func validateAndCollectDataUpRXPacket(ctx Context, rxPacket models.RXPacket) error {
	// MACPayload must be of type *lorawan.MACPayload
	macPL, ok := rxPacket.PHYPayload.MACPayload.(*lorawan.MACPayload)
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("expected *lorawan.MACPayload, got: %T", rxPacket.PHYPayload.MACPayload)

	// get the session data
	ns, err := storage.GetNodeSession(ctx.RedisPool, macPL.FHDR.DevAddr)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// validate and get the full int32 FCnt
	fullFCnt, ok := storage.ValidateAndGetFullFCntUp(ns, macPL.FHDR.FCnt)
	if !ok {
			"dev_addr":    macPL.FHDR.DevAddr,
			"dev_eui":     ns.DevEUI,
			"packet_fcnt": macPL.FHDR.FCnt,
			"server_fcnt": ns.FCntUp,
		}).Warning("invalid FCnt")
		return errors.New("invalid FCnt or too many dropped frames")
	macPL.FHDR.FCnt = fullFCnt

	// validate MIC
	micOK, err := rxPacket.PHYPayload.ValidateMIC(ns.NwkSKey)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("validate MIC error: %s", err)
	if !micOK {
		return errors.New("invalid MIC")

	if macPL.FPort != nil {
		if *macPL.FPort == 0 {
			// decrypt FRMPayload with NwkSKey when FPort == 0
			if err := rxPacket.PHYPayload.DecryptFRMPayload(ns.NwkSKey); err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("decrypt FRMPayload error: %s", err)
		} else {
			if err := rxPacket.PHYPayload.DecryptFRMPayload(ns.AppSKey); err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("decrypt FRMPayload error: %s", err)

	return collectAndCallOnce(ctx.RedisPool, rxPacket, func(rxPackets RXPackets) error {
		return handleCollectedDataUpPackets(ctx, rxPackets)
// Get returns the node-session matching the given DevAddr.
func (a *NodeSessionAPI) Get(ctx context.Context, req *pb.GetNodeSessionRequest) (*pb.GetNodeSessionResponse, error) {
	var devAddr lorawan.DevAddr
	if err := devAddr.UnmarshalText([]byte(req.DevAddr)); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	ns, err := storage.GetNodeSession(a.ctx.RedisPool, devAddr)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return a.nodeSessionToResponse(ns)
func TestHandleJoinRequestPackets(t *testing.T) {
	conf := common.GetTestConfig()

	Convey("Given a dummy gateway and application backend and a clean Postgres and Redis database", t, func() {
		a := &testApplicationBackend{
			rxPayloadChan:           make(chan models.RXPayload, 1),
			notificationPayloadChan: make(chan interface{}, 10),
		g := &testGatewayBackend{
			rxPacketChan: make(chan models.RXPacket, 1),
			txPacketChan: make(chan models.TXPacket, 1),
		p := storage.NewRedisPool(conf.RedisURL)
		db, err := storage.OpenDatabase(conf.PostgresDSN)
		So(err, ShouldBeNil)

		ctx := Context{
			RedisPool:   p,
			Gateway:     g,
			Application: a,
			DB:          db,

		Convey("Given a node and application in the database", func() {
			app := models.Application{
				AppEUI: [8]byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8},
				Name:   "test app",
			So(storage.CreateApplication(ctx.DB, app), ShouldBeNil)

			node := models.Node{
				DevEUI: [8]byte{8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1},
				AppEUI: app.AppEUI,
				AppKey: [16]byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16},

				RXDelay:     3,
				RX1DROffset: 2,
			So(storage.CreateNode(ctx.DB, node), ShouldBeNil)

			Convey("Given a JoinRequest with correct DevEUI but incorrect AppEUI", func() {
				phy := lorawan.PHYPayload{
					MHDR: lorawan.MHDR{
						MType: lorawan.JoinRequest,
						Major: lorawan.LoRaWANR1,
					MACPayload: &lorawan.JoinRequestPayload{
						AppEUI:   [8]byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9},
						DevEUI:   node.DevEUI,
						DevNonce: [2]byte{1, 2},
				So(phy.SetMIC(node.AppKey), ShouldBeNil)

				rxPacket := models.RXPacket{
					PHYPayload: phy,
					RXInfo: models.RXInfo{
						Frequency: common.Band.UplinkChannels[0].Frequency,
						DataRate:  common.Band.DataRates[common.Band.UplinkChannels[0].DataRates[0]],

				Convey("then handleRXPacket returns an error", func() {
					So(handleRXPacket(ctx, rxPacket), ShouldResemble, errors.New("node 0807060504030201 belongs to application 0102030405060708, 0102030405060709 was given"))

			Convey("Given a JoinRequest packet", func() {
				phy := lorawan.PHYPayload{
					MHDR: lorawan.MHDR{
						MType: lorawan.JoinRequest,
						Major: lorawan.LoRaWANR1,
					MACPayload: &lorawan.JoinRequestPayload{
						AppEUI:   app.AppEUI,
						DevEUI:   node.DevEUI,
						DevNonce: [2]byte{1, 2},
				So(phy.SetMIC(node.AppKey), ShouldBeNil)

				rxPacket := models.RXPacket{
					PHYPayload: phy,
					RXInfo: models.RXInfo{
						Frequency: common.Band.UplinkChannels[0].Frequency,
						DataRate:  common.Band.DataRates[common.Band.UplinkChannels[0].DataRates[0]],

				Convey("When calling handleRXPacket", func() {
					So(handleRXPacket(ctx, rxPacket), ShouldBeNil)

					Convey("Then a JoinAccept was sent to the node", func() {
						txPacket := <-g.txPacketChan
						phy := txPacket.PHYPayload
						So(phy.DecryptJoinAcceptPayload(node.AppKey), ShouldBeNil)
						So(phy.MHDR.MType, ShouldEqual, lorawan.JoinAccept)

						Convey("Then it was sent after 5s", func() {
							So(txPacket.TXInfo.Timestamp, ShouldEqual, rxPacket.RXInfo.Timestamp+uint32(5*time.Second/time.Microsecond))

						Convey("Then the RXDelay is set to 3s", func() {
							jaPL := phy.MACPayload.(*lorawan.JoinAcceptPayload)
							So(jaPL.RXDelay, ShouldEqual, 3)

						Convey("Then the DLSettings are set correctly", func() {
							jaPL := phy.MACPayload.(*lorawan.JoinAcceptPayload)
							So(jaPL.DLSettings.RX2DataRate, ShouldEqual, uint8(common.Band.RX2DataRate))
							So(jaPL.DLSettings.RX1DROffset, ShouldEqual, node.RX1DROffset)

						Convey("Then a node-session was created", func() {
							jaPL := phy.MACPayload.(*lorawan.JoinAcceptPayload)

							_, err := storage.GetNodeSession(ctx.RedisPool, jaPL.DevAddr)
							So(err, ShouldBeNil)

						Convey("Then the dev-nonce was added to the used dev-nonces", func() {
							node, err := storage.GetNode(ctx.DB, node.DevEUI)
							So(err, ShouldBeNil)
							So([2]byte{1, 2}, ShouldBeIn, node.UsedDevNonces)

						Convey("Then a join notification was sent to the application", func() {
							notification := <-a.notificationPayloadChan
							join, ok := notification.(models.JoinNotification)
							So(ok, ShouldBeTrue)
							So(join.DevEUI, ShouldResemble, node.DevEUI)
func handleCollectedDataUpPackets(ctx Context, rxPackets RXPackets) error {
	if len(rxPackets) == 0 {
		return errors.New("packet collector returned 0 packets")
	rxPacket := rxPackets[0]

	var macs []string
	for _, p := range rxPackets {
		macs = append(macs, p.RXInfo.MAC.String())

	macPL, ok := rxPacket.PHYPayload.MACPayload.(*lorawan.MACPayload)
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("expected *lorawan.MACPayload, got: %T", rxPacket.PHYPayload.MACPayload)

	ns, err := storage.GetNodeSession(ctx.RedisPool, macPL.FHDR.DevAddr)
	if err != nil {
		return err

		"dev_eui":  ns.DevEUI,
		"gw_count": len(rxPackets),
		"gw_macs":  strings.Join(macs, ", "),
		"mtype":    rxPackets[0].PHYPayload.MHDR.MType,
	}).Info("packet(s) collected")

	// send rx info notification to be used by the network-controller
	if err = sendRXInfoPayload(ctx, ns.AppEUI, ns.DevEUI, rxPackets); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("send rx info notification error: %s", err)

	// handle FOpts mac commands (if any)
	if len(macPL.FHDR.FOpts) > 0 {
		if err := handleUplinkMACCommands(ctx, ns.AppEUI, ns.DevEUI, false, macPL.FHDR.FOpts); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("handle FOpts mac commands error: %s", err)

	if macPL.FPort != nil {
		if *macPL.FPort == 0 {
			if len(macPL.FRMPayload) == 0 {
				return errors.New("expected mac commands, but FRMPayload is empty (FPort=0)")

			// since the PHYPayload has been marshaled / unmarshaled when
			// storing it into and retrieving it from the database, we need
			// to decode the MAC commands from the FRMPayload.
			if err = rxPacket.PHYPayload.DecodeFRMPayloadToMACCommands(); err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("decode FRMPayload field to MACCommand items error: %s", err)

			var commands []lorawan.MACCommand
			for _, pl := range macPL.FRMPayload {
				cmd, ok := pl.(*lorawan.MACCommand)
				if !ok {
					return fmt.Errorf("expected MACPayload, but got %T", macPL.FRMPayload)
				commands = append(commands, *cmd)
			if err := handleUplinkMACCommands(ctx, ns.AppEUI, ns.DevEUI, true, commands); err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("handle FRMPayload mac commands error: %s", err)
		} else {
			var data []byte

			// it is possible that the FRMPayload is empty, in this case only
			// the FPort will be send
			if len(macPL.FRMPayload) == 1 {
				dataPL, ok := macPL.FRMPayload[0].(*lorawan.DataPayload)
				if !ok {
					return errors.New("FRMPayload must be of type *lorawan.DataPayload")
				data = dataPL.Bytes

			err = ctx.Application.SendRXPayload(ns.AppEUI, ns.DevEUI, models.RXPayload{
				DevEUI:       ns.DevEUI,
				GatewayCount: len(rxPackets),
				FPort:        *macPL.FPort,
				RSSI:         rxPacket.RXInfo.RSSI,
				Data:         data,
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("send rx payload to application error: %s", err)

	// sync counter with that of the device
	ns.FCntUp = macPL.FHDR.FCnt
	if err := storage.SaveNodeSession(ctx.RedisPool, ns); err != nil {
		return err

	// handle uplink ACK
	if macPL.FHDR.FCtrl.ACK {
		if err := handleUplinkACK(ctx, ns); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("handle uplink ack error: %s", err)

	// handle downlink (ACK)
	if err := handleDataDownReply(ctx, rxPacket, ns); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("handling downlink data for node %s failed: %s", ns.DevEUI, err)

	return nil