.Spaces().Load(ctx, spaceID)
		if err != nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, goa.ErrNotFound(err.Error()))

		newItr := iteration.Iteration{
			SpaceID: spaceID,
			Name:    *reqIter.Attributes.Name,
			StartAt: reqIter.Attributes.StartAt,
			EndAt:   reqIter.Attributes.EndAt,
		if reqIter.Attributes.Description != nil {
			newItr.Description = reqIter.Attributes.Description
		err = appl.Iterations().Create(ctx, &newItr)
		if err != nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, err)

		res := &app.IterationSingle{
			Data: ConvertIteration(ctx.RequestData, &newItr),
		ctx.ResponseData.Header().Set("Location", rest.AbsoluteURL(ctx.RequestData, app.IterationHref(res.Data.ID)))
		return ctx.Created(res)
// Show runs the show action.
func (c *AreaController) Show(ctx *app.ShowAreaContext) error {
	id, err := uuid.FromString(ctx.ID)
	if err != nil {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, goa.ErrNotFound(err.Error()))

	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		a, err := appl.Areas().Load(ctx, id)
		if err != nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, err)

		res := &app.AreaSingle{}
		res.Data = ConvertArea(appl, ctx.RequestData, a, addResolvedPath)
		return ctx.OK(res)
// Create runs the create action.
func (c *WorkItemLinkCategoryController) Create(ctx *app.CreateWorkItemLinkCategoryContext) error {
	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		cat, err := appl.WorkItemLinkCategories().Create(ctx.Context, ctx.Payload.Data.Attributes.Name, ctx.Payload.Data.Attributes.Description)
		if err != nil {
			jerrors, httpStatusCode := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(err)
			return ctx.ResponseData.Service.Send(ctx.Context, httpStatusCode, jerrors)
		linkCtx := newWorkItemLinkContext(ctx.Context, appl, c.db, ctx.RequestData, ctx.ResponseData, app.WorkItemLinkCategoryHref)
		err = enrichLinkCategorySingle(linkCtx, cat)
		if err != nil {
			jerrors, _ := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(goa.ErrInternal("Failed to enrich link category: %s", err.Error()))
			return ctx.InternalServerError(jerrors)
		ctx.ResponseData.Header().Set("Location", app.WorkItemLinkCategoryHref(cat.Data.ID))
		return ctx.Created(cat)
// Show runs the show action.
func (c *CommentsController) Show(ctx *app.ShowCommentsContext) error {
	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		c, err := appl.Comments().Load(ctx, ctx.CommentID)
		if err != nil {
			jerrors, _ := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(goa.ErrUnauthorized(err.Error()))
			return ctx.NotFound(jerrors)

		res := &app.CommentSingle{}
		res.Data = ConvertComment(

		return ctx.OK(res)
// Show runs the show action.
func (c *SearchController) Show(ctx *app.ShowSearchContext) error {
	var offset int
	var limit int

	offset, limit = computePagingLimts(ctx.PageOffset, ctx.PageLimit)

	// ToDo : Keep URL registeration central somehow.
	hostString := ctx.RequestData.Host
	if hostString == "" {
		hostString = configuration.GetHTTPAddress()
	urlRegexString := fmt.Sprintf("(?P<domain>%s)(?P<path>/work-item/list/detail/)(?P<id>\\d*)", hostString)
	search.RegisterAsKnownURL(search.HostRegistrationKeyForListWI, urlRegexString)
	urlRegexString = fmt.Sprintf("(?P<domain>%s)(?P<path>/work-item/board/detail/)(?P<id>\\d*)", hostString)
	search.RegisterAsKnownURL(search.HostRegistrationKeyForBoardWI, urlRegexString)

	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		//return transaction.Do(c.ts, func() error {
		result, c, err := appl.SearchItems().SearchFullText(ctx.Context, ctx.Q, &offset, &limit)
		count := int(c)
		if err != nil {
			cause := errs.Cause(err)
			switch cause.(type) {
			case errors.BadParameterError:
				jerrors, _ := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(goa.ErrBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("Error listing work items: %s", err.Error())))
				return ctx.BadRequest(jerrors)
				log.Error(ctx, map[string]interface{}{
					"err": err,
				}, "unable to list the work items")
				jerrors, _ := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(goa.ErrInternal(err.Error()))
				return ctx.InternalServerError(jerrors)

		response := app.SearchWorkItemList{
			Links: &app.PagingLinks{},
			Meta:  &app.WorkItemListResponseMeta{TotalCount: count},
			Data:  ConvertWorkItems(ctx.RequestData, result),

		setPagingLinks(response.Links, buildAbsoluteURL(ctx.RequestData), len(result), offset, limit, count, "q="+ctx.Q)
		return ctx.OK(&response)
// Delete runs the delete action.
func (c *SpaceController) Delete(ctx *app.DeleteSpaceContext) error {
	_, err := login.ContextIdentity(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, goa.ErrUnauthorized(err.Error()))
	id, err := satoriuuid.FromString(ctx.ID)
	if err != nil {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, goa.ErrNotFound(err.Error()))
	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		err = appl.Spaces().Delete(ctx.Context, id)
		if err != nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, err)

		return ctx.OK([]byte{})
// CreateChild runs the create-child action.
func (c *AreaController) CreateChild(ctx *app.CreateChildAreaContext) error {

	_, err := login.ContextIdentity(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, goa.ErrUnauthorized(err.Error()))
	parentID, err := uuid.FromString(ctx.ID)
	if err != nil {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, goa.ErrNotFound(err.Error()))

	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		parent, err := appl.Areas().Load(ctx, parentID)
		if err != nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, goa.ErrNotFound(err.Error()))

		reqArea := ctx.Payload.Data
		if reqArea.Attributes.Name == nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, errors.NewBadParameterError("data.attributes.name", nil).Expected("not nil"))

		childPath := area.ConvertToLtreeFormat(parentID.String())
		if parent.Path != "" {
			childPath = parent.Path + pathSepInDatabase + childPath
		newArea := area.Area{
			SpaceID: parent.SpaceID,
			Path:    childPath,
			Name:    *reqArea.Attributes.Name,

		err = appl.Areas().Create(ctx, &newArea)
		if err != nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, err)

		res := &app.AreaSingle{
			Data: ConvertArea(appl, ctx.RequestData, &newArea, addResolvedPath),
		ctx.ResponseData.Header().Set("Location", rest.AbsoluteURL(ctx.RequestData, app.AreaHref(res.Data.ID)))
		return ctx.Created(res)