// handleOptionalParameters parses the optional parameters as described in BEP
// 41 and updates an announce with the values parsed.
func handleOptionalParameters(packet []byte) (bittorrent.Params, error) {
	if len(packet) == 0 {
		return bittorrent.ParseURLData("")

	var buf = newBuffer()
	defer buf.free()

	for i := 0; i < len(packet); {
		option := packet[i]
		switch option {
		case optionEndOfOptions:
			return bittorrent.ParseURLData(buf.String())
		case optionNOP:
		case optionURLData:
			if i+1 >= len(packet) {
				return nil, errMalformedPacket

			length := int(packet[i+1])
			if i+2+length > len(packet) {
				return nil, errMalformedPacket

			n, err := buf.Write(packet[i+2 : i+2+length])
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			if n != length {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected to write %d bytes, wrote %d", length, n)

			i += 2 + length
			return nil, errUnknownOptionType

	return bittorrent.ParseURLData(buf.String())
// ParseScrape parses an bittorrent.ScrapeRequest from an http.Request.
func ParseScrape(r *http.Request) (*bittorrent.ScrapeRequest, error) {
	qp, err := bittorrent.ParseURLData(r.RequestURI)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	infoHashes := qp.InfoHashes()
	if len(infoHashes) < 1 {
		return nil, bittorrent.ClientError("no info_hash parameter supplied")

	request := &bittorrent.ScrapeRequest{
		InfoHashes: infoHashes,
		Params:     qp,

	return request, nil
// ParseAnnounce parses an bittorrent.AnnounceRequest from an http.Request.
// If allowIPSpoofing is true, IPs provided via params will be used.
// If realIPHeader is not empty string, the first value of the HTTP Header with
// that name will be used.
func ParseAnnounce(r *http.Request, realIPHeader string, allowIPSpoofing bool) (*bittorrent.AnnounceRequest, error) {
	qp, err := bittorrent.ParseURLData(r.RequestURI)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	request := &bittorrent.AnnounceRequest{Params: qp}

	eventStr, _ := qp.String("event")
	request.Event, err = bittorrent.NewEvent(eventStr)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, bittorrent.ClientError("failed to provide valid client event")

	compactStr, _ := qp.String("compact")
	request.Compact = compactStr != "" && compactStr != "0"

	infoHashes := qp.InfoHashes()
	if len(infoHashes) < 1 {
		return nil, bittorrent.ClientError("no info_hash parameter supplied")
	if len(infoHashes) > 1 {
		return nil, bittorrent.ClientError("multiple info_hash parameters supplied")
	request.InfoHash = infoHashes[0]

	peerID, ok := qp.String("peer_id")
	if !ok {
		return nil, bittorrent.ClientError("failed to parse parameter: peer_id")
	if len(peerID) != 20 {
		return nil, bittorrent.ClientError("failed to provide valid peer_id")
	request.Peer.ID = bittorrent.PeerIDFromString(peerID)

	request.Left, err = qp.Uint64("left")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, bittorrent.ClientError("failed to parse parameter: left")

	request.Downloaded, err = qp.Uint64("downloaded")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, bittorrent.ClientError("failed to parse parameter: downloaded")

	request.Uploaded, err = qp.Uint64("uploaded")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, bittorrent.ClientError("failed to parse parameter: uploaded")

	numwant, err := qp.Uint64("numwant")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, bittorrent.ClientError("failed to parse parameter: numwant")
	request.NumWant = uint32(numwant)

	port, err := qp.Uint64("port")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, bittorrent.ClientError("failed to parse parameter: port")
	request.Peer.Port = uint16(port)

	request.Peer.IP = requestedIP(r, qp, realIPHeader, allowIPSpoofing)
	if request.Peer.IP == nil {
		return nil, bittorrent.ClientError("failed to parse peer IP address")

	// Sanitize IPv4 addresses to 4 bytes.
	if ip := request.Peer.IP.To4(); ip != nil {
		request.Peer.IP = ip

	return request, nil