// parse template 2 file
func (servicedDeploy *ServiceDeployWebSocketController) ParseTemplate(ws *websocket.Conn, service entity.Service) bool {

	writeStringMessage(ws, "Load templateList")

	template, templateLoadErr := entity.LoadTemplateList(service.Id)

	if templateLoadErr != nil {
		writeStringMessage(ws, fmt.Sprintf("Error,%s", templateLoadErr))
		return false
	writeStringMessage(ws, "Load componentList")
	component, componentErr := entity.LoadComponentList(service.Id)

	if componentErr != nil {
		writeStringMessage(ws, fmt.Sprintf("Error,%s", componentErr))
		return false
	writeStringMessage(ws, "Parse template")

	data := make(map[string]string)

	if len(component) > 0 {
		for _, item := range component {
			data[item.Name] = item.Value

	for _, templatefile := range template {
		if templatefile.FileType == utils.FileTypes_Template {
			if templatefile.TargetFile == "" {
				writeStringMessage(ws, fmt.Sprintf("%s TargetFile is null,please set the value", templatefile.Name))
			if templatefile.TemplateFile == "" {
				writeStringMessage(ws, fmt.Sprintf("%s TemplateFile is null,please set the value", templatefile.Name))
			result, err := utils.ParseTemplateFile2File(templatefile.TargetFile, data, templatefile.TemplateFile)
			if !result {
				writeStringMessage(ws, fmt.Sprintf("Error,%s", err))
				return result
	writeStringMessage(ws, "Parse template successful")
	return true

	It("Test ...string for args []string", func() {
		//		str := []string{"hello", "kity", "hi", "lucy"}

		Tarry("hello", "kity", "hi", "lucy")

	It("Test parse from map", func() {
		mmap := make(map[string]string)
		mmap["mysql_ip"] = ""
		mmap["mysql_port"] = "3306"
		mmap["mysql_user"] = "******"
		mmap["mysql_passwd"] = "123456"
		templatesfile := "/home/ubuntu/customservice/cfweb/templates/app-data.xml"

		utils.ParseTemplateFile2File("/home/ubuntu/temp/app-data.xml", mmap, templatesfile)

type Person struct {
	Name string
	Age  string

func Tarry(str ...string) {