// TestCmdMethod tests the CmdMethod function to ensure it retuns the expected
// methods and errors.
func TestCmdMethod(t *testing.T) {

	tests := []struct {
		name   string
		cmd    interface{}
		method string
		err    error
			name: "unregistered type",
			cmd:  (*int)(nil),
			err:  btcjson.Error{ErrorCode: btcjson.ErrUnregisteredMethod},
			name:   "nil pointer of registered type",
			cmd:    (*btcjson.GetBlockCmd)(nil),
			method: "getblock",
			name:   "nil instance of registered type",
			cmd:    &btcjson.GetBlockCountCmd{},
			method: "getblockcount",

	t.Logf("Running %d tests", len(tests))
	for i, test := range tests {
		method, err := btcjson.CmdMethod(test.cmd)
		if reflect.TypeOf(err) != reflect.TypeOf(test.err) {
			t.Errorf("Test #%d (%s) wrong error - got %T (%[3]v), "+
				"want %T", i, test.name, err, test.err)
		if err != nil {
			gotErrorCode := err.(btcjson.Error).ErrorCode
			if gotErrorCode != test.err.(btcjson.Error).ErrorCode {
				t.Errorf("Test #%d (%s) mismatched error code "+
					"- got %v (%v), want %v", i, test.name,
					gotErrorCode, err,


		// Ensure method matches the expected value.
		if method != test.method {
			t.Errorf("Test #%d (%s) mismatched method - got %v, "+
				"want %v", i, test.name, method, test.method)
// sendCmd sends the passed command to the associated server and returns a
// response channel on which the reply will be delivered at some point in the
// future.  It handles both websocket and HTTP POST mode depending on the
// configuration of the client.
func (c *Client) sendCmd(cmd interface{}) chan *response {
	// Get the method associated with the command.
	method, err := btcjson.CmdMethod(cmd)
	if err != nil {
		return newFutureError(err)

	// Marshal the command.
	id := c.NextID()
	marshalledJSON, err := btcjson.MarshalCmd(id, cmd)
	if err != nil {
		return newFutureError(err)

	// Generate the request and send it along with a channel to respond on.
	responseChan := make(chan *response, 1)
	jReq := &jsonRequest{
		id:             id,
		method:         method,
		cmd:            cmd,
		marshalledJSON: marshalledJSON,
		responseChan:   responseChan,

	return responseChan