func makeVariant(chrom string, pos int, ref string, alt []string, name string, info string, h *vcfgo.Header) *parsers.Variant {

	binfo := vcfgo.NewInfoByte([]byte(info), h)
	v := vcfgo.Variant{Chromosome: chrom, Pos: uint64(pos), Reference: ref, Alternate: alt,
		Id_: name, Info_: binfo}
	return parsers.NewVariant(&v, 0, make([]interfaces.Relatable, 0))
文件: api.go 项目: MMesbahU/vcfanno
// vFromB makes a variant from an interval. this helps avoid code duplication.
func vFromB(b *parsers.Interval) *parsers.Variant {
	h := vcfgo.NewHeader()
	h.Infos["SVLEN"] = &vcfgo.Info{Id: "SVLEN", Type: "Integer", Description: "", Number: "1"}
	m := vcfgo.NewInfoByte([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("SVLEN=%d", int(b.End()-b.Start())-1)), h)
	v := parsers.NewVariant(&vcfgo.Variant{Chromosome: b.Chrom(), Pos: uint64(b.Start() + 1),
		Reference: "A", Alternate: []string{"<DEL>"}, Info_: m}, 0, b.Related())
	return v
func (s *APISuite) SetUpTest(c *C) {

	h.Infos["DP"] = &vcfgo.Info{Id: "DP", Description: "depth", Number: "1", Type: "Integer"}
	h.Infos["SVLEN"] = &vcfgo.Info{Id: "SVLEN", Description: "SVLEN", Number: "1", Type: "Integer"}
	h.Infos["CIPOS"] = &vcfgo.Info{Id: "CIPOS", Description: "CIPOS", Number: "2", Type: "Integer"}
	h.Infos["CIEND"] = &vcfgo.Info{Id: "CIEND", Description: "CIEND", Number: "2", Type: "Integer"}
	h.Infos["AF"] = &vcfgo.Info{Id: "AF", Description: "AF", Number: "1", Type: "Float"}
	h.Infos["AC_AFR"] = &vcfgo.Info{Id: "AF_AFR", Description: "AF_AFR", Number: "1", Type: "Float"}

	vv := *v1
	vv.Info_ = vcfgo.NewInfoByte([]byte("DP=35"), h)
	s.v1 = &parsers.Variant{IVariant: &vv}
	v2 := *v1
	v2.Info_ = vcfgo.NewInfoByte([]byte("DP=44"), h)
	s.v2 = &parsers.Variant{IVariant: &v2}
	s.v2.Info().Set("AC_AFR", 33)

	sv1.Info_ = vcfgo.NewInfoByte([]byte("DP=35;SVLEN=15;CIPOS=-5,5;CIEND=-8,8"), h)
	s.sv1 = &parsers.Variant{IVariant: sv1}

	v3 := *v1
	v3.Info_ = vcfgo.NewInfoByte([]byte("DP=88"), h)
	s.v3 = &parsers.Variant{IVariant: &v3}

	v, e := v1.Info_.Get("DP")
	c.Assert(e, IsNil)
	c.Assert(v, Equals, 35)

	v, e = v2.Info_.Get("DP")
	c.Assert(e, IsNil)
	c.Assert(v, Equals, 44)

	v, e = v3.Info_.Get("DP")
	c.Assert(e, IsNil)
	c.Assert(v, Equals, 88)


	c.Assert(2, Equals, len(s.v1.Related()))

	sbed, err := parsers.IntervalFromBedLine([]byte("chr1\t224\t244\t111\t222"))
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	s.bed = sbed.(*parsers.Interval)

	s.src = Source{
		File:   "example/fitcons.bed",
		Op:     "mean",
		Name:   "fitcons_mean",
		Column: 4,
		Field:  "",
		Index:  1,

	s.src0 = Source{
		File:   "example/exac.vcf",
		Op:     "first",
		Column: -1,
		Field:  "AC_AFR",
		Name:   "AC_AFR",
		Index:  0,
	empty := make([]PostAnnotation, 0)

	code := `
function sum(t)
    local sum = 0
    for i=1,#t do
        sum = sum + t[i]
    return sum

function mean(t)
    return sum(t) / #t

	s.annotator = NewAnnotator([]*Source{&s.src0, &s.src}, code, false, true, empty)

	annotator *Annotator

var _ = Suite(&APISuite{})
var h = vcfgo.NewHeader()

var v1 = &vcfgo.Variant{
	Chromosome: "chr1",
	Pos:        uint64(234),
	Id_:        "id",
	Reference:  "A",
	Alternate:  []string{"T", "G"},
	Quality:    float32(555.5),
	Filter:     "PASS",
	Info_:      vcfgo.NewInfoByte([]byte("DP=35"), h),
var sv1 = &vcfgo.Variant{
	Chromosome: "chr1",
	Pos:        uint64(230),
	Id_:        "id",
	Reference:  "A",
	Alternate:  []string{"<DEL>"},
	Quality:    float32(555.5),
	Filter:     "PASS",
	Info_:      vcfgo.NewInfoByte([]byte("DP=35;SVLEN=15;CIPOS=-5,5;CIEND=-8,8"), h),

func (s *APISuite) SetUpTest(c *C) {

	h.Infos["DP"] = &vcfgo.Info{Id: "DP", Description: "depth", Number: "1", Type: "Integer"}
文件: api.go 项目: seandavi/vcfanno
// AnnotateEnds makes a new 1-base interval for the left and one for the right end
// so that it can use the same machinery to annotate the ends and the entire interval.
// Output into the info field is prefixed with "left_" or "right_".
func (a *Annotator) AnnotateEnds(v interfaces.Relatable, ends string) error {

	var err error
	// if Both, call the interval, left, and right version to annotate.
	if ends == BOTH {
		if e := a.AnnotateOne(v, a.Strict); e != nil {
			err = e
		if e := a.PostAnnotate(v.Chrom(), int(v.Start()), int(v.End()), v.(interfaces.IVariant).Info(), ""); e != nil {
			err = e
		if e := a.AnnotateEnds(v, LEFT); e != nil {
			err = e
		if e := a.AnnotateEnds(v, RIGHT); e != nil {
			err = e
	if ends == INTERVAL {
		err := a.AnnotateOne(v, a.Strict)
		err2 := a.PostAnnotate(v.Chrom(), int(v.Start()), int(v.End()), v.(interfaces.IVariant).Info(), "")
		if err != nil {
			return err
		return err2
	// hack:
	// modify the variant in-place to create a 1-base variant at the end of
	// the interval. annotate that end and then change the position back to what it was.
	if ends == LEFT || ends == RIGHT {
		// the end is determined by the SVLEN, so we have to make sure it has length 1.
		variant := v.(*parsers.Variant).IVariant
		var l, r uint32
		var ok bool
		if ends == LEFT {
			l, r, ok = variant.CIPos()
		} else {
			l, r, ok = variant.CIEnd()
		// dont reannotate same interval
		if !ok && (l == v.Start() && r == v.End()) {
			return nil

		m := vcfgo.NewInfoByte([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("SVLEN=%d;END=%d", r-l-1, r)), variant.(*vcfgo.Variant).Header)
		v2 := parsers.NewVariant(&vcfgo.Variant{Chromosome: v.Chrom(), Pos: uint64(l + 1),
			Reference: "A", Alternate: []string{"<DEL>"}, Info_: m}, v.Source(), v.Related())

		err = a.AnnotateOne(v2, false, ends)
		var val interface{}
		for _, key := range v2.Info().Keys() {
			if key == "SVLEN" || key == "END" {
			val, err = v2.Info().Get(key)
			variant.Info().Set(key, val)
		err2 := a.PostAnnotate(v.Chrom(), int(l), int(r), variant.Info(), ends)
		if err2 != nil {
			err = err2
	return err
文件: api.go 项目: MMesbahU/vcfanno
// AnnotatedEnds makes a new 1-base interval for the left and one for the right end
// so that it can use the same machinery to annotate the ends and the entire interval.
// Output into the info field is prefixed with "left_" or "right_".
func (a *Annotator) AnnotateEnds(r interfaces.Relatable, ends string) error {
	v, ok := r.(interfaces.VarWrap)
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to convert %v to Variant", r)

	var err error
	// if Both, call the interval, left, and right version to annotate.
	if ends == BOTH {
		// dont want strict for BED.
		if e := a.AnnotateOne(v, a.Strict && ok); e != nil {
			return e
		if e := a.AnnotateEnds(v, LEFT); e != nil {
			return e
		if e := a.AnnotateEnds(v, RIGHT); e != nil {
			return e
		// it was a Bed, we add the info to its fields
		if !ok {
			b := r.(*parsers.Interval)
			b.Fields = append(b.Fields, v.Info().Bytes())
		return nil
	if ends == INTERVAL {
		return a.AnnotateOne(r, a.Strict)
	// hack:
	// modify the variant in-place to create a 1-base variant at the end of
	// the interval. annotate that end and then change the position back to what it was.
	if ends == LEFT || ends == RIGHT {
		// the end is determined by the SVLEN, so we have to make sure it has length 1.
		var l, r uint32
		var ok bool
		if ends == LEFT {
			l, r, ok = v.IVariant.(interfaces.CIFace).CIPos()
		} else {
			l, r, ok = v.IVariant.(interfaces.CIFace).CIEnd()
		// dont reannotate same interval
		if !ok && (l == v.Start() && r == v.End()) {
			return nil

		m := vcfgo.NewInfoByte([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("SVLEN=%d;END=%d", r-l-1, r)), v.IVariant.(*vcfgo.Variant).Header)
		v2 := parsers.NewVariant(&vcfgo.Variant{Chromosome: v.Chrom(), Pos: uint64(l + 1),
			Reference: "A", Alternate: []string{"<DEL>"}, Info_: m}, v.Source(), v.Related())

		err = a.AnnotateOne(v2, false, ends)
		if err != nil {
		var val interface{}
		for _, key := range v2.Info().Keys() {
			if key == "SVLEN" || key == "END" {
			val, err = v2.Info().Get(key)
			v.Info().Set(key, val)
	return err