func (*StepValidate) Run(state multistep.StateBag) multistep.StepAction {
	client := state.Get(constants.RequestManager).(management.Client)
	ui := state.Get(constants.Ui).(packer.Ui)
	config := state.Get(constants.Config).(*Config)

	ui.Say("Validating Azure options...")

	role := vmutils.NewVMConfiguration(config.tmpVmName, config.InstanceSize)

	ui.Message("Checking Storage Account...")
	destinationVhd, err := validateStorageAccount(config, client)
	if err != nil {
		err = fmt.Errorf("Error checking storage account: %v", err)
		state.Put("error", err)
		return multistep.ActionHalt
	ui.Message(fmt.Sprintf("Destination VHD: %s", destinationVhd))

	if err := func() error {
		if config.RemoteSourceImageLink != "" {
			ui.Message("Checking remote image source link...")
			response, err := http.DefaultClient.Head(config.RemoteSourceImageLink)
			if response != nil && response.Body != nil {
				defer response.Body.Close()
			if err != nil {
				log.Printf("HTTP client returned error: %s", err)
				return fmt.Errorf("error checking remote image source link: %v", err)
			if response.StatusCode != 200 {
				return fmt.Errorf("Unexpected status while retrieving remote image source at %s: %d %s", config.RemoteSourceImageLink, response.StatusCode, response.Status)
			size := float64(response.ContentLength) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024
			ui.Say(fmt.Sprintf("Remote image size: %.1f GiB", size))

			vmutils.ConfigureDeploymentFromRemoteImage(&role, config.RemoteSourceImageLink, config.OSType, fmt.Sprintf("%s-OSDisk", config.tmpVmName), destinationVhd, "")
			if config.ResizeOSVhdGB != nil {
				if float64(*config.ResizeOSVhdGB) < size {
					return fmt.Errorf("new OS VHD size of %d GiB is smaller than current size of %.1f GiB", *config.ResizeOSVhdGB, size)
				ui.Say(fmt.Sprintf("Remote image will be resized to %d GiB", *config.ResizeOSVhdGB))
				role.OSVirtualHardDisk.ResizedSizeInGB = *config.ResizeOSVhdGB

		} else {
			ui.Message("Checking image source...")
			imageList, err := osimage.NewClient(client).ListOSImages()
			if err != nil {
				log.Printf("OS image client returned error: %s", err)
				return err

			if osImage, found := FindOSImage(imageList.OSImages, config.OSImageLabel, config.Location); found {
				vmutils.ConfigureDeploymentFromPlatformImage(&role, osImage.Name, destinationVhd, "")
				ui.Message(fmt.Sprintf("Image source is OS image %q", osImage.Name))
				if osImage.OS != config.OSType {
					return fmt.Errorf("OS image type (%q) does not match config (%q)", osImage.OS, config.OSType)
				if config.ResizeOSVhdGB != nil {
					if float64(*config.ResizeOSVhdGB) < osImage.LogicalSizeInGB {
						return fmt.Errorf("new OS VHD size of %d GiB is smaller than current size of %.1f GiB", *config.ResizeOSVhdGB, osImage.LogicalSizeInGB)
					ui.Say(fmt.Sprintf("OS image will be resized to %d GiB", *config.ResizeOSVhdGB))
					role.OSVirtualHardDisk.ResizedSizeInGB = *config.ResizeOSVhdGB
			} else {
				imageList, err := vmimage.NewClient(client).ListVirtualMachineImages(
						Location: config.Location,
				if err != nil {
					log.Printf("VM image client returned error: %s", err)
					return err

				if vmImage, found := FindVmImage(imageList.VMImages, "", config.OSImageLabel); found {
					if config.ResizeOSVhdGB != nil {
						return fmt.Errorf("Packer cannot resize VM images")
					if vmImage.OSDiskConfiguration.OSState != vmimage.OSStateGeneralized {
						return fmt.Errorf("Packer can only use VM user images with a generalized OS so that it can be reprovisioned. The specified image OS is not in a generalized state.")

					if vmImage.Category == vmimage.CategoryUser {
						//vmutils.ConfigureDeploymentFromUserVMImage(&role, vmImage.Name)
						role.VMImageName = vmImage.Name
					} else {
						vmutils.ConfigureDeploymentFromPublishedVMImage(&role, vmImage.Name, destinationVhd, true)

					ui.Message(fmt.Sprintf("Image source is VM image %q", vmImage.Name))
					if vmImage.OSDiskConfiguration.OS != config.OSType {
						return fmt.Errorf("VM image type (%q) does not match config (%q)", vmImage.OSDiskConfiguration.OS, config.OSType)
				} else {
					return fmt.Errorf("Can't find VM or OS image '%s' Located at '%s'", config.OSImageLabel, config.Location)
		return nil
	}(); err != nil {
		err = fmt.Errorf("Error determining deployment source: %v", err)
		state.Put("error", err)
		return multistep.ActionHalt

	if config.OSType == constants.Target_Linux {
		certThumbprint := state.Get(constants.Thumbprint).(string)
		if len(certThumbprint) == 0 {
			err := fmt.Errorf("Certificate Thumbprint is empty")
			state.Put("error", err)
			return multistep.ActionHalt
		vmutils.ConfigureForLinux(&role, config.tmpVmName, config.UserName, "", certThumbprint)

		// disallowing password login is irreversible on some images, see https://github.com/Azure/packer-azure/issues/62
		for i, _ := range role.ConfigurationSets {
			if role.ConfigurationSets[i].ConfigurationSetType == vm.ConfigurationSetTypeLinuxProvisioning {
				role.ConfigurationSets[i].DisableSSHPasswordAuthentication = "false"

	} else if config.OSType == constants.Target_Windows {
		password := common.RandomPassword()
		state.Put("password", password)
		vmutils.ConfigureForWindows(&role, config.tmpVmName, config.UserName, password, true, "")

	if config.VNet != "" && config.Subnet != "" {
		ui.Message("Checking VNet...")
		if err := checkVirtualNetworkConfiguration(client, config.VNet, config.Subnet, config.Location); err != nil {
			state.Put("error", err)
			return multistep.ActionHalt
		vmutils.ConfigureWithSubnet(&role, config.Subnet)

	for n, d := range config.DataDisks {
		switch d := d.(type) {
		case int:
			ui.Message(fmt.Sprintf("Configuring datadisk %d: new disk with size %d GB...", n, d))
			destination := fmt.Sprintf("%s-data-%d.vhd", destinationVhd[:len(destinationVhd)-4], n)
			ui.Message(fmt.Sprintf("Destination VHD for data disk %s: %d", destinationVhd, n))
			vmutils.ConfigureWithNewDataDisk(&role, "", destination, d, vmdisk.HostCachingTypeNone)
		case string:
			ui.Message(fmt.Sprintf("Configuring datadisk %d: existing blob (%s)...", n, d))
			vmutils.ConfigureWithVhdDataDisk(&role, d, vmdisk.HostCachingTypeNone)
			err := fmt.Errorf("Datadisk %d is not a string nor a number", n)
			state.Put("error", err)
			return multistep.ActionHalt


	state.Put("role", &role)

	return multistep.ActionContinue
func (*StepValidate) Run(state multistep.StateBag) multistep.StepAction {
	client := state.Get(constants.RequestManager).(management.Client)
	ui := state.Get(constants.Ui).(packer.Ui)
	config := state.Get(constants.Config).(*Config)

	ui.Say("Validating Azure options...")

	role := vmutils.NewVMConfiguration(config.tmpVmName, config.InstanceSize)

	ui.Message("Checking Storage Account...")
	destinationVhd, err := validateStorageAccount(config, client)
	if err != nil {
		err = fmt.Errorf("Error checking storage account: %v", err)
		state.Put("error", err)
		return multistep.ActionHalt
	ui.Message(fmt.Sprintf("Destination VHD: %s", destinationVhd))

	if err := func() error {
		if config.RemoteSourceImageLink != "" {
			ui.Message("Checking remote image source link...")
			response, err := http.DefaultClient.Head(config.RemoteSourceImageLink)
			if response != nil && response.Body != nil {
				defer response.Body.Close()
			if err != nil {
				log.Printf("HTTP client returned error: %s", err)
				return fmt.Errorf("error checking remote image source link: %v", err)
			if response.StatusCode != 200 {
				return fmt.Errorf("Unexpected status while retrieving remote image source at %s: %d %s", config.RemoteSourceImageLink, response.StatusCode, response.Status)
			size := float64(response.ContentLength) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024
			ui.Say(fmt.Sprintf("Remote image size: %.1f GiB", size))

			vmutils.ConfigureDeploymentFromRemoteImage(&role, config.RemoteSourceImageLink, config.OSType, fmt.Sprintf("%s-OSDisk", config.tmpVmName), destinationVhd, "")
		} else {
			ui.Message("Checking image source...")
			imageList, err := osimage.NewClient(client).ListOSImages()
			if err != nil {
				log.Printf("OS image client returned error: %s", err)
				return err

			if osImage, found := FindOSImage(imageList.OSImages, config.OSImageLabel, config.Location); found {
				vmutils.ConfigureDeploymentFromPlatformImage(&role, osImage.Name, destinationVhd, "")
				ui.Message(fmt.Sprintf("Image source is OS image %q", osImage.Name))
				if osImage.OS != config.OSType {
					return fmt.Errorf("OS image type (%q) does not match config (%q)", osImage.OS, config.OSType)
			} else {
				imageList, err := vmimage.NewClient(client).ListVirtualMachineImages()
				if err != nil {
					log.Printf("VM image client returned error: %s", err)
					return err

				if vmImage, found := FindVmImage(imageList.VMImages, "", config.OSImageLabel, config.Location); found {
					vmutils.ConfigureDeploymentFromVMImage(&role, vmImage.Name, destinationVhd, true)
					ui.Message(fmt.Sprintf("Image source is VM image %q", vmImage.Name))
					if vmImage.OSDiskConfiguration.OS != config.OSType {
						return fmt.Errorf("VM image type (%q) does not match config (%q)", vmImage.OSDiskConfiguration.OS, config.OSType)
				} else {
					return fmt.Errorf("Can't find VM or OS image '%s' Located at '%s'", config.OSImageLabel, config.Location)
		return nil
	}(); err != nil {
		err = fmt.Errorf("Error determining deployment source: %v", err)
		state.Put("error", err)
		return multistep.ActionHalt

	if config.OSType == constants.Target_Linux {
		certThumbprint := state.Get(constants.Thumbprint).(string)
		if len(certThumbprint) == 0 {
			err := fmt.Errorf("Certificate Thumbprint is empty")
			state.Put("error", err)
			return multistep.ActionHalt
		vmutils.ConfigureForLinux(&role, config.tmpVmName, config.UserName, "", certThumbprint)
	} else if config.OSType == constants.Target_Windows {
		password := utils.RandomPassword()
		state.Put("password", password)
		vmutils.ConfigureForWindows(&role, config.tmpVmName, config.UserName, password, true, "")

	if config.VNet != "" && config.Subnet != "" {
		ui.Message("Checking VNet...")
		if err := checkVirtualNetworkConfiguration(client, config.VNet, config.Subnet, config.Location); err != nil {
			state.Put("error", err)
			return multistep.ActionHalt
		vmutils.ConfigureWithSubnet(&role, config.Subnet)

	state.Put("role", &role)

	return multistep.ActionContinue