// Draw the "fall" view onto the given PixMap.
func Draw(pm nimble.PixMap, invaders []Invader) {
	if pm.Width() != background.Width() || pm.Height() != background.Height() {
		panic("fall.Draw: pm and background differ in size")

	drawDot := false
	time := nimble.Now()
	if time-lastDotTime >= dotTimeInterval {
		lastDotTime = time
		drawDot = true

	pm.Copy(0, 0, &background)
	xScale := float32(pm.Width() - tickHalfWidth)   // Avoid clipping tic on right side
	yScale := float32(pm.Height() - tickHalfHeight) // Avoid clippling tic on bottom
	xOffset := float32(0)
	yOffset := float32(0)
	for _, inv := range invaders {
		x := int32(inv.Amplitude*xScale + xOffset)
		y := int32(inv.Progress*yScale + yOffset)
		r := nimble.Rect{
			Left:   x - tickHalfWidth,
			Top:    y - tickHalfHeight,
			Right:  x + tickHalfWidth,
			Bottom: y + tickHalfHeight,
		pm.DrawRect(r, inv.Color)
		background.DrawRect(r, nimble.Black)
		if drawDot {
			if doty := r.Top - 1; background.Contains(x, doty) {
				background.SetPixel(x, doty, inv.Color)
func DrawMenuBar(pm nimble.PixMap, menuBar []*Menu) {
	// Draw menu
	x := int32(0)
	for _, m := range menuBar {
		m.Draw(pm, x, 0)
		w, _ := m.TabSize()
		x += w
	h := menuFont.Height()
	pm.DrawRect(nimble.Rect{Top: 0, Left: x, Bottom: h, Right: pm.Width()}, backgroundColor)
	pm.DrawRect(nimble.Rect{Top: h, Left: x, Bottom: h + 1, Right: pm.Width()}, separatorColor)