// DownloadStep ...
func DownloadStep(collectionURI string, collection models.StepCollectionModel, id, version, commithash string) error {
	downloadLocations, err := collection.GetDownloadLocations(id, version)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	route, found := ReadRoute(collectionURI)
	if !found {
		return fmt.Errorf("No routing found for lib: %s", collectionURI)

	stepPth := GetStepCacheDirPath(route, id, version)
	if exist, err := pathutil.IsPathExists(stepPth); err != nil {
		return err
	} else if exist {
		return nil

	success := false
	for _, downloadLocation := range downloadLocations {
		switch downloadLocation.Type {
		case "zip":
			err := retry.Times(2).Wait(3 * time.Second).Try(func(attempt uint) error {
				return cmdex.DownloadAndUnZIP(downloadLocation.Src, stepPth)

			if err != nil {
				log.Warn("Failed to download step.zip: ", err)
			} else {
				success = true
				return nil
		case "git":
			err := retry.Times(2).Wait(3 * time.Second).Try(func(attempt uint) error {
				return cmdex.GitCloneTagOrBranchAndValidateCommitHash(downloadLocation.Src, stepPth, version, commithash)

			if err != nil {
				log.Warnf("Failed to clone step (%s): %v", downloadLocation.Src, err)
			} else {
				success = true
				return nil
			return fmt.Errorf("Failed to download: Invalid download location (%#v) for step %#v (%#v)", downloadLocation, id, version)

	if !success {
		return errors.New("Failed to download step")
	return nil
// DownloadStep ...
func DownloadStep(collectionURI string, collection models.StepCollectionModel, id, version, commithash string) error {
	log.Debugf("Download Step: %#v (%#v)\n", id, version)
	downloadLocations, err := collection.GetDownloadLocations(id, version)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	route, found := ReadRoute(collectionURI)
	if !found {
		return fmt.Errorf("No routing found for lib: %s", collectionURI)

	stepPth := GetStepCacheDirPath(route, id, version)
	if exist, err := pathutil.IsPathExists(stepPth); err != nil {
		return err
	} else if exist {
		log.Debug("[STEPMAN] - Step already downloaded")
		return nil

	success := false
	for _, downloadLocation := range downloadLocations {
		switch downloadLocation.Type {
		case "zip":
			log.Debug("[STEPMAN] - Downloading step from: ", downloadLocation.Src)
			if err := cmdex.DownloadAndUnZIP(downloadLocation.Src, stepPth); err != nil {
				log.Warn("[STEPMAN] - Failed to download step.zip: ", err)
			} else {
				success = true
				return nil
		case "git":
			log.Debug("[STEPMAN] - Git clone step from: ", downloadLocation.Src)
			if err := cmdex.GitCloneTagOrBranchAndValidateCommitHash(downloadLocation.Src, stepPth, version, commithash); err != nil {
				log.Warnf("[STEPMAN] - Failed to clone step (%s): %v", downloadLocation.Src, err)
			} else {
				success = true
				return nil
			return fmt.Errorf("[STEPMAN] - Failed to download: Invalid download location (%#v) for step %#v (%#v)", downloadLocation, id, version)

	if !success {
		return errors.New("Failed to download step")
	return nil
文件: export.go 项目: godrei/stepman
func convertToMinimalSpec(stepLib models.StepCollectionModel) models.StepCollectionModel {
	steps := stepLib.Steps

	minimalSteps := models.StepHash{}
	for stepID := range steps {
		minimalSteps[stepID] = models.StepGroupModel{}

	stepLib.Steps = minimalSteps
	return stepLib
文件: export.go 项目: godrei/stepman
func convertToLatestSpec(stepLib models.StepCollectionModel) models.StepCollectionModel {
	steps := stepLib.Steps

	latestSteps := models.StepHash{}
	for stepID, stepGroup := range steps {
		groupInfo := stepGroup.Info
		versions := stepGroup.Versions
		latestVersionStr := stepGroup.LatestVersionNumber
		latestStep := versions[latestVersionStr]

		latestSteps[stepID] = models.StepGroupModel{
			Versions: map[string]models.StepModel{
				latestVersionStr: latestStep,
			Info: groupInfo,

	stepLib.Steps = latestSteps
	return stepLib
func generateStepLib(route SteplibRoute, templateCollection models.StepCollectionModel) (models.StepCollectionModel, error) {
	collection := models.StepCollectionModel{
		FormatVersion:         templateCollection.FormatVersion,
		GeneratedAtTimeStamp:  time.Now().Unix(),
		SteplibSource:         templateCollection.SteplibSource,
		DownloadLocations:     templateCollection.DownloadLocations,
		AssetsDownloadBaseURI: templateCollection.AssetsDownloadBaseURI,

	stepHash := models.StepHash{}

	stepsSpecDirPth := GetCollectionBaseDirPath(route)
	err := filepath.Walk(stepsSpecDirPth, func(pth string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error {
		truncatedPath := strings.Replace(pth, stepsSpecDirPth+"/", "", -1)
		match, matchErr := regexp.MatchString("([a-z]+).yml", truncatedPath)
		if matchErr != nil {
			return matchErr

		if match {
			components := strings.Split(truncatedPath, "/")
			if len(components) == 4 {
				stepsDirName := components[0]
				stepID := components[1]
				stepVersion := components[2]

				step, parseErr := ParseStepYml(pth, true)
				if parseErr != nil {
					return parseErr

				stepGroupInfo := models.StepGroupInfoModel{}

				// Check for step-info.yml - STEP_SPEC_DIR/steps/step-id/step-info.yml
				stepGroupInfoPth := filepath.Join(stepsSpecDirPth, stepsDirName, stepID, "step-info.yml")
				if exist, err := pathutil.IsPathExists(stepGroupInfoPth); err != nil {
					return err
				} else if exist {
					deprecationInfo, err := ParseStepGroupInfo(stepGroupInfoPth)
					if err != nil {
						return err

					stepGroupInfo.RemovalDate = deprecationInfo.RemovalDate
					stepGroupInfo.DeprecateNotes = deprecationInfo.DeprecateNotes

				// Check for assets - STEP_SPEC_DIR/steps/step-id/assets
				if collection.AssetsDownloadBaseURI != "" {
					assetsFolderPth := path.Join(stepsSpecDirPth, stepsDirName, stepID, "assets")
					exist, err := pathutil.IsPathExists(assetsFolderPth)
					if err != nil {
						return err
					if exist {
						assetsMap := map[string]string{}
						err := filepath.Walk(assetsFolderPth, func(pth string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error {
							_, file := filepath.Split(pth)
							if pth != assetsFolderPth && file != "" {
								assetURI, err := urlutil.Join(collection.AssetsDownloadBaseURI, stepID, "assets", file)
								if err != nil {
									return err
								assetsMap[file] = assetURI
							return nil

						if err != nil {
							return err

						step.AssetURLs = assetsMap
						stepGroupInfo.AssetURLs = assetsMap

				// Add to stepgroup
				stepGroup, found := stepHash[stepID]
				if !found {
					stepGroup = models.StepGroupModel{
						Versions: map[string]models.StepModel{},
				stepGroup, err = addStepVersionToStepGroup(step, stepVersion, stepGroup)
				if err != nil {
					return err

				stepGroup.Info = stepGroupInfo

				stepHash[stepID] = stepGroup
			} else {

		return err
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Failed to walk through path:", err)
		return models.StepCollectionModel{}, err
	collection.Steps = stepHash
	return collection, nil
func generateStepLib(route SteplibRoute, templateCollection models.StepCollectionModel) (models.StepCollectionModel, error) {
	collection := models.StepCollectionModel{
		FormatVersion:         templateCollection.FormatVersion,
		GeneratedAtTimeStamp:  time.Now().Unix(),
		SteplibSource:         templateCollection.SteplibSource,
		DownloadLocations:     templateCollection.DownloadLocations,
		AssetsDownloadBaseURI: templateCollection.AssetsDownloadBaseURI,

	stepHash := models.StepHash{}

	stepsSpecDir := GetCollectionBaseDirPath(route)
	log.Debugln("  stepsSpecDir: ", stepsSpecDir)
	err := filepath.Walk(stepsSpecDir, func(pth string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error {
		truncatedPath := strings.Replace(pth, stepsSpecDir+"/", "", -1)
		match, matchErr := regexp.MatchString("([a-z]+).yml", truncatedPath)
		if matchErr != nil {
			return matchErr

		if match {
			components := strings.Split(truncatedPath, "/")
			if len(components) == 4 {
				id := components[1]
				version := components[2]

				log.Debugf("Start parsing (StepId:%s) (Version:%s)", id, version)
				step, parseErr := ParseStepYml(pth, true)
				if parseErr != nil {
					log.Debugf("  Failed to parse StepId: %v Version: %v", id, version)
					return parseErr

				// Check for assets
				if collection.AssetsDownloadBaseURI != "" {
					assetsFolderPth := path.Join(stepsSpecDir, components[0], components[1], "assets")
					exist, err := pathutil.IsPathExists(assetsFolderPth)
					if err != nil {
						return err
					if exist {
						assetsMap := map[string]string{}
						err := filepath.Walk(assetsFolderPth, func(pth string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error {
							_, file := filepath.Split(pth)
							if pth != assetsFolderPth && file != "" {
								assetURI, err := urlutil.Join(collection.AssetsDownloadBaseURI, id, "assets", file)
								if err != nil {
									return err
								assetsMap[file] = assetURI
							return nil

						if err != nil {
							log.Debugf("  Failed to add assets, at (%s) | Error: %v", assetsFolderPth, err)
							return err

						step.AssetURLs = assetsMap

				// Add to stepgroup
				stepGroup, found := stepHash[id]
				if !found {
					stepGroup = models.StepGroupModel{
						Versions: map[string]models.StepModel{},
				stepGroup, err = addStepVersionToStepGroup(step, version, stepGroup)
				if err != nil {
					log.Debugf("  Failed to add step to step-group. (StepId:%v) (Version: %v) | Error: %v", id, version, err)
					return err

				stepHash[id] = stepGroup
			} else {
				log.Debug("  * Path:", truncatedPath)
				log.Debug("  * Legth:", len(components))

		return err
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("[STEPMAN] - Failed to walk through path:", err)
		return models.StepCollectionModel{}, err
	collection.Steps = stepHash
	return collection, nil