func (p *Proxy) dns(page string, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { f := p.profileOp.Open("localhost") if f == nil { fmt.Fprintln(w, "无效") return } r.ParseForm() if v, ok := r.Form["cmd"]; ok && len(v) > 0 { for _, cmd := range v { p.Command(cmd, f, nil) } } if len(page) == 0 || page == "/" { f.WriteDNS(w, p.serveIP) } else if _, m := httpd.MatchPath(page, "/export"); m { export := "# 此为 DNS 独立服务的配置导出,可复制所有内容至“命令”输入窗口重新加载此配置 #\n\n" export += "# Name: DNS 独立服务\n" export += f.ExportDNSCommand() export += "\n# end #\n" fmt.Fprintln(w, export) } else if target, m := httpd.MatchPath(page, "/history"); m { if len(target) > 0 { target = target[1:] } p.writeDNSHistory(w, p.lives.Open("localhost"), target) } else { http.Redirect(w, r, "..", 302) } }
func (p *Proxy) OnRequest( w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { targetHost := httpd.RemoteHost(r.Host) remoteIP := httpd.RemoteHost(r.RemoteAddr) urlPath := r.URL.Path //fmt.Printf("host: %s/%s, remote: %s/%s, url: %s\n", targetHost, r.Host, remoteIP, r.RemoteAddr, urlPath) if strings.HasPrefix(urlPath, "http://") { p.proxyUrl(urlPath, w, r) } else if targetHost == "" { p.initDevice(w, remoteIP) } else if !p.isSelfAddr(targetHost) && !p.isSelfAddr(remoteIP) { target := "http://" + r.Host + urlPath p.proxyUrl(target, w, r) } else if _, m := httpd.MatchPath(urlPath, "/post"); m { p.postTest(w, r) } else if page, m := httpd.MatchPath(urlPath, "/test/"); m { if page == "" { page = "localhost" } target := "http://" + page[1:] p.testUrl(target, w, r) } else if page, m := httpd.MatchPath(urlPath, "/to/"); m { target := "http://" + page[1:] p.proxyUrl(target, w, r) } else if _, m := httpd.MatchPath(urlPath, "/usage"); m { p.WriteUsage(w) } else if page, m := httpd.MatchPath(urlPath, "/profile"); m { p.ownProfile(remoteIP, page, w, r) } else if page, m := httpd.MatchPath(urlPath, "/dns"); m { if !p.disableDNS { p.dns(page, w, r) } else { fmt.Fprintln(w, "DNS is disabled") } } else if _, m := httpd.MatchPath(urlPath, "/res"); m { p.res(w, r, urlPath) } else if urlPath == "/" { p.index(w, p.ver) } else if urlPath == "/devices" { p.devices(w) } else if urlPath == "/about" { scheme := r.URL.Scheme if scheme == "" { scheme = "http" } fmt.Fprintf(w, "url%%v: %v\n", r.URL) fmt.Fprintln(w, "url.String(): "+r.URL.String()) fmt.Fprintln(w) ex := "" if len(r.URL.RawQuery) > 0 { ex += "?" + r.URL.RawQuery } fmt.Fprintln(w, "url: "+r.Method+" "+scheme+"://"+r.Host+urlPath+ex) fmt.Fprintln(w, "remote: "+r.RemoteAddr) fmt.Fprintln(w, "requestURI: "+r.RequestURI) fmt.Fprintln(w, "host: "+r.Host) fmt.Fprintln(w) for k, v := range r.Header { fmt.Fprintln(w, "header: "+k+": "+strings.Join(v, "|")) } fmt.Fprintln(w) for _, s := range r.TransferEncoding { fmt.Fprintln(w, "transferEncoding: "+s) } fmt.Fprintln(w, "") fmt.Fprintln(w, "visit http://"+p.mainHost+"/about to get info") fmt.Fprintln(w, "visit http://"+p.mainHost+"/test/"+p.mainHost+"/about to test the proxy of http://"+p.mainHost+"/about") fmt.Fprintln(w, "visit http://"+p.mainHost+"/to/"+p.mainHost+"/about to purely proxy of http://"+p.mainHost+"/about") fmt.Fprintln(w, "") fmt.Fprintln(w, "visit http://"+p.mainHost+"/test/"+p.mainHost+"/test/"+p.mainHost+"/about to test the proxy") } else if urlPath == "/urlencoded" { p.urlEncoded(w) } else { fmt.Fprintln(w, "visit http://"+r.Host+"/about to get info") } }