// newReplicateQueue returns a new instance of replicateQueue.
func newReplicateQueue(
	store *Store, g *gossip.Gossip, allocator Allocator, clock *hlc.Clock, options AllocatorOptions,
) *replicateQueue {
	rq := &replicateQueue{
		allocator:  allocator,
		clock:      clock,
		updateChan: make(chan struct{}, 1),
	rq.baseQueue = newBaseQueue(
		"replicate", rq, store, g,
			maxSize:              replicateQueueMaxSize,
			needsLease:           true,
			acceptsUnsplitRanges: store.TestingKnobs().ReplicateQueueAcceptsUnsplit,
			successes:            store.metrics.ReplicateQueueSuccesses,
			failures:             store.metrics.ReplicateQueueFailures,
			pending:              store.metrics.ReplicateQueuePending,
			processingNanos:      store.metrics.ReplicateQueueProcessingNanos,
			purgatory:            store.metrics.ReplicateQueuePurgatory,

	if g != nil { // gossip is nil for some unittests
		// Register a gossip callback to signal queue that replicas in
		// purgatory might be retried due to new store gossip.
		g.RegisterCallback(gossip.MakePrefixPattern(gossip.KeyStorePrefix), func(_ string, _ roachpb.Value) {
			select {
			case rq.updateChan <- struct{}{}:

	return rq
// NewStorePool creates a StorePool and registers the store updating callback
// with gossip.
func NewStorePool(
	ambient log.AmbientContext,
	g *gossip.Gossip,
	clock *hlc.Clock,
	rpcContext *rpc.Context,
	timeUntilStoreDead time.Duration,
	stopper *stop.Stopper,
	deterministic bool,
) *StorePool {
	sp := &StorePool{
		AmbientContext:     ambient,
		clock:              clock,
		timeUntilStoreDead: timeUntilStoreDead,
		rpcContext:         rpcContext,
		failedReservationsTimeout: envutil.EnvOrDefaultDuration("COCKROACH_FAILED_RESERVATION_TIMEOUT",
		declinedReservationsTimeout: envutil.EnvOrDefaultDuration("COCKROACH_DECLINED_RESERVATION_TIMEOUT",
		resolver:      GossipAddressResolver(g),
		deterministic: deterministic,
	sp.mu.storeDetails = make(map[roachpb.StoreID]*storeDetail)
	sp.mu.nodeLocalities = make(map[roachpb.NodeID]roachpb.Locality)
	storeRegex := gossip.MakePrefixPattern(gossip.KeyStorePrefix)
	g.RegisterCallback(storeRegex, sp.storeGossipUpdate)
	deadReplicasRegex := gossip.MakePrefixPattern(gossip.KeyDeadReplicasPrefix)
	g.RegisterCallback(deadReplicasRegex, sp.deadReplicasGossipUpdate)

	return sp
// WaitForStores waits for all of the store descriptors to be gossiped. Servers
// other than the first "bootstrap" their stores asynchronously, but we'd like
// to wait for all of the stores to be initialized before returning the
// TestCluster.
func (tc *TestCluster) WaitForStores(t testing.TB, g *gossip.Gossip) {
	// Register a gossip callback for the store descriptors.
	var storesMu syncutil.Mutex
	stores := map[roachpb.StoreID]struct{}{}
	storesDone := make(chan error)
	storesDoneOnce := storesDone
	unregister := g.RegisterCallback(gossip.MakePrefixPattern(gossip.KeyStorePrefix),
		func(_ string, content roachpb.Value) {
			defer storesMu.Unlock()
			if storesDoneOnce == nil {

			var desc roachpb.StoreDescriptor
			if err := content.GetProto(&desc); err != nil {
				storesDoneOnce <- err

			stores[desc.StoreID] = struct{}{}
			if len(stores) == len(tc.Servers) {
				storesDoneOnce = nil
	defer unregister()

	// Wait for the store descriptors to be gossiped.
	for err := range storesDone {
		if err != nil {
// NewStoreGossiper creates a store gossiper for use by tests. It adds the
// callback to gossip.
func NewStoreGossiper(g *gossip.Gossip) *StoreGossiper {
	sg := &StoreGossiper{
		g:           g,
		storeKeyMap: make(map[string]struct{}),
	sg.cond = sync.NewCond(&sg.mu)
	g.RegisterCallback(gossip.MakePrefixPattern(gossip.KeyStorePrefix), func(key string, _ roachpb.Value) {
		defer sg.mu.Unlock()
		delete(sg.storeKeyMap, key)
	return sg
// newReplicateQueue returns a new instance of replicateQueue.
func newReplicateQueue(
	store *Store, g *gossip.Gossip, allocator Allocator, clock *hlc.Clock, options AllocatorOptions,
) *replicateQueue {
	rq := &replicateQueue{
		metrics:    makeReplicateQueueMetrics(),
		allocator:  allocator,
		clock:      clock,
		updateChan: make(chan struct{}, 1),
	rq.baseQueue = newBaseQueue(
		"replicate", rq, store, g,
			maxSize:              defaultQueueMaxSize,
			needsLease:           true,
			acceptsUnsplitRanges: store.TestingKnobs().ReplicateQueueAcceptsUnsplit,
			successes:            store.metrics.ReplicateQueueSuccesses,
			failures:             store.metrics.ReplicateQueueFailures,
			pending:              store.metrics.ReplicateQueuePending,
			processingNanos:      store.metrics.ReplicateQueueProcessingNanos,
			purgatory:            store.metrics.ReplicateQueuePurgatory,

	updateFn := func() {
		select {
		case rq.updateChan <- struct{}{}:

	// Register a gossip and node liveness callbacks to signal queue
	// that replicas in purgatory might be retried.
	if g != nil { // gossip is nil for some unittests
		g.RegisterCallback(gossip.MakePrefixPattern(gossip.KeyStorePrefix), func(_ string, _ roachpb.Value) {
	if nl := store.cfg.NodeLiveness; nl != nil { // node liveness is nil for some unittests
		nl.RegisterCallback(func(_ roachpb.NodeID) {

	return rq
// newReplicaSlice creates a ReplicaSlice from the replicas listed in the range
// descriptor and using gossip to lookup node descriptors. Replicas on nodes
// that are not gossiped are omitted from the result.
func newReplicaSlice(gossip *gossip.Gossip, desc *roachpb.RangeDescriptor) ReplicaSlice {
	if gossip == nil {
		return nil
	replicas := make(ReplicaSlice, 0, len(desc.Replicas))
	for _, r := range desc.Replicas {
		nd, err := gossip.GetNodeDescriptor(r.NodeID)
		if err != nil {
			if log.V(1) {
				log.Infof(context.TODO(), "node %d is not gossiped: %v", r.NodeID, err)
		replicas = append(replicas, ReplicaInfo{
			ReplicaDescriptor: r,
			NodeDesc:          nd,
	return replicas
// NewDistSender returns a batch.Sender instance which connects to the
// Cockroach cluster via the supplied gossip instance. Supplying a
// DistSenderContext or the fields within is optional. For omitted values, sane
// defaults will be used.
func NewDistSender(cfg DistSenderConfig, g *gossip.Gossip) *DistSender {
	ds := &DistSender{gossip: g}

	ds.AmbientContext = cfg.AmbientCtx
	if ds.AmbientContext.Tracer == nil {
		ds.AmbientContext.Tracer = tracing.NewTracer()

	ds.clock = cfg.Clock
	if ds.clock == nil {
		ds.clock = hlc.NewClock(hlc.UnixNano)

	if cfg.nodeDescriptor != nil {
		atomic.StorePointer(&ds.nodeDescriptor, unsafe.Pointer(cfg.nodeDescriptor))
	rcSize := cfg.RangeDescriptorCacheSize
	if rcSize <= 0 {
		rcSize = defaultRangeDescriptorCacheSize
	rdb := cfg.RangeDescriptorDB
	if rdb == nil {
		rdb = ds
	ds.rangeCache = newRangeDescriptorCache(ds.AnnotateCtx(context.TODO()), rdb, int(rcSize))
	lcSize := cfg.LeaseHolderCacheSize
	if lcSize <= 0 {
		lcSize = defaultLeaseHolderCacheSize
	ds.leaseHolderCache = newLeaseHolderCache(int(lcSize))
	if cfg.RangeLookupMaxRanges <= 0 {
		ds.rangeLookupMaxRanges = defaultRangeLookupMaxRanges
	if cfg.TransportFactory != nil {
		ds.transportFactory = cfg.TransportFactory
	ds.rpcRetryOptions = base.DefaultRetryOptions()
	if cfg.RPCRetryOptions != nil {
		ds.rpcRetryOptions = *cfg.RPCRetryOptions
	if cfg.RPCContext != nil {
		ds.rpcContext = cfg.RPCContext
		if ds.rpcRetryOptions.Closer == nil {
			ds.rpcRetryOptions.Closer = ds.rpcContext.Stopper.ShouldQuiesce()
	if cfg.SendNextTimeout != 0 {
		ds.sendNextTimeout = cfg.SendNextTimeout
	} else {
		ds.sendNextTimeout = defaultSendNextTimeout
	if cfg.SenderConcurrency != 0 {
		ds.asyncSenderSem = make(chan struct{}, cfg.SenderConcurrency)
	} else {
		ds.asyncSenderSem = make(chan struct{}, defaultSenderConcurrency)

	if g != nil {
		ctx := ds.AnnotateCtx(context.Background())
			func(_ string, value roachpb.Value) {
				if log.V(1) {
					var desc roachpb.RangeDescriptor
					if err := value.GetProto(&desc); err != nil {
						log.Errorf(ctx, "unable to parse gossiped first range descriptor: %s", err)
					} else {
						log.Infof(ctx, "gossiped first range descriptor: %+v", desc.Replicas)
				err := ds.rangeCache.EvictCachedRangeDescriptor(roachpb.RKeyMin, nil, false)
				if err != nil {
					log.Warningf(ctx, "failed to evict first range descriptor: %s", err)
	return ds
// RefreshLeases starts a goroutine that refreshes the lease manager
// leases for tables received in the latest system configuration via gossip.
func (m *LeaseManager) RefreshLeases(s *stop.Stopper, db *client.DB, gossip *gossip.Gossip) {
	s.RunWorker(func() {
		descKeyPrefix := keys.MakeTablePrefix(uint32(sqlbase.DescriptorTable.ID))
		gossipUpdateC := gossip.RegisterSystemConfigChannel()
		for {
			select {
			case <-gossipUpdateC:
				cfg, _ := gossip.GetSystemConfig()
				if m.testingKnobs.GossipUpdateEvent != nil {
				// Read all tables and their versions
				if log.V(2) {
					log.Info(context.TODO(), "received a new config; will refresh leases")

				// Loop through the configuration to find all the tables.
				for _, kv := range cfg.Values {
					if !bytes.HasPrefix(kv.Key, descKeyPrefix) {
					// Attempt to unmarshal config into a table/database descriptor.
					var descriptor sqlbase.Descriptor
					if err := kv.Value.GetProto(&descriptor); err != nil {
						log.Warningf(context.TODO(), "%s: unable to unmarshal descriptor %v", kv.Key, kv.Value)
					switch union := descriptor.Union.(type) {
					case *sqlbase.Descriptor_Table:
						table := union.Table
						if err := table.ValidateTable(); err != nil {
							log.Errorf(context.TODO(), "%s: received invalid table descriptor: %v", kv.Key, table)
						if log.V(2) {
							log.Infof(context.TODO(), "%s: refreshing lease table: %d (%s), version: %d, deleted: %t",
								kv.Key, table.ID, table.Name, table.Version, table.Dropped())
						// Try to refresh the table lease to one >= this version.
						if t := m.findTableState(table.ID, false /* create */); t != nil {
							if err := t.purgeOldLeases(
								db, table.Dropped(), table.Version, m.LeaseStore); err != nil {
								log.Warningf(context.TODO(), "error purging leases for table %d(%s): %s",
									table.ID, table.Name, err)
					case *sqlbase.Descriptor_Database:
						// Ignore.
				if m.testingKnobs.TestingLeasesRefreshedEvent != nil {

			case <-s.ShouldStop():
// GossipAddressResolver is a thin wrapper around gossip's GetNodeIDAddress
// that allows its return value to be used as the net.Addr interface.
func GossipAddressResolver(gossip *gossip.Gossip) NodeAddressResolver {
	return func(nodeID roachpb.NodeID) (net.Addr, error) {
		return gossip.GetNodeIDAddress(nodeID)