func (of OAuthFactory) GetProviders(teamName string) (Providers, error) { team, found, err := of.db.GetTeamByName(teamName) if err != nil { return Providers{}, err } if !found { return Providers{}, errors.New("team not found") } providers := Providers{} if len(team.GitHubAuth.Organizations) > 0 || len(team.GitHubAuth.Teams) > 0 || len(team.GitHubAuth.Users) > 0 { redirectURL, err := of.routes.CreatePathForRoute(of.callback, rata.Params{ "provider": github.ProviderName, }) if err != nil { return Providers{}, err } gitHubAuthProvider := github.NewProvider(team.GitHubAuth, urljoiner.Join(of.atcExternalURL, redirectURL)) providers[github.ProviderName] = gitHubAuthProvider } return providers, err }
func (backend *dockerBackend) compilerDownloadURL() (*url.URL, error) { lifecycleFilename := backend.config.Lifecycles["docker"] if lifecycleFilename == "" { return nil, ErrNoCompilerDefined } parsed, err := url.Parse(lifecycleFilename) if err != nil { return nil, errors.New("couldn't parse compiler URL") } switch parsed.Scheme { case "http", "https": return parsed, nil case "": break default: return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown scheme: '%s'", parsed.Scheme) } urlString := urljoiner.Join(backend.config.FileServerURL, "/v1/static", lifecycleFilename) url, err := url.ParseRequestURI(urlString) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse compiler download URL: %s", err) } return url, nil }
func (backend *traditionalBackend) compilerDownloadURL(request cc_messages.StagingRequestFromCC, buildpackData cc_messages.BuildpackStagingData) (*url.URL, error) { compilerPath, ok := backend.config.Lifecycles[request.Lifecycle+"/"+buildpackData.Stack] if !ok { return nil, ErrNoCompilerDefined } parsed, err := url.Parse(compilerPath) if err != nil { return nil, errors.New("couldn't parse compiler URL") } switch parsed.Scheme { case "http", "https": return parsed, nil case "": break default: return nil, errors.New("Unknown Scheme") } staticPath, err := fileserver.Routes.CreatePathForRoute(fileserver.StaticRoute, nil) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("couldn't generate the compiler download path: %s", err) } urlString := urljoiner.Join(backend.config.FileServerURL, staticPath, compilerPath) url, err := url.ParseRequestURI(urlString) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse compiler download URL: %s", err) } return url, nil }
func lifecycleDownloadURL(lifecyclePath string, fileServerURL string) string { staticPath, err := fileserver.Routes.CreatePathForRoute(fileserver.StaticRoute, nil) if err != nil { panic("couldn't generate the download path for the bundle of app lifecycle binaries: " + err.Error()) } return urljoiner.Join(fileServerURL, staticPath, lifecyclePath) }
func pollingResponseBody(jobGuid, status string, baseUrl string) string { url := urljoiner.Join("/v2/jobs", jobGuid) if baseUrl != "" { url = urljoiner.Join(baseUrl, url) } return fmt.Sprintf(` { "metadata":{ "guid": "%s", "url": "%s" }, "entity": { "status": "%s" } } `, jobGuid, url, status) }
func verifyPollingRequest(jobGuid, status string, timeClicker chan time.Time) http.HandlerFunc { return ghttp.CombineHandlers( ghttp.VerifyRequest("GET", urljoiner.Join("/v2/jobs/", jobGuid)), ghttp.RespondWith(http.StatusOK, pollingResponseBody(jobGuid, status, "")), func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { timeClicker <- time.Now() }, ) }
func (up *RequestURLProvider) cloudfrontURL(request InRequest, remotePath string) string { url := urljoiner.Join(request.Source.CloudfrontURL, remotePath) if request.Version.VersionID != "" { url = url + "?versionId=" + request.Version.VersionID } return url }
func (backend *traditionalBackend) buildArtifactsUploadURL(request cc_messages.StagingRequestFromCC, buildpackData cc_messages.BuildpackStagingData) (*url.URL, error) { path, err := ccuploader.Routes.CreatePathForRoute(ccuploader.UploadBuildArtifactsRoute, rata.Params{ "app_guid": request.AppId, }) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("couldn't generate build artifacts cache upload URL: %s", err) } urlString := urljoiner.Join(backend.config.CCUploaderURL, path) u, err := url.ParseRequestURI(urlString) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse build artifacts cache upload URL: %s", err) } values := make(url.Values, 1) values.Add(cc_messages.CcBuildArtifactsUploadUriKey, buildpackData.BuildArtifactsCacheUploadUri) u.RawQuery = values.Encode() return u, nil }
func NewCcClient(baseURI string, username string, password string, skipCertVerify bool) CcClient { httpClient := &http.Client{ Timeout: appCrashedRequestTimeout, Transport: &http.Transport{ Proxy: http.ProxyFromEnvironment, Dial: (&net.Dialer{ Timeout: 10 * time.Second, KeepAlive: 30 * time.Second, }).Dial, TLSHandshakeTimeout: 10 * time.Second, TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{ InsecureSkipVerify: skipCertVerify, MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS10, }, }, } return &ccClient{ ccURI: urljoiner.Join(baseURI, appCrashedPath), username: username, password: password, httpClient: httpClient, } }
BeforeEach(func() { var err error page, err = agoutiDriver.NewPage() Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) }) AfterEach(func() { Expect(page.Destroy()).To(Succeed()) }) homepage := func() string { return fmt.Sprintf("", atcPort) } withPath := func(path string) string { return urljoiner.Join(homepage(), path) } allBuildsListIcon := ".nav-right .nav-item" allBuildsListIconLink := ".nav-right .nav-item a" firstBuildNumber := ".table-row:nth-of-type(1) .build-number" firstBuildLink := ".table-row:nth-of-type(1) a" secondBuildLink := ".table-row:nth-of-type(2) a" homeLink := ".js-groups li:nth-of-type(2) a" Context("with a one off build", func() { var oneOffBuild db.Build var build db.Build BeforeEach(func() { location := event.OriginLocation{ID: 1, ParentID: 0, ParallelGroup: 0}
{"bbs", componentMaker.BBS()}, {"receptor", componentMaker.Receptor()}, {"auctioneer", componentMaker.Auctioneer()}, {"file-server", fileServer}, })) bridge = ginkgomon.Invoke(grouper.NewParallel(os.Kill, grouper.Members{ {"cc", fakeCC}, {"stager", componentMaker.Stager()}, {"nsync-listener", componentMaker.NsyncListener()}, })) u, err := url.Parse(fakeCC.Address()) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) u.User = url.UserPassword(fakeCC.Username(), fakeCC.Password()) u.Path = urljoiner.Join("staging", "droplets", appId, "upload?async=true") dropletUploadUri = u.String() u.Path = urljoiner.Join("staging", "buildpack_cache", appId, "upload") buildArtifactsUploadUri = u.String() }) AfterEach(func() { helpers.StopProcesses(cell, brain, bridge) }) stageApplication := func(stagingGuid, payload string) (*http.Response, error) { stageURL := urljoiner.Join("http://"+componentMaker.Addresses.Stager, "v1", "staging", stagingGuid) request, err := http.NewRequest("PUT", stageURL, strings.NewReader(payload)) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) return http.DefaultClient.Do(request)
func (t *ETCDMetrics) storeStatsEndpoint(etcdAddr string) string { return urljoiner.Join(etcdAddr, "v2", "stats", "store") }
func (t *ETCDMetrics) keysEndpoint(etcdAddr string) string { return urljoiner.Join(etcdAddr, "v2", "keys") }
)) }) It("succeeds and prints an error message to help the user", func() { flyCmd := exec.Command(flyPath, "-t", atcServer.URL()+"/", "configure", "awesome-pipeline", "-c", configFile.Name()) stdin, err := flyCmd.StdinPipe() Ω(err).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred()) sess, err := gexec.Start(flyCmd, GinkgoWriter, GinkgoWriter) Ω(err).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred()) Eventually(sess).Should(gbytes.Say(`apply configuration\? \(y/n\): `)) fmt.Fprintln(stdin, "y") pipelineURL := urljoiner.Join(atcServer.URL(), "pipelines", "awesome-pipeline") Eventually(sess).Should(gbytes.Say("pipeline created!")) Eventually(sess).Should(gbytes.Say(fmt.Sprintf("you can view your pipeline here: %s", pipelineURL))) Eventually(sess).Should(gbytes.Say("the pipeline is currently paused. to unpause, either:")) Eventually(sess).Should(gbytes.Say(" - run again with --paused=false")) Eventually(sess).Should(gbytes.Say(" - click play next to the pipeline in the web ui")) <-sess.Exited Ω(sess.ExitCode()).Should(Equal(0)) Ω(atcServer.ReceivedRequests()).Should(HaveLen(2)) }) })
"num_instances": `+strconv.Itoa(instances)+`, "memory_mb": 256, "disk_mb": 1024, "file_descriptors": 16384, "environment":[{"name":"VCAP_APPLICATION", "value":"{}"}], "routes": `+routes+`, "log_guid": "%s" } `, guid, fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/v1/static/%s", componentMaker.Addresses.FileServer, ""), componentMaker.DefaultStack(), appId, ) desireURL := urljoiner.Join("http://"+componentMaker.Addresses.NsyncListener, "v1", "apps", guid) request, err := http.NewRequest("PUT", desireURL, strings.NewReader(desireMessage)) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) request.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json") return http.DefaultClient.Do(request) } BeforeEach(func() { appId = helpers.GenerateGuid() fileServer, fileServerStaticDir := componentMaker.FileServer() runtime = ginkgomon.Invoke(grouper.NewParallel(os.Kill, grouper.Members{ {"bbs", componentMaker.BBS()}, {"receptor", componentMaker.Receptor()},
s *Server ) BeforeEach(func() { s = New() }) AfterEach(func() { s.Close() }) Describe("allowing unhandled requests", func() { BeforeEach(func() { s.AllowUnhandledRequests = true s.UnhandledRequestStatusCode = http.StatusForbidden resp, err = http.Get(urljoiner.Join(s.URL(), "/foo")) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) }) It("should allow unhandled requests and respond with the passed in status code", func() { Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) Expect(resp.StatusCode).To(Equal(http.StatusForbidden)) data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) Expect(data).To(BeEmpty()) }) It("should record the requests", func() { Expect(s.ReceivedRequestsCount()).To(Equal(1)) })
"-skipCertVerify", ) session, err = gexec.Start(exec.Command(ccUploaderBinary, args...), GinkgoWriter, GinkgoWriter) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) Eventually(session).Should(gbytes.Say("cc-uploader.ready")) return session } dropletUploadRequest := func(appGuid string, body io.Reader, contentLength int) *http.Request { ccUrl, err := url.Parse(fakeCC.Address()) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) ccUrl.User = url.UserPassword(fakeCC.Username(), fakeCC.Password()) ccUrl.Path = urljoiner.Join("staging", "droplets", appGuid, "upload") v := url.Values{"async": []string{"true"}} ccUrl.RawQuery = v.Encode() route, ok := ccuploader.Routes.FindRouteByName(ccuploader.UploadDropletRoute) Expect(ok).To(BeTrue()) path, err := route.CreatePath(map[string]string{"guid": appGuid}) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) u, err := url.Parse(urljoiner.Join(address, path)) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) v = url.Values{cc_messages.CcDropletUploadUriKey: []string{ccUrl.String()}} u.RawQuery = v.Encode() postRequest, err := http.NewRequest("POST", u.String(), body)
func EmitRunOnceStates(datadogClient *datadog.Client, store *etcdstoreadapter.ETCDStoreAdapter, etcdMachines []string) { for { now := time.Now().Unix() all, err := store.ListRecursively("/v1/run_once") if err != nil { log.Println("failed to get all RunOnces:", err) time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) continue } metrics := []datadog.Metric{} for i, etcdMachine := range etcdMachines { stats := map[string]int{} resp, err := http.Get(urljoiner.Join(etcdMachine, "/v2/stats/store")) if err != nil { log.Println("failed to fetch stats:", err) continue } data, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) resp.Body.Close() json.Unmarshal(data, &stats) metrics = append(metrics, datadog.Metric{ Metric: fmt.Sprintf("etcd_watchers_%d", i), Points: []datadog.DataPoint{ datadog.DataPoint( [2]float64{ float64(now), float64(stats["watchers"]), }, ), }, }) } for _, state := range []string{"pending", "claimed", "running", "completed", "resolving"} { runOnces, found := all.Lookup(state) if !found { log.Println("failed to find RunOnces in", state, "state") time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) continue } metrics = append(metrics, datadog.Metric{ Metric: "diego_runonce_" + state, Points: []datadog.DataPoint{ datadog.DataPoint( [2]float64{ float64(now), float64(len(runOnces.ChildNodes)), }, ), }, }) } executors, err := store.ListRecursively("/v1/executor") if err != nil { log.Println("failed to get all Executors:", err) time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) continue } metrics = append(metrics, datadog.Metric{ Metric: "executors_maintaining_presence", Points: []datadog.DataPoint{ datadog.DataPoint( [2]float64{ float64(now), float64(len(executors.ChildNodes)), }, ), }, }) err = datadogClient.PostMetrics(metrics) if err != nil { log.Println("failed to post metrics:", err) } time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) } }
func (t *ETCDMetrics) leaderStatsEndpoint(etcdAddr string) string { return urljoiner.Join(etcdAddr, "v2", "stats", "leader") }