func (appRunner *appRunner) buildRoutesWithDefaults(params CreateAppParams, primaryPort uint16) route_helpers.Routes { routes := appRunner.buildRoutes(params.NoRoutes, params.RouteOverrides, params.TcpRoutes) if len(routes.AppRoutes) == 0 && len(routes.TcpRoutes) == 0 && !params.NoRoutes { routes.AppRoutes = route_helpers.BuildDefaultRoutingInfo(params.Name, params.ExposedPorts, primaryPort, appRunner.systemDomain) } return routes }
Expect(returnPort).To(Equal(uint16(1000))) }) }) Context("when there is monitor port, and the exposedPorts is empty", func() { It("return the monitor port", func() { returnPort := route_helpers.GetPrimaryPort(uint16(1000), []uint16{}) Expect(returnPort).To(Equal(uint16(1000))) }) }) }) Describe("BuildDefaultRoutingInfo", func() { Context("when no exposedPorts is given", func() { It("output empty approutes", func() { appRoutes := route_helpers.BuildDefaultRoutingInfo("cool-app", []uint16{}, 5000, "cool-app-domain") Expect(appRoutes).To(BeEmpty()) }) }) Context("when primaryPort is not included in the exposedPorts", func() { It("doesn't output the default route", func() { expectedAppRoutes := route_helpers.AppRoutes{ {Hostnames: []string{""}, Port: 2000}, } appRoutes := route_helpers.BuildDefaultRoutingInfo("cool-app", []uint16{2000}, 5000, "cool-app-domain") Expect(appRoutes).To(Equal(expectedAppRoutes)) }) }) Context("when primaryPort is included in the exposedPorts", func() {