// Emit stop signals as `stop.$signal`
func EmitStopSignal(stats statsd.Statter, signal string) (err error) {
	signal = CleanStatsdComponent(signal)
	if stats != nil {
		err = stats.Inc(StatsdEventName("stop", signal), 1, StatsSampleRate)
// Emit errors as `error.$event-name`
func EmitError(stats statsd.Statter, eventName string) (err error) {
	eventName = CleanStatsdComponent(eventName)
	if stats != nil {
		err = stats.Inc(StatsdEventName("error", eventName), 1, StatsSampleRate)
// Emit successful actions as `$action.success.$event-name`
func EmitActionSuccess(stats statsd.Statter, action, eventName string) (err error) {
	action = CleanStatsdComponent(action)
	eventName = CleanStatsdComponent(eventName)
	if stats != nil {
		err = stats.Inc(StatsdEventName("success", action, eventName), 1, StatsSampleRate)
文件: stxy.go 项目: feelobot/stxy
func send_counter(previous int64, client statsd.Statter, v []string, name string, position int64) {
	stat := fmt.Sprint(v[0], ".", name)
	value_at_interval, _ := strconv.ParseInt(v[position], 10, 64)
	value := value_at_interval - previous
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprint(stat, ":", value, "|c"))
	err := client.Inc(stat, value, 1)
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("Error sending metric: %+v", err)
func (r *requestContext) recordStats(statter statsd.Statter) {
	prefix := strings.Join([]string{
		strings.Replace(r.Endpoint, ".", "_", -1),
	}, ".")
	for stat, duration := range r.Timers {
		statter.Timing(prefix+"."+stat, duration.Nanoseconds(), 0.1)
	if r.BadClient {
		// We expect these to be infrequent. We may want to decreate this
		// if it turns out not to be the case
		statter.Inc("bad_client", 1, 1.0)
func test(target string, s statsd.Statter, debug bool) {
	tuple := strings.Split(target, ":")
	host := tuple[0]
	port := tuple[1]
	subhost := strings.Replace(host, ".", "_", -1)
	pre := time.Now()
	conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", target)
	if err != nil {
		if debug {
			fmt.Println("connect error:", subhost, port)
		s.Inc(fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.dial_failed", subhost, port), 1, 1)
	duration := time.Since(pre)
	ms := int64(duration / time.Millisecond)
	if debug {
		fmt.Printf("%s.%s.duration %d\n", subhost, port, ms)
	s.Timing(fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", subhost, port), ms, 1)
文件: stadis.go 项目: feelobot/stadis
func sendCounters(client statsd.Statter, counters map[string]int64) {
	for counter, value := range counters {
		client.Inc(counter, value, 1.0)
func main() {

	// command line flags
	var opts struct {
		HostPort  string        `long:"host" default:"" description:"host:port of statsd server"`
		Prefix    string        `long:"prefix" default:"test-client" description:"Statsd prefix"`
		StatType  string        `long:"type" default:"count" description:"stat type to send. Can be timing, count, guage"`
		StatValue int64         `long:"value" default:"1" description:"Value to send"`
		Name      string        `short:"n" long:"name" default:"counter" description:"stat name"`
		Rate      float32       `short:"r" long:"rate" default:"1.0" description:"sample rate"`
		Volume    int           `short:"c" long:"count" default:"1000" description:"Number of stats to send. Volume."`
		Noop      bool          `long:"noop" default:"false" description:"Use noop client"`
		Duration  time.Duration `short:"d" long:"duration" default:"10s" description:"How long to spread the volume across. Each second of duration volume/seconds events will be sent."`

	// parse said flags
	_, err := flags.Parse(&opts)
	if err != nil {
		if e, ok := err.(*flags.Error); ok {
			if e.Type == flags.ErrHelp {
		fmt.Printf("Error: %+v\n", err)

	var client statsd.Statter
	if !opts.Noop {
		client, err = statsd.New(opts.HostPort, opts.Prefix)
		if err != nil {
		defer client.Close()
	} else {
		client, err = statsd.NewNoop(opts.HostPort, opts.Prefix)

	var stat func(stat string, value int64, rate float32) error
	switch opts.StatType {
	case "count":
		stat = func(stat string, value int64, rate float32) error {
			return client.Inc(stat, value, rate)
	case "gauge":
		stat = func(stat string, value int64, rate float32) error {
			return client.Gauge(stat, value, rate)
	case "timing":
		stat = func(stat string, value int64, rate float32) error {
			return client.Timing(stat, value, rate)
		log.Fatal("Unsupported state type")

	pertick := opts.Volume / int(opts.Duration.Seconds()) / 10
	// add some extra tiem, because the first tick takes a while
	ender := time.After(opts.Duration + 100*time.Millisecond)
	c := time.Tick(time.Second / 10)
	count := 0
	for {
		select {
		case <-c:
			for x := 0; x < pertick; x++ {
				err := stat(opts.Name, opts.StatValue, opts.Rate)
				if err != nil {
					log.Printf("Got Error: %+v", err)
				count += 1
		case <-ender:
			log.Printf("%d events called", count)
// Emit reloads as `reload`
func EmitReload(stats statsd.Statter) (err error) {
	if stats != nil {
		err = stats.Inc(StatsdEventName("reload"), 1, StatsSampleRate)
// NewAmqpRPCClient constructs an RPC client using AMQP
func NewAmqpRPCClient(
	clientQueuePrefix string,
	amqpConf *cmd.AMQPConfig,
	rpcConf *cmd.RPCServerConfig,
	stats statsd.Statter,
) (rpc *AmqpRPCCLient, err error) {
	hostname, err := os.Hostname()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	randID := make([]byte, 3)
	_, err = rand.Read(randID)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	clientQueue := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.%x", clientQueuePrefix, hostname, randID)

	reconnectBase := amqpConf.ReconnectTimeouts.Base.Duration
	if reconnectBase == 0 {
		reconnectBase = 20 * time.Millisecond
	reconnectMax := amqpConf.ReconnectTimeouts.Max.Duration
	if reconnectMax == 0 {
		reconnectMax = time.Minute

	timeout := rpcConf.RPCTimeout.Duration
	if timeout == 0 {
		timeout = 10 * time.Second

	rpc = &AmqpRPCCLient{
		serverQueue: rpcConf.Server,
		clientQueue: clientQueue,
		connection:  newAMQPConnector(clientQueue, reconnectBase, reconnectMax),
		pending:     make(map[string]chan []byte),
		timeout:     timeout,
		log:         blog.Get(),
		stats:       stats,

	err = rpc.connection.connect(amqpConf)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	go func() {
		for {
			select {
			case msg, ok := <-rpc.connection.messages():
				if ok {
					corrID := msg.CorrelationId
					responseChan, present := rpc.pending[corrID]

					if !present {
						// occurs when a request is timed out and the arrives
						// afterwards
						stats.Inc("RPC.AfterTimeoutResponseArrivals."+clientQueuePrefix, 1, 1.0)

					responseChan <- msg.Body
					delete(rpc.pending, corrID)
				} else {
					// chan has been closed by rpc.connection.Cancel
					rpc.log.Info(fmt.Sprintf(" [!] Client reply channel closed: %s", rpc.clientQueue))
			case err = <-rpc.connection.closeChannel():
				rpc.log.Info(fmt.Sprintf(" [!] Client reply channel closed : %s", rpc.clientQueue))
				rpc.connection.reconnect(amqpConf, rpc.log)

	return rpc, err