	CmdFunc: func(settings *models.Settings) func(cmd *cli.Cmd) {
		return func(cmd *cli.Cmd) {
			query := cmd.StringArg("QUERY", "*", "The query to send to your logging dashboard's elastic search (regex is supported)")
			follow := cmd.BoolOpt("f follow", false, "Tail/follow the logs (Equivalent to -t)")
			tail := cmd.BoolOpt("t tail", false, "Tail/follow the logs (Equivalent to -f)")
			hours := cmd.IntOpt("hours", 0, "The number of hours before now (in combination with minutes and seconds) to retrieve logs")
			mins := cmd.IntOpt("minutes", 0, "The number of minutes before now (in combination with hours and seconds) to retrieve logs")
			secs := cmd.IntOpt("seconds", 0, "The number of seconds before now (in combination with hours and minutes) to retrieve logs")
			cmd.Action = func() {
				if _, err := auth.New(settings, prompts.New()).Signin(); err != nil {
				if err := config.CheckRequiredAssociation(true, true, settings); err != nil {
				err := CmdLogs(*query, *follow || *tail, *hours, *mins, *secs, settings.EnvironmentID, settings, New(settings), prompts.New(), environments.New(settings), services.New(settings), sites.New(settings))
				if err != nil {
			cmd.Spec = "[QUERY] [(-f | -t)] [--hours] [--minutes] [--seconds]"

// ILogs ...
type ILogs interface {
	Output(queryString, sessionToken, domain string, follow bool, hours, minutes, seconds, from int, startTimestamp time.Time, endTimestamp time.Time, env *models.Environment) (int, time.Time, error)
	Stream(queryString, sessionToken, domain string, follow bool, hours, minutes, seconds, from int, timestamp time.Time, env *models.Environment) error
	Watch(queryString, domain, sessionToken string) error

// Cmd is the contract between the user and the CLI. This specifies the command
// name, arguments, and required/optional arguments and flags for the command.
var Cmd = models.Command{
	Name:      "domain",
	ShortHelp: "Print out the temporary domain name of the environment",
	LongHelp: "`domain` prints out the temporary domain name setup by Catalyze for an environment. " +
		"This domain name typically takes the form podXXXXX.catalyzeapps.com but may vary based on the environment. Here is a sample command\n\n" +
		"```\ncatalyze -E \"<your_env_alias>\" domain\n```",
	CmdFunc: func(settings *models.Settings) func(cmd *cli.Cmd) {
		return func(cmd *cli.Cmd) {
			cmd.Action = func() {
				if _, err := auth.New(settings, prompts.New()).Signin(); err != nil {
				if err := config.CheckRequiredAssociation(true, true, settings); err != nil {
				err := CmdDomain(settings.EnvironmentID, environments.New(settings), services.New(settings), sites.New(settings))
				if err != nil {