func mergeValuesMsgs(lmsgs, rmsgs []datasource.Message, lcols, rcols []*expr.Column, cols map[string]*expr.Column) []*datasource.SqlDriverMessageMap {
	out := make([]*datasource.SqlDriverMessageMap, 0)
	//u.Infof("merge values: %v:%v", len(lcols), len(rcols))
	for _, lm := range lmsgs {
		switch lmt := lm.(type) {
		case *datasource.SqlDriverMessage:
			//u.Warnf("got sql driver message: %#v", lmt.Vals)
			for _, rm := range rmsgs {
				switch rmt := rm.(type) {
				case *datasource.SqlDriverMessage:
					// for k, val := range rmt.Vals {
					// 	u.Debugf("k=%v v=%v", k, val)
					// }
					newMsg := datasource.NewSqlDriverMessageMap()
					newMsg = reAlias2(newMsg, lmt.Vals, lcols)
					newMsg = reAlias2(newMsg, rmt.Vals, rcols)
					//u.Debugf("pre:  %#v", lmt.Vals)
					//u.Debugf("newMsg:  %#v", newMsg.Vals)
					out = append(out, newMsg)
					u.Warnf("uknown type: %T", rm)
			u.Warnf("uknown type: %T   %T", lmt, lm)
	return out
func (m *JoinMerge) mergeValueMessages(lmsgs, rmsgs []*datasource.SqlDriverMessageMap) []*datasource.SqlDriverMessageMap {
	// m.leftStmt.Columns, m.rightStmt.Columns, nil
	//func mergeValuesMsgs(lmsgs, rmsgs []datasource.Message, lcols, rcols []*rel.Column, cols map[string]*rel.Column) []*datasource.SqlDriverMessageMap {
	out := make([]*datasource.SqlDriverMessageMap, 0)
	//u.Infof("merge values: %v:%v", len(lcols), len(rcols))
	for _, lm := range lmsgs {
		//u.Warnf("nice SqlDriverMessageMap: %#v", lmt)
		for _, rm := range rmsgs {
			vals := make([]driver.Value, len(m.colIndex))
			vals = m.valIndexing(vals, lm.Values(), m.leftStmt.Source.Columns)
			vals = m.valIndexing(vals, rm.Values(), m.rightStmt.Source.Columns)
			newMsg := datasource.NewSqlDriverMessageMap(0, vals, m.colIndex)
			//u.Infof("out: %+v", newMsg)
			out = append(out, newMsg)
	return out
func (m *SourceJoin) mergeValueMessages(lmsgs, rmsgs []datasource.Message) []*datasource.SqlDriverMessageMap {
	// m.leftStmt.Columns, m.rightStmt.Columns, nil
	//func mergeValuesMsgs(lmsgs, rmsgs []datasource.Message, lcols, rcols []*expr.Column, cols map[string]*expr.Column) []*datasource.SqlDriverMessageMap {
	out := make([]*datasource.SqlDriverMessageMap, 0)
	//u.Infof("merge values: %v:%v", len(lcols), len(rcols))
	for _, lm := range lmsgs {
		switch lmt := lm.(type) {
		case *datasource.SqlDriverMessage:
			//u.Warnf("got sql driver message: %#v", lmt)
			for _, rm := range rmsgs {
				switch rmt := rm.(type) {
				case *datasource.SqlDriverMessage:
					// for k, val := range rmt.Vals {
					// 	u.Debugf("k=%v v=%v", k, val)
					// }
					// newMsg := datasource.NewSqlDriverMessageMapEmpty()
					// newMsg = reAlias2(newMsg, lmt.Vals, m.leftStmt.Columns)
					// newMsg = reAlias2(newMsg, rmt.Vals, m.rightStmt.Columns)
					vals := make([]driver.Value, len(m.colIndex))
					vals = m.valIndexing(vals, lmt.Vals, m.leftStmt.Columns)
					vals = m.valIndexing(vals, rmt.Vals, m.rightStmt.Columns)
					newMsg := datasource.NewSqlDriverMessageMap(0, vals, m.colIndex)
					//u.Debugf("pre:  left:%#v  right:%#v", lmt.Vals, rmt.Vals)
					//u.Debugf("newMsg:  %#v", newMsg.Row())
					out = append(out, newMsg)
				case *datasource.SqlDriverMessageMap:
					// for k, val := range rmt.Row() {
					// 	u.Debugf("k=%v v=%v", k, val)
					// }
					newMsg := datasource.NewSqlDriverMessageMapEmpty()
					newMsg = reAlias2(newMsg, lmt.Vals, m.leftStmt.Columns)
					newMsg = reAlias2(newMsg, rmt.Values(), m.rightStmt.Columns)
					//u.Debugf("pre:  %#v", lmt.Row())
					//u.Debugf("newMsg:  %#v", newMsg.Row())
					out = append(out, newMsg)
					u.Warnf("uknown type: %T", rm)
		case *datasource.SqlDriverMessageMap:
			for _, rm := range rmsgs {
				switch rmt := rm.(type) {
				case *datasource.SqlDriverMessage:
					// for k, val := range rmt.Row() {
					// 	u.Debugf("k=%v v=%v", k, val)
					// }
					u.Warnf("not implemented")
					//newMsg := datasource.NewSqlDriverMessageMapEmpty()
					//newMsg = m.reAlias(newMsg, lmt.Values(), m.leftStmt.Columns)
					//newMsg = m.reAlias(newMsg, rmt.Values(), m.rightStmt.Columns)
					//u.Debugf("pre:  %#v", lmt.Row())
					//u.Debugf("newMsg:  %#v", newMsg.Row())
					//out = append(out, newMsg)
				case *datasource.SqlDriverMessageMap:
					// for k, val := range rmt.Row() {
					// 	u.Debugf("k=%v v=%v", k, val)
					// }
					vals := make([]driver.Value, len(m.colIndex))
					vals = m.valIndexing(vals, lmt.Values(), m.leftStmt.Columns)
					vals = m.valIndexing(vals, rmt.Values(), m.rightStmt.Columns)
					newMsg := datasource.NewSqlDriverMessageMap(0, vals, m.colIndex)
					out = append(out, newMsg)
					u.Warnf("uknown type: %T", rm)
			u.Warnf("uknown type: %T   %T", lmt, lm)
	return out
// Create handler function for evaluation (ie, field selection from tuples)
func (m *Projection) projectionEvaluator(isFinal bool) MessageHandler {

	out := m.MessageOut()
	columns := m.p.Stmt.Columns
	colIndex := m.p.Stmt.ColIndexes()
	limit := m.p.Stmt.Limit
	if limit == 0 {
		limit = math.MaxInt32
	colCt := len(columns)
	// If we have a projection, use that as col count
	if m.p.Proj != nil {
		colCt = len(m.p.Proj.Columns)

	// if m.p.Proj == nil {
	// 	u.Warnf("What, requires Projection?  %#v", m.p)
	// }
	//u.Debugf("limit: %d   colindex: %#v", limit, colIndex)
	//u.Debugf("plan projection columns: %#v", m.p.Proj.Columns)
	//u.Debugf("columns: %#v", columns)

	rowCt := 0
	return func(ctx *plan.Context, msg schema.Message) bool {

		select {
		case <-m.SigChan():
			u.Debugf("%p closed, returning", m)
			return false

		//u.Infof("got projection message: %T %#v", msg, msg.Body())
		var outMsg schema.Message
		switch mt := msg.(type) {
		case *datasource.SqlDriverMessageMap:
			// use our custom write context for example purposes
			row := make([]driver.Value, colCt)
			rdr := datasource.NewNestedContextReader([]expr.ContextReader{
			}, mt.Ts())
			//u.Debugf("about to project: %#v", mt)
			colCt := 0
			for i, col := range columns {
				//u.Debugf("col: idx:%v sidx: %v pidx:%v key:%v   %s", col.Index, col.SourceIndex, col.ParentIndex, col.Key(), col.Expr)

				if isFinal && col.ParentIndex < 0 {

				if col.Guard != nil {
					ifColValue, ok := vm.Eval(rdr, col.Guard)
					if !ok {
						u.Errorf("Could not evaluate if:   %v", col.Guard.String())
						//return fmt.Errorf("Could not evaluate if clause: %v", col.Guard.String())
					//u.Debugf("if eval val:  %T:%v", ifColValue, ifColValue)
					switch ifColVal := ifColValue.(type) {
					case value.BoolValue:
						if ifColVal.Val() == false {
							//u.Debugf("Filtering out col")
				if col.Star {
					starRow := mt.Values()
					//u.Infof("star row: %#v", starRow)
					if len(columns) > 1 {
						//   select *, myvar, 1
						newRow := make([]driver.Value, len(starRow)+len(colIndex)-1)
						for curi := 0; curi < i; curi++ {
							newRow[curi] = row[curi]
						row = newRow
						for _, v := range starRow {
							colCt += 1
							//writeContext.Put(&expr.Column{As: k}, nil, value.NewValue(v))
							row[i+colCt] = v
					} else {
						for _, v := range starRow {
							colCt += 1
							//writeContext.Put(&expr.Column{As: k}, nil, value.NewValue(v))
							//u.Infof("i:%d  colct: %v   v:%v", i, colCt, v)
							row[i+colCt] = v

				} else if col.Expr == nil {
					u.Warnf("wat?   nil col expr? %#v", col)
				} else {
					v, ok := vm.Eval(rdr, col.Expr)
					if !ok {
						u.Warnf("failed eval key=%v  val=%#v expr:%s   mt:%#v", col.Key(), v, col.Expr, mt)
						// for k, v := range ctx.Session.Row() {
						// 	u.Infof("%p session? %s: %v", ctx.Session, k, v.Value())
						// }

					} else if v == nil {
						//u.Debugf("%#v", col)
						//u.Debugf("evaled nil? key=%v  val=%v expr:%s", col.Key(), v, col.Expr.String())
						//writeContext.Put(col, mt, v)
						//u.Infof("mt: %T  mt %#v", mt, mt)
						row[i+colCt] = nil //v.Value()
					} else {
						//u.Debugf("evaled: key=%v  val=%v", col.Key(), v.Value())
						//writeContext.Put(col, mt, v)
						row[i+colCt] = v.Value()
			//u.Infof("row: %#v", row)
			//u.Infof("row cols: %v", colIndex)
			outMsg = datasource.NewSqlDriverMessageMap(0, row, colIndex)

		case expr.ContextReader:
			//u.Warnf("nice, got context reader? %T", mt)
			row := make([]driver.Value, len(columns))
			//u.Debugf("about to project: %#v", mt)
			colCt := 0
			for i, col := range columns {
				//u.Debugf("col: idx:%v sidx: %v pidx:%v key:%v   %s", col.Index, col.SourceIndex, col.ParentIndex, col.Key(), col.Expr)

				if isFinal && col.ParentIndex < 0 {

				if col.Guard != nil {
					ifColValue, ok := vm.Eval(mt, col.Guard)
					if !ok {
						u.Errorf("Could not evaluate if:   %v", col.Guard.String())
						//return fmt.Errorf("Could not evaluate if clause: %v", col.Guard.String())
					//u.Debugf("if eval val:  %T:%v", ifColValue, ifColValue)
					switch ifColVal := ifColValue.(type) {
					case value.BoolValue:
						if ifColVal.Val() == false {
							//u.Debugf("Filtering out col")
				if col.Star {
					starRow := mt.Row()
					newRow := make([]driver.Value, len(starRow)+len(colIndex))
					for curi := 0; curi < i; curi++ {
						newRow[curi] = row[curi]
					row = newRow
					for _, v := range starRow {
						colCt += 1
						//writeContext.Put(&expr.Column{As: k}, nil, value.NewValue(v))
						row[i+colCt] = v
				} else if col.Expr == nil {
					u.Warnf("wat?   nil col expr? %#v", col)
				} else {
					v, ok := vm.Eval(mt, col.Expr)
					if !ok {
						//u.Warnf("failed eval key=%v  val=%#v expr:%s   mt:%#v", col.Key(), v, col.Expr, mt.Row())
					} else if v == nil {
						//u.Debugf("%#v", col)
						//u.Debugf("evaled nil? key=%v  val=%v expr:%s", col.Key(), v, col.Expr.String())
						//writeContext.Put(col, mt, v)
						//u.Infof("mt: %T  mt %#v", mt, mt)
						row[i+colCt] = nil //v.Value()
					} else {
						//u.Debugf("evaled: key=%v  val=%v", col.Key(), v.Value())
						//writeContext.Put(col, mt, v)
						row[i+colCt] = v.Value()
			//u.Infof("row: %#v cols:%#v", row, colIndex)
			//u.Infof("row cols: %v", colIndex)
			outMsg = datasource.NewSqlDriverMessageMap(0, row, colIndex)

			u.Errorf("could not project msg:  %T", msg)

		if rowCt >= limit {
			//u.Debugf("%p Projection reaching Limit!!! rowct:%v  limit:%v", m, rowCt, limit)
			out <- nil // Sending nil message is a message to downstream to shutdown
			m.Quit()   // should close rest of dag as well
			return false

		//u.Debugf("row:%d  completed projection for: %p %#v", rowCt, out, outMsg)
		select {
		case out <- outMsg:
			return true
		case <-m.SigChan():
			return false
// interface for Upsert.Put()
func (m *StaticDataSource) Put(ctx context.Context, key datasource.Key, row interface{}) (datasource.Key, error) {

	switch rowVals := row.(type) {
	case []driver.Value:
		if len(rowVals) != len(m.Columns()) {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Wrong number of columns, got %v expected %v", len(rowVals), len(m.Columns()))
		id := makeId(rowVals[m.indexCol])
		sdm := datasource.NewSqlDriverMessageMap(id, rowVals, m.tbl.FieldPositions)
		item := DriverItem{sdm}
		//u.Debugf("PUT: %#v", rowVals)
		return NewKey(id), nil
	case map[string]driver.Value:
		// We need to convert the key:value to []driver.Value so
		// we need to look up column index for each key, and write to vals

		// TODO:   if this is a partial update, we need to look up vals
		row := make([]driver.Value, len(m.Columns()))
		if len(rowVals) < len(m.Columns()) {
			// How do we get the key?

		for key, val := range rowVals {
			if keyIdx, ok := m.tbl.FieldPositions[key]; ok {
				row[keyIdx] = val
			} else {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("Found column in Put that doesn't exist in cols: %v", key)
		id := uint64(0)
		if key == nil {
			if row[m.indexCol] == nil {
				// Since we do not have an indexed column to work off of,
				// the ideal would be to get the job builder/planner to do
				// a scan with whatever info we have and feed that in?   Instead
				// of us implementing our own scan?
				u.Warnf("wtf, nil key? %v %v", m.indexCol, row)
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot update on non index column ")
			id = makeId(row[m.indexCol])
		} else {
			id = makeId(key)
			sdm, _ := m.Get(key)
			//u.Debugf("sdm: %#v  err%v", sdm, err)
			if sdm != nil {
				if dmval, ok := sdm.Body().(*datasource.SqlDriverMessageMap); ok {
					for i, val := range dmval.Values() {
						if row[i] == nil {
							row[i] = val
		//u.Debugf("PUT: %#v", row)
		//u.Infof("PUT: %v  key:%v  row:%v", id, key, row)
		sdm := datasource.NewSqlDriverMessageMap(id, row, m.tbl.FieldPositions)
		item := DriverItem{sdm}
		return NewKey(id), nil
		u.Warnf("not implemented %T", row)
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Expected []driver.Value but got %T", row)
	return nil, nil