A utility for writing the SEGMENTS_GEN file to a Directory.

NOTE: this is an internal utility which is kept public so that it's
accessible by code from other packages. You should avoid calling this
method unless you're absolutely sure what you're doing!
func writeSegmentsGen(dir store.Directory, generation int64) {
	if err := func() (err error) {
		var genOutput store.IndexOutput
		genOutput, err = dir.CreateOutput(INDEX_FILENAME_SEGMENTS_GEN, store.IO_CONTEXT_READONCE)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		defer func() {
			err = mergeError(err, genOutput.Close())
			err = mergeError(err, dir.Sync([]string{INDEX_FILENAME_SEGMENTS_GEN}))

		if err = genOutput.WriteInt(FORMAT_SEGMENTS_GEN_CURRENT); err == nil {
			if err = genOutput.WriteLong(generation); err == nil {
				if err = genOutput.WriteLong(generation); err == nil {
					err = codec.WriteFooter(genOutput)
		return err
	}(); err != nil {
		// It's OK if we fail to write this file since it's used only as
		// one of the retry fallbacks.
		// Ignore error; this file is only used in a retry fallback on init
Writes this vector to the file name in Directory d, in a format that
can be read by the constructor BitVector(Directory, String, IOContext)
func (bv *BitVector) Write(d store.Directory, name string, ctx store.IOContext) (err error) {
	assert(reflect.TypeOf(d).Name() != "CompoundFileDirectory")
	var output store.IndexOutput
	if output, err = d.CreateOutput(name, ctx); err != nil {
		return err
	defer func() {
		err = mergeError(err, output.Close())

	if err = output.WriteInt(-2); err != nil {
		return err
	if err = codec.WriteHeader(output, CODEC, BV_VERSION_CURRENT); err != nil {
		return err
	if bv.isSparse() {
		// sparse bit-set more efficiently saved as d-gaps.
		err = bv.writeClearedDgaps(output)
	} else {
		err = bv.writeBits(output)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if err = codec.WriteFooter(output); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
func (w *Lucene40SegmentInfoWriter) Write(dir store.Directory,
	si *SegmentInfo, fis FieldInfos, ctx store.IOContext) (err error) {

	filename := util.SegmentFileName(si.Name, "", LUCENE40_SI_EXTENSION)

	var output store.IndexOutput
	output, err = dir.CreateOutput(filename, ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	var success = false
	defer func() {
		if !success {
			si.Dir.DeleteFile(filename) // ignore error
		} else {
			err = mergeError(err, output.Close())

	err = codec.WriteHeader(output, LUCENE40_CODEC_NAME, LUCENE40_VERSION_CURRENT)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	// Write the Lucene version that created this segment, since 3.1
	err = store.Stream(output).WriteString(si.Version().String()).
		WriteByte(func() byte {
			if si.IsCompoundFile() {
			return byte((SEGMENT_INFO_NO + 256) % 256) // Go byte is non-negative, unlike Java
	if err != nil {
		return err

	success = true
	return nil
func (w *MockDirectoryWrapper) _crash() error {
	w.crashed = true
	w.openFiles = make(map[string]int)
	w.openFilesForWrite = make(map[string]bool)
	w.openFilesDeleted = make(map[string]bool)
	files := w.unSyncedFiles
	w.unSyncedFiles = make(map[string]bool)
	// first force-close all files, so we can corrupt on windows etc.
	// clone the file map, as these guys want to remove themselves on close.
	m := make(map[io.Closer]error)
	for k, v := range w.openFileHandles {
		m[k] = v
	for f, _ := range m {
		f.Close() // ignore error

	for name, _ := range files {
		var action string
		var err error
		switch w.randomState.Intn(5) {
		case 0:
			action = "deleted"
			err = w.deleteFile(name, true)
		case 1:
			action = "zeroes"
			// Zero out file entirely
			var length int64
			length, err = w.FileLength(name)
			if err == nil {
				zeroes := make([]byte, 256)
				var upto int64 = 0
				var out store.IndexOutput
				out, err = w.BaseDirectoryWrapperImpl.CreateOutput(name, NewDefaultIOContext(w.randomState))
				if err == nil {
					for upto < length && err == nil {
						limit := length - upto
						if int64(len(zeroes)) < limit {
							limit = int64(len(zeroes))
						err = out.WriteBytes(zeroes[:limit])
						upto += limit
					if err == nil {
						err = out.Close()
		case 2:
			action = "partially truncated"
			// Partially Truncate the file:

			// First, make temp file and copy only half this file over:
			var tempFilename string
			for {
				tempFilename = fmt.Sprintf("%v", w.randomState.Int())
				if !w.BaseDirectoryWrapperImpl.FileExists(tempFilename) {
			var tempOut store.IndexOutput
			if tempOut, err = w.BaseDirectoryWrapperImpl.CreateOutput(tempFilename, NewDefaultIOContext(w.randomState)); err == nil {
				var ii store.IndexInput
				if ii, err = w.BaseDirectoryWrapperImpl.OpenInput(name, NewDefaultIOContext(w.randomState)); err == nil {
					if err = tempOut.CopyBytes(ii, ii.Length()/2); err == nil {
						if err = tempOut.Close(); err == nil {
							if err = ii.Close(); err == nil {
								// Delete original and copy bytes back:
								if err = w.deleteFile(name, true); err == nil {
									var out store.IndexOutput
									if out, err = w.BaseDirectoryWrapperImpl.CreateOutput(name, NewDefaultIOContext(w.randomState)); err == nil {
										if ii, err = w.BaseDirectoryWrapperImpl.OpenInput(tempFilename, NewDefaultIOContext(w.randomState)); err == nil {
											if err = out.CopyBytes(ii, ii.Length()); err == nil {
												if err = out.Close(); err == nil {
													if err = ii.Close(); err == nil {
														err = w.deleteFile(tempFilename, true)
		case 3:
			// the file survived intact:
			action = "didn't change"
			action = "fully truncated"
			// totally truncate the file to zero bytes
			if err = w.deleteFile(name, true); err == nil {
				var out store.IndexOutput
				if out, err = w.BaseDirectoryWrapperImpl.CreateOutput(name, NewDefaultIOContext(w.randomState)); err == nil {
					if err = out.SetLength(0); err == nil {
						err = out.Close()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if VERBOSE {
			log.Printf("MockDirectoryWrapper: %v unsynced file: %v", action, name)
	return nil

var Lucene46FieldInfosWriter = func(dir store.Directory,
	segName, suffix string, infos FieldInfos, ctx store.IOContext) (err error) {

	filename := util.SegmentFileName(segName, suffix, FI_EXTENSION)
	var output store.IndexOutput
	if output, err = dir.CreateOutput(filename, ctx); err != nil {

	var success = false
	defer func() {
		if success {
			err = output.Close()
		} else {

	if err = codec.WriteHeader(output, FI_CODEC_NAME, FI_FORMAT_CURRENT); err != nil {
	if err = output.WriteVInt(int32(infos.Size())); err != nil {
	for _, fi := range infos.Values {
		indexOptions := fi.IndexOptions()
		bits := byte(0)
		if fi.HasVectors() {