func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
	var err error

	if err = configuration.Setup(""); err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("Failed to setup the configuration: %s", err.Error()))

	if _, c := os.LookupEnv(resource.Database); c != false {

		DB, err = gorm.Open("postgres", configuration.GetPostgresConfigString())

		if err != nil {
			panic("Failed to connect database: " + err.Error())
		defer DB.Close()

		// Make sure the database is populated with the correct types (e.g. bug etc.)
		if configuration.GetPopulateCommonTypes() {
			if err := models.Transactional(DB, func(tx *gorm.DB) error {
				return migration.PopulateCommonTypes(context.Background(), tx, workitem.NewWorkItemTypeRepository(tx))
			}); err != nil {


		// RemoteWorkItemScheduler now available for all other test cases
		RwiScheduler = remoteworkitem.NewScheduler(DB)
	os.Exit(func() int {
		c := m.Run()
		return c
func main() {
	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Parse flags
	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
	var configFilePath string
	var printConfig bool
	var migrateDB bool
	var scheduler *remoteworkitem.Scheduler
	flag.StringVar(&configFilePath, "config", "", "Path to the config file to read")
	flag.BoolVar(&printConfig, "printConfig", false, "Prints the config (including merged environment variables) and exits")
	flag.BoolVar(&migrateDB, "migrateDatabase", false, "Migrates the database to the newest version and exits.")

	// Override default -config switch with environment variable only if -config switch was
	// not explicitly given via the command line.
	configSwitchIsSet := false
	flag.Visit(func(f *flag.Flag) {
		if f.Name == "config" {
			configSwitchIsSet = true
	if !configSwitchIsSet {
		if envConfigPath, ok := os.LookupEnv("ALMIGHTY_CONFIG_FILE_PATH"); ok {
			configFilePath = envConfigPath

	var err error
	if err = configuration.Setup(configFilePath); err != nil {
		logrus.Panic(nil, map[string]interface{}{
			"configFilePath": configFilePath,
			"err":            err,
		}, "failed to setup the configuration")

	if printConfig {

	// Initialized developer mode flag for the logger


	var db *gorm.DB
	for {
		db, err = gorm.Open("postgres", configuration.GetPostgresConfigString())
		if err != nil {
			log.Logger().Errorf("ERROR: Unable to open connection to database %v\n", err)
			log.Logger().Infof("Retrying to connect in %v...\n", configuration.GetPostgresConnectionRetrySleep())
		} else {
			defer db.Close()

	if configuration.IsPostgresDeveloperModeEnabled() {
		db = db.Debug()

	// Migrate the schema
	err = migration.Migrate(db.DB())
	if err != nil {
		log.Panic(nil, map[string]interface{}{
			"err": fmt.Sprintf("%+v", err),
		}, "failed migration")

	// Nothing to here except exit, since the migration is already performed.
	if migrateDB {

	// Make sure the database is populated with the correct types (e.g. bug etc.)
	if configuration.GetPopulateCommonTypes() {
		// set a random request ID for the context
		ctx, req_id := client.ContextWithRequestID(context.Background())
		log.Debug(ctx, nil, "Initializing the population of the database... Request ID: %v", req_id)

		if err := models.Transactional(db, func(tx *gorm.DB) error {
			return migration.PopulateCommonTypes(ctx, tx, workitem.NewWorkItemTypeRepository(tx))
		}); err != nil {
			log.Panic(ctx, map[string]interface{}{
				"err": fmt.Sprintf("%+v", err),
			}, "failed to populate common types")
		if err := models.Transactional(db, func(tx *gorm.DB) error {
			return migration.BootstrapWorkItemLinking(ctx, link.NewWorkItemLinkCategoryRepository(tx), link.NewWorkItemLinkTypeRepository(tx))
		}); err != nil {
			log.Panic(ctx, map[string]interface{}{
				"err": fmt.Sprintf("%+v", err),
			}, "failed to bootstap work item linking")

	// Scheduler to fetch and import remote tracker items
	scheduler = remoteworkitem.NewScheduler(db)
	defer scheduler.Stop()

	// Create service
	service := goa.New("alm")

	// Mount middleware
	service.Use(jsonapi.ErrorHandler(service, true))


	publicKey, err := token.ParsePublicKey(configuration.GetTokenPublicKey())
	if err != nil {
		log.Panic(nil, map[string]interface{}{
			"err": fmt.Sprintf("%+v", err),
		}, "failed to parse public token")

	// Setup Account/Login/Security
	identityRepository := account.NewIdentityRepository(db)
	userRepository := account.NewUserRepository(db)

	tokenManager := token.NewManager(publicKey)
	app.UseJWTMiddleware(service, jwt.New(publicKey, nil, app.NewJWTSecurity()))

	// Mount "login" controller
	oauth := &oauth2.Config{
		ClientID:     configuration.GetKeycloakClientID(),
		ClientSecret: configuration.GetKeycloakSecret(),
		Scopes:       []string{"user:email"},
		Endpoint: oauth2.Endpoint{
			AuthURL:  configuration.GetKeycloakEndpointAuth(),
			TokenURL: configuration.GetKeycloakEndpointToken(),

	appDB := gormapplication.NewGormDB(db)

	loginService := login.NewKeycloakOAuthProvider(oauth, identityRepository, userRepository, tokenManager, appDB)
	loginCtrl := NewLoginController(service, loginService, tokenManager)
	app.MountLoginController(service, loginCtrl)

	// Mount "status" controller
	statusCtrl := NewStatusController(service, db)
	app.MountStatusController(service, statusCtrl)

	// Mount "workitem" controller
	workitemCtrl := NewWorkitemController(service, appDB)
	app.MountWorkitemController(service, workitemCtrl)

	// Mount "workitemtype" controller
	workitemtypeCtrl := NewWorkitemtypeController(service, appDB)
	app.MountWorkitemtypeController(service, workitemtypeCtrl)

	// Mount "work item link category" controller
	workItemLinkCategoryCtrl := NewWorkItemLinkCategoryController(service, appDB)
	app.MountWorkItemLinkCategoryController(service, workItemLinkCategoryCtrl)

	// Mount "work item link type" controller
	workItemLinkTypeCtrl := NewWorkItemLinkTypeController(service, appDB)
	app.MountWorkItemLinkTypeController(service, workItemLinkTypeCtrl)

	// Mount "work item link" controller
	workItemLinkCtrl := NewWorkItemLinkController(service, appDB)
	app.MountWorkItemLinkController(service, workItemLinkCtrl)

	// Mount "work item comments" controller
	workItemCommentsCtrl := NewWorkItemCommentsController(service, appDB)
	app.MountWorkItemCommentsController(service, workItemCommentsCtrl)

	// Mount "work item relationships links" controller
	workItemRelationshipsLinksCtrl := NewWorkItemRelationshipsLinksController(service, appDB)
	app.MountWorkItemRelationshipsLinksController(service, workItemRelationshipsLinksCtrl)

	// Mount "comments" controller
	commentsCtrl := NewCommentsController(service, appDB)
	app.MountCommentsController(service, commentsCtrl)

	// Mount "tracker" controller
	c5 := NewTrackerController(service, appDB, scheduler)
	app.MountTrackerController(service, c5)

	// Mount "trackerquery" controller
	c6 := NewTrackerqueryController(service, appDB, scheduler)
	app.MountTrackerqueryController(service, c6)

	// Mount "space" controller
	spaceCtrl := NewSpaceController(service, appDB)
	app.MountSpaceController(service, spaceCtrl)

	// Mount "user" controller
	userCtrl := NewUserController(service, appDB, tokenManager)
	app.MountUserController(service, userCtrl)

	// Mount "search" controller
	searchCtrl := NewSearchController(service, appDB)
	app.MountSearchController(service, searchCtrl)

	// Mount "indentity" controller
	identityCtrl := NewIdentityController(service, appDB)
	app.MountIdentityController(service, identityCtrl)

	// Mount "users" controller
	usersCtrl := NewUsersController(service, appDB)
	app.MountUsersController(service, usersCtrl)

	// Mount "iterations" controller
	iterationCtrl := NewIterationController(service, appDB)
	app.MountIterationController(service, iterationCtrl)

	// Mount "spaceiterations" controller
	spaceIterationCtrl := NewSpaceIterationsController(service, appDB)
	app.MountSpaceIterationsController(service, spaceIterationCtrl)

	// Mount "userspace" controller
	userspaceCtrl := NewUserspaceController(service, db)
	app.MountUserspaceController(service, userspaceCtrl)

	// Mount "render" controller
	renderCtrl := NewRenderController(service)
	app.MountRenderController(service, renderCtrl)

	// Mount "areas" controller
	areaCtrl := NewAreaController(service, appDB)
	app.MountAreaController(service, areaCtrl)

	spaceAreaCtrl := NewSpaceAreasController(service, appDB)
	app.MountSpaceAreasController(service, spaceAreaCtrl)

	log.Logger().Infoln("Git Commit SHA: ", Commit)
	log.Logger().Infoln("UTC Build Time: ", BuildTime)
	log.Logger().Infoln("UTC Start Time: ", StartTime)
	log.Logger().Infoln("Dev mode:       ", configuration.IsPostgresDeveloperModeEnabled())

	http.Handle("/api/", service.Mux)
	http.Handle("/", http.FileServer(assetFS()))
	http.Handle("/favicon.ico", http.NotFoundHandler())

	// Start http
	if err := http.ListenAndServe(configuration.GetHTTPAddress(), nil); err != nil {
		log.Error(nil, map[string]interface{}{
			"addr": configuration.GetHTTPAddress(),
			"err":  err,
		}, "unable to connect to server")
		service.LogError("startup", "err", err)
