// handleBlockMsg handles block messages from all peers.
func (b *blockManager) handleBlockMsg(bmsg *blockMsg) {
	// If we didn't ask for this block then the peer is misbehaving.
	blockHash := bmsg.block.Hash()
	if _, exists := bmsg.peer.requestedBlocks[*blockHash]; !exists {
		// The regression test intentionally sends some blocks twice
		// to test duplicate block insertion fails.  Don't disconnect
		// the peer or ignore the block when we're in regression test
		// mode in this case so the chain code is actually fed the
		// duplicate blocks.
		if !cfg.RegressionTest {
			bmgrLog.Warnf("Got unrequested block %v from %s -- "+
				"disconnecting", blockHash, bmsg.peer.Addr())

	// When in headers-first mode, if the block matches the hash of the
	// first header in the list of headers that are being fetched, it's
	// eligible for less validation since the headers have already been
	// verified to link together and are valid up to the next checkpoint.
	// Also, remove the list entry for all blocks except the checkpoint
	// since it is needed to verify the next round of headers links
	// properly.
	isCheckpointBlock := false
	behaviorFlags := blockchain.BFNone
	if b.headersFirstMode {
		firstNodeEl := b.headerList.Front()
		if firstNodeEl != nil {
			firstNode := firstNodeEl.Value.(*headerNode)
			if blockHash.IsEqual(firstNode.hash) {
				behaviorFlags |= blockchain.BFFastAdd
				if firstNode.hash.IsEqual(b.nextCheckpoint.Hash) {
					isCheckpointBlock = true
				} else {

	// Remove block from request maps. Either chain will know about it and
	// so we shouldn't have any more instances of trying to fetch it, or we
	// will fail the insert and thus we'll retry next time we get an inv.
	delete(bmsg.peer.requestedBlocks, *blockHash)
	delete(b.requestedBlocks, *blockHash)

	// Process the block to include validation, best chain selection, orphan
	// handling, etc.
	_, isOrphan, err := b.chain.ProcessBlock(bmsg.block, behaviorFlags)
	if err != nil {
		// When the error is a rule error, it means the block was simply
		// rejected as opposed to something actually going wrong, so log
		// it as such.  Otherwise, something really did go wrong, so log
		// it as an actual error.
		if _, ok := err.(blockchain.RuleError); ok {
			bmgrLog.Infof("Rejected block %v from %s: %v", blockHash,
				bmsg.peer, err)
		} else {
			bmgrLog.Errorf("Failed to process block %v: %v",
				blockHash, err)
		if dbErr, ok := err.(database.Error); ok && dbErr.ErrorCode ==
			database.ErrCorruption {

		// Convert the error into an appropriate reject message and
		// send it.
		code, reason := mempool.ErrToRejectErr(err)
		bmsg.peer.PushRejectMsg(wire.CmdBlock, code, reason,
			blockHash, false)

	// Meta-data about the new block this peer is reporting. We use this
	// below to update this peer's lastest block height and the heights of
	// other peers based on their last announced block hash. This allows us
	// to dynamically update the block heights of peers, avoiding stale
	// heights when looking for a new sync peer. Upon acceptance of a block
	// or recognition of an orphan, we also use this information to update
	// the block heights over other peers who's invs may have been ignored
	// if we are actively syncing while the chain is not yet current or
	// who may have lost the lock announcment race.
	var heightUpdate int32
	var blkHashUpdate *chainhash.Hash

	// Request the parents for the orphan block from the peer that sent it.
	if isOrphan {
		// We've just received an orphan block from a peer. In order
		// to update the height of the peer, we try to extract the
		// block height from the scriptSig of the coinbase transaction.
		// Extraction is only attempted if the block's version is
		// high enough (ver 2+).
		header := &bmsg.block.MsgBlock().Header
		if blockchain.ShouldHaveSerializedBlockHeight(header) {
			coinbaseTx := bmsg.block.Transactions()[0]
			cbHeight, err := blockchain.ExtractCoinbaseHeight(coinbaseTx)
			if err != nil {
				bmgrLog.Warnf("Unable to extract height from "+
					"coinbase tx: %v", err)
			} else {
				bmgrLog.Debugf("Extracted height of %v from "+
					"orphan block", cbHeight)
				heightUpdate = int32(cbHeight)
				blkHashUpdate = blockHash

		orphanRoot := b.chain.GetOrphanRoot(blockHash)
		locator, err := b.chain.LatestBlockLocator()
		if err != nil {
			bmgrLog.Warnf("Failed to get block locator for the "+
				"latest block: %v", err)
		} else {
			bmsg.peer.PushGetBlocksMsg(locator, orphanRoot)
	} else {
		// When the block is not an orphan, log information about it and
		// update the chain state.

		// Update this peer's latest block height, for future
		// potential sync node candidacy.
		best := b.chain.BestSnapshot()
		heightUpdate = best.Height
		blkHashUpdate = best.Hash

		// Clear the rejected transactions.
		b.rejectedTxns = make(map[chainhash.Hash]struct{})

		// Allow any clients performing long polling via the
		// getblocktemplate RPC to be notified when the new block causes
		// their old block template to become stale.
		rpcServer := b.server.rpcServer
		if rpcServer != nil {

	// Update the block height for this peer. But only send a message to
	// the server for updating peer heights if this is an orphan or our
	// chain is "current". This avoids sending a spammy amount of messages
	// if we're syncing the chain from scratch.
	if blkHashUpdate != nil && heightUpdate != 0 {
		if isOrphan || b.current() {
			go b.server.UpdatePeerHeights(blkHashUpdate, int32(heightUpdate), bmsg.peer)

	// Nothing more to do if we aren't in headers-first mode.
	if !b.headersFirstMode {

	// This is headers-first mode, so if the block is not a checkpoint
	// request more blocks using the header list when the request queue is
	// getting short.
	if !isCheckpointBlock {
		if b.startHeader != nil &&
			len(bmsg.peer.requestedBlocks) < minInFlightBlocks {

	// This is headers-first mode and the block is a checkpoint.  When
	// there is a next checkpoint, get the next round of headers by asking
	// for headers starting from the block after this one up to the next
	// checkpoint.
	prevHeight := b.nextCheckpoint.Height
	prevHash := b.nextCheckpoint.Hash
	b.nextCheckpoint = b.findNextHeaderCheckpoint(prevHeight)
	if b.nextCheckpoint != nil {
		locator := blockchain.BlockLocator([]*chainhash.Hash{prevHash})
		err := bmsg.peer.PushGetHeadersMsg(locator, b.nextCheckpoint.Hash)
		if err != nil {
			bmgrLog.Warnf("Failed to send getheaders message to "+
				"peer %s: %v", bmsg.peer.Addr(), err)
		bmgrLog.Infof("Downloading headers for blocks %d to %d from "+
			"peer %s", prevHeight+1, b.nextCheckpoint.Height,

	// This is headers-first mode, the block is a checkpoint, and there are
	// no more checkpoints, so switch to normal mode by requesting blocks
	// from the block after this one up to the end of the chain (zero hash).
	b.headersFirstMode = false
	bmgrLog.Infof("Reached the final checkpoint -- switching to normal mode")
	locator := blockchain.BlockLocator([]*chainhash.Hash{blockHash})
	err = bmsg.peer.PushGetBlocksMsg(locator, &zeroHash)
	if err != nil {
		bmgrLog.Warnf("Failed to send getblocks message to peer %s: %v",
			bmsg.peer.Addr(), err)
// handleTxMsg handles transaction messages from all peers.
func (b *blockManager) handleTxMsg(tmsg *txMsg) {
	// NOTE:  BitcoinJ, and possibly other wallets, don't follow the spec of
	// sending an inventory message and allowing the remote peer to decide
	// whether or not they want to request the transaction via a getdata
	// message.  Unfortunately, the reference implementation permits
	// unrequested data, so it has allowed wallets that don't follow the
	// spec to proliferate.  While this is not ideal, there is no check here
	// to disconnect peers for sending unsolicited transactions to provide
	// interoperability.
	txHash := tmsg.tx.Hash()

	// Ignore transactions that we have already rejected.  Do not
	// send a reject message here because if the transaction was already
	// rejected, the transaction was unsolicited.
	if _, exists := b.rejectedTxns[*txHash]; exists {
		bmgrLog.Debugf("Ignoring unsolicited previously rejected "+
			"transaction %v from %s", txHash, tmsg.peer)

	// Process the transaction to include validation, insertion in the
	// memory pool, orphan handling, etc.
	allowOrphans := cfg.MaxOrphanTxs > 0
	acceptedTxs, err := b.server.txMemPool.ProcessTransaction(tmsg.tx,
		allowOrphans, true, mempool.Tag(tmsg.peer.ID()))

	// Remove transaction from request maps. Either the mempool/chain
	// already knows about it and as such we shouldn't have any more
	// instances of trying to fetch it, or we failed to insert and thus
	// we'll retry next time we get an inv.
	delete(tmsg.peer.requestedTxns, *txHash)
	delete(b.requestedTxns, *txHash)

	if err != nil {
		// Do not request this transaction again until a new block
		// has been processed.
		b.rejectedTxns[*txHash] = struct{}{}
		b.limitMap(b.rejectedTxns, maxRejectedTxns)

		// When the error is a rule error, it means the transaction was
		// simply rejected as opposed to something actually going wrong,
		// so log it as such.  Otherwise, something really did go wrong,
		// so log it as an actual error.
		if _, ok := err.(mempool.RuleError); ok {
			bmgrLog.Debugf("Rejected transaction %v from %s: %v",
				txHash, tmsg.peer, err)
		} else {
			bmgrLog.Errorf("Failed to process transaction %v: %v",
				txHash, err)

		// Convert the error into an appropriate reject message and
		// send it.
		code, reason := mempool.ErrToRejectErr(err)
		tmsg.peer.PushRejectMsg(wire.CmdTx, code, reason, txHash,
