// TestNodeLivenessRestart verifies that if nodes are shutdown and
// restarted, the node liveness records are re-gossiped immediately.
func TestNodeLivenessRestart(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()
	mtc := &multiTestContext{}
	defer mtc.Stop()
	mtc.Start(t, 2)

	// After verifying node is in liveness table, stop store.
	verifyLiveness(t, mtc)

	// Clear the liveness records in store 1's gossip to make sure we're
	// seeing the liveness record properly gossiped at store startup.
	var expKeys []string
	for _, g := range mtc.gossips {
		key := gossip.MakeNodeLivenessKey(g.NodeID.Get())
		expKeys = append(expKeys, key)
		if err := g.AddInfoProto(key, &storage.Liveness{}, 0); err != nil {

	// Register a callback to gossip in order to verify liveness records
	// are re-gossiped.
	var keysMu struct {
		keys []string
	livenessRegex := gossip.MakePrefixPattern(gossip.KeyNodeLivenessPrefix)
	mtc.gossips[0].RegisterCallback(livenessRegex, func(key string, _ roachpb.Value) {
		defer keysMu.Unlock()
		for _, k := range keysMu.keys {
			if k == key {
		keysMu.keys = append(keysMu.keys, key)

	// Restart store and verify gossip contains liveness record for nodes 1&2.
	testutils.SucceedsSoon(t, func() error {
		defer keysMu.Unlock()
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(keysMu.keys, expKeys) {
			return errors.Errorf("expected keys %+v != keys %+v", expKeys, keysMu.keys)
		return nil
// TestNodeLivenessSelf verifies that a node keeps its own most
// recent liveness heartbeat info in preference to anything which
// might be received belatedly through gossip.
func TestNodeLivenessSelf(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()
	mtc := &multiTestContext{}
	defer mtc.Stop()
	mtc.Start(t, 1)

	// Verify liveness of all nodes for all nodes.
	pauseNodeLivenessHeartbeats(mtc, true)
	g := mtc.gossips[0]
	liveness, _ := mtc.nodeLivenesses[0].GetLiveness(g.NodeID.Get())
	if err := mtc.nodeLivenesses[0].Heartbeat(context.Background(), liveness); err != nil {

	// Gossip random nonsense for liveness and verify that asking for
	// the node's own node ID returns the "correct" value.
	key := gossip.MakeNodeLivenessKey(g.NodeID.Get())
	var count int32
	g.RegisterCallback(key, func(_ string, val roachpb.Value) {
		atomic.AddInt32(&count, 1)
	testutils.SucceedsSoon(t, func() error {
		if err := g.AddInfoProto(key, &storage.Liveness{
			NodeID: 1,
			Epoch:  2,
		}, 0); err != nil {
		if atomic.LoadInt32(&count) < 2 {
			return errors.New("expected count >= 2")
		return nil

	// Self should not see new epoch.
	l := mtc.nodeLivenesses[0]
	lGet, err := l.GetLiveness(g.NodeID.Get())
	if err != nil {
	lSelf, err := l.Self()
	if err != nil {
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(lGet, lSelf) {
		t.Errorf("expected GetLiveness() to return same value as Self(): %+v != %+v", lGet, lSelf)
	if lGet.Epoch == 2 || lSelf.NodeID == 2 {
		t.Errorf("expected GetLiveness() and Self() not to return artificially gossiped liveness: %+v, %+v", lGet, lSelf)