fetcher.StartEventCycle() Eventually(func() string { if len(sink.Records()) > 0 { return sink.Records()[0].Message } else { return "" } }).Should(Equal("failed to get the token")) Eventually(tokenFetcher.FetchTokenCallCount).Should(BeNumerically(">=", 2)) }) }) Context("and the event source successfully subscribes", func() { It("responds to events", func() { eventSource := fake_routing_api.FakeEventSource{} client.SubscribeToEventsReturns(&eventSource, nil) eventSource.NextStub = func() (routing_api.Event, error) { event := routing_api.Event{ Action: "Delete", Route: db.Route{ Route: "z.a.k", Port: 63, IP: "", TTL: 1, LogGuid: "Tomato", RouteServiceUrl: "route-service-url", }} return event, nil }
cfg = config.DefaultConfig() cfg.PruneStaleDropletsInterval = 2 * time.Second retryInterval := 0 uaaClient = &testUaaClient.FakeClient{} registry = &testRegistry.FakeRegistryInterface{} token = &schema.Token{ AccessToken: "access_token", ExpiresIn: 5, } client = &fake_routing_api.FakeClient{} eventChannel = make(chan routing_api.Event) errorChannel = make(chan error) eventSource := fake_routing_api.FakeEventSource{} client.SubscribeToEventsWithMaxRetriesReturns(&eventSource, nil) localEventChannel := eventChannel localErrorChannel := errorChannel eventSource.NextStub = func() (routing_api.Event, error) { select { case e := <-localErrorChannel: return routing_api.Event{}, e case event := <-localEventChannel: return event, nil } } clock = fakeclock.NewFakeClock(time.Now())
return nil, errors.New("failed to get the token") } fetcher.StartEventCycle() Eventually(received).Should(Receive()) Eventually(received).Should(Receive()) Expect(sink.Records()).ToNot(BeNil()) Expect(sink.Records()[0].Message).To(Equal("failed to get the token")) Expect(tokenFetcher.FetchTokenCallCount()).To(Equal(2)) }) }) Context("and the event source successfully subscribes", func() { It("responds to events", func() { eventSource := fake_routing_api.FakeEventSource{} client.SubscribeToEventsReturns(&eventSource, nil) received := make(chan struct{}) eventSource.NextStub = func() (routing_api.Event, error) { received <- struct{}{} event := routing_api.Event{ Action: "Delete", Route: db.Route{ Route: "z.a.k", Port: 63, IP: "", TTL: 1, LogGuid: "Tomato", }}