				[]string{"Really migrate", "1 service instance",
					"from plan", "v1-service-label", "v1-provider-name", "v1-plan-name",
					"to", "v2-service-label", "v2-plan-name"},

		Context("when the user confirms", func() {
			BeforeEach(func() {
				ui.Inputs = []string{"yes"}

			Context("when the v1 and v2 service instances exists", func() {
				BeforeEach(func() {
					serviceRepo.FindServicePlanByDescriptionResultGuids = []string{"v1-guid", "v2-guid"}
					serviceRepo.MigrateServicePlanFromV1ToV2ReturnedCount = 1

				It("makes a request to migrate the v1 service instance", func() {
					testcmd.RunCommand(cmd, args, requirementsFactory)


				It("finds the v1 service plan by its name, provider and service label", func() {
					testcmd.RunCommand(cmd, args, requirementsFactory)

					expectedV1 := resources.ServicePlanDescription{
						ServicePlanName: "v1-plan-name",
						ServiceProvider: "v1-provider-name",