func newDocumentsWriterPerThread(segmentName string,
	directory store.Directory, indexWriterConfig *LiveIndexWriterConfig,
	infoStream util.InfoStream, deleteQueue *DocumentsWriterDeleteQueue,
	fieldInfos *model.FieldInfosBuilder) *DocumentsWriterPerThread {

	counter := util.NewCounter()
	ans := &DocumentsWriterPerThread{
		directoryOrig:      directory,
		directory:          store.NewTrackingDirectoryWrapper(directory),
		fieldInfos:         fieldInfos,
		indexWriterConfig:  indexWriterConfig,
		infoStream:         infoStream,
		codec:              indexWriterConfig.codec,
		_bytesUsed:         counter,
		byteBlockAllocator: util.NewDirectTrackingAllocator(counter),
		pendingDeletes:     newBufferedDeletes(),
		intBlockAllocator:  newIntBlockAllocator(counter),
		deleteQueue:        deleteQueue,
		deleteSlice:        deleteQueue.newSlice(),
		segmentInfo:        model.NewSegmentInfo(directory, util.LUCENE_MAIN_VERSION, segmentName, -1, false, indexWriterConfig.codec, nil, nil),
		filesToDelete:      make(map[string]bool),
	ans.docState = newDocState(ans, infoStream)
	ans.docState.similarity = indexWriterConfig.similarity
	assertn(ans.numDocsInRAM == 0, "num docs ", ans.numDocsInRAM)
	if DWPT_VERBOSE && infoStream.IsEnabled("DWPT") {
		infoStream.Message("DWPT", "init seg=%v delQueue=%v", segmentName, deleteQueue)
	// this should be the last call in the ctor
	// it really sucks that we need to pull this within the ctor and pass this ref to the chain!
	ans.consumer = indexWriterConfig.indexingChain(ans)
	return ans
Commit live docs (writes new _X_N.del files) and field update (writes
new _X_N.del files) to the directory; returns true if it wrote any
file and false if there were no new deletes or updates to write:
func (rld *ReadersAndUpdates) writeLiveDocs(dir store.Directory) (bool, error) {
	panic("not implemented yet")
	defer rld.Unlock()

	log.Printf("rld.writeLiveDocs seg=%v pendingDelCount=%v", rld.info, rld._pendingDeleteCount)
	if rld._pendingDeleteCount != 0 {
		// We have new deletes
		assert(rld._liveDocs.Length() == rld.info.Info.DocCount())

		// Do this so we can delete any created files on error; this
		// saves all codecs from having to do it:
		trackingDir := store.NewTrackingDirectoryWrapper(dir)

		// We can write directly to the actual name (vs to a .tmp &
		// renaming it) becaues the file is not live until segments file
		// is written:
		var success = false
		defer func() {
			if !success {
				// Advance only the nextWriteDelGen so that a 2nd attempt to
				// write will write to a new file

				// Delete any partially created files(s):
				trackingDir.EachCreatedFiles(func(filename string) {
					dir.DeleteFile(filename) // ignore error

		err := rld.info.Info.Codec().(Codec).LiveDocsFormat().WriteLiveDocs(rld._liveDocs.(util.MutableBits),
			trackingDir, rld.info, rld._pendingDeleteCount, store.IO_CONTEXT_DEFAULT)
		if err != nil {
			return false, err
		success = true

		// If we hit an error in the line above (e.g. disk full) then
		// info's delGen remains pointing to the previous (successfully
		// written) del docs:
		rld.info.SetDelCount(rld.info.DelCount() + rld._pendingDeleteCount)
		assert(rld.info.DelCount() <= rld.info.Info.DocCount())

		rld._pendingDeleteCount = 0
		return true, nil
	return false, nil