文件: apier.go 项目: nikbyte/cgrates
// Load derived chargers from storDb into dataDb.
func (self *ApierV1) LoadDerivedChargers(attrs utils.TPDerivedChargers, reply *string) error {
	if len(attrs.TPid) == 0 {
		return utils.NewErrMandatoryIeMissing("TPid")
	dbReader := engine.NewTpReader(self.RatingDb, self.AccountDb, self.StorDb, attrs.TPid, self.Config.DefaultTimezone, self.Config.LoadHistorySize)
	dc := engine.APItoModelDerivedCharger(&attrs)
	if err := dbReader.LoadDerivedChargersFiltered(&dc[0], true); err != nil {
		return utils.NewErrServerError(err)
	//Automatic cache of the newly inserted rating plan
	var derivedChargingKeys []string
	if len(attrs.Direction) != 0 && len(attrs.Tenant) != 0 && len(attrs.Category) != 0 && len(attrs.Account) != 0 && len(attrs.Subject) != 0 {
		derivedChargingKeys = []string{utils.DERIVEDCHARGERS_PREFIX + attrs.GetDerivedChargersKey()}
	if err := self.RatingDb.CacheRatingPrefixValues(map[string][]string{utils.DERIVEDCHARGERS_PREFIX: derivedChargingKeys}); err != nil {
		return err
	*reply = OK
	return nil