func (tc *timestampCache) getMax(
	start, end roachpb.Key, readTSCache bool,
) (hlc.Timestamp, *uuid.UUID, bool) {
	if len(end) == 0 {
		end = start.Next()
	var ok bool
	maxTS := tc.lowWater
	var maxTxnID *uuid.UUID
	cache := tc.wCache
	if readTSCache {
		cache = tc.rCache
	for _, o := range cache.GetOverlaps(start, end) {
		ce := o.Value.(*cacheValue)
		if maxTS.Less(ce.timestamp) {
			ok = true
			maxTS = ce.timestamp
			maxTxnID = ce.txnID
		} else if maxTS.Equal(ce.timestamp) && maxTxnID != nil &&
			(ce.txnID == nil || *maxTxnID != *ce.txnID) {
			maxTxnID = nil
	return maxTS, maxTxnID, ok
// add the specified timestamp to the cache as covering the range of
// keys from start to end. If end is nil, the range covers the start
// key only. txnID is nil for no transaction. readTSCache specifies
// whether the command adding this timestamp should update the read
// timestamp; false to update the write timestamp cache.
func (tc *timestampCache) add(
	start, end roachpb.Key, timestamp hlc.Timestamp, txnID *uuid.UUID, readTSCache bool,
) {
	// This gives us a memory-efficient end key if end is empty.
	if len(end) == 0 {
		end = start.Next()
		start = end[:len(start)]
	// Only add to the cache if the timestamp is more recent than the
	// low water mark.
	if tc.lowWater.Less(timestamp) {
		tcache := tc.wCache
		if readTSCache {
			tcache = tc.rCache

		addRange := func(r interval.Range) {
			value := cacheValue{timestamp: timestamp, txnID: txnID}
			key := tcache.MakeKey(r.Start, r.End)
			entry := makeCacheEntry(key, value)
		r := interval.Range{
			Start: interval.Comparable(start),
			End:   interval.Comparable(end),

		// Check existing, overlapping entries and truncate/split/remove if
		// superseded and in the past. If existing entries are in the future,
		// subtract from the range/ranges that need to be added to cache.
		for _, entry := range tcache.GetOverlaps(r.Start, r.End) {
			cv := entry.Value.(*cacheValue)
			key := entry.Key.(*cache.IntervalKey)
			sCmp := r.Start.Compare(key.Start)
			eCmp := r.End.Compare(key.End)
			if cv.timestamp.Less(timestamp) {
				// The existing interval has a timestamp less than the new
				// interval. Compare interval ranges to determine how to
				// modify existing interval.
				switch {
				case sCmp == 0 && eCmp == 0:
					// New and old are equal; replace old with new and avoid the need to insert new.
					// New: ------------
					// Old: ------------
					// New: ------------
					// Old:
					*cv = cacheValue{timestamp: timestamp, txnID: txnID}
				case sCmp <= 0 && eCmp >= 0:
					// New contains or is equal to old; delete old.
					// New: ------------      ------------      ------------
					// Old:   --------    or    ----------  or  ----------
					// New: ------------      ------------      ------------
					// Old:
				case sCmp > 0 && eCmp < 0:
					// Old contains new; split up old into two.
					// New:     ----
					// Old: ------------
					// New:     ----
					// Old: ----    ----
					oldEnd := key.End
					key.End = r.Start

					newKey := tcache.MakeKey(r.End, oldEnd)
					newEntry := makeCacheEntry(newKey, *cv)
					tcache.AddEntryAfter(newEntry, entry)
				case eCmp >= 0:
					// Left partial overlap; truncate old end.
					// New:     --------          --------
					// Old: --------      or  ------------
					// New:     --------          --------
					// Old: ----              ----
					key.End = r.Start
				case sCmp <= 0:
					// Right partial overlap; truncate old start.
					// New: --------          --------
					// Old:     --------  or  ------------
					// New: --------          --------
					// Old:         ----              ----
					key.Start = r.End
					panic(fmt.Sprintf("no overlap between %v and %v", key.Range, r))
			} else if timestamp.Less(cv.timestamp) {
				// The existing interval has a timestamp greater than the new interval.
				// Compare interval ranges to determine how to modify new interval before
				// adding it to the timestamp cache.
				switch {
				case sCmp >= 0 && eCmp <= 0:
					// Old contains or is equal to new; no need to add.
					// Old: -----------      -----------      -----------      -----------
					// New:    -----     or  -----------  or  --------     or     --------
					// Old: -----------      -----------      -----------      -----------
					// New:
				case sCmp < 0 && eCmp > 0:
					// New contains old; split up old into two. We can add the left piece
					// immediately because it is guaranteed to be before the rest of the
					// overlaps.
					// Old:    ------
					// New: ------------
					// Old:    ------
					// New: ---      ---
					lr := interval.Range{Start: r.Start, End: key.Start}

					r.Start = key.End
				case eCmp > 0:
					// Left partial overlap; truncate new start.
					// Old: --------          --------
					// New:     --------  or  ------------
					// Old: --------          --------
					// New:         ----              ----
					r.Start = key.End
				case sCmp < 0:
					// Right partial overlap; truncate new end.
					// Old:     --------          --------
					// New: --------      or  ------------
					// Old:     --------          --------
					// New: ----              ----
					r.End = key.Start
					panic(fmt.Sprintf("no overlap between %v and %v", key.Range, r))
			} else if (cv.txnID == nil && txnID == nil) ||
				(cv.txnID != nil && txnID != nil && *cv.txnID == *txnID) {
				// The existing interval has a timestamp equal to the new
				// interval, and the same transaction ID.
				switch {
				case sCmp >= 0 && eCmp <= 0:
					// Old contains or is equal to new; no need to add.
					// New:    -----     or  -----------  or  --------     or     --------
					// Old: -----------      -----------      -----------      -----------
					// New:
					// Old: -----------      -----------      -----------      -----------
				case sCmp <= 0 && eCmp >= 0:
					// New contains old; delete old.
					// New: ------------      ------------      ------------
					// Old:   --------    or    ----------  or  ----------
					// New: ------------      ------------      ------------
					// Old:
				case eCmp >= 0:
					// Left partial overlap; truncate old end.
					// New:     --------          --------
					// Old: --------      or  ------------
					// New:     --------          --------
					// Old: ----              ----
					key.End = r.Start
				case sCmp <= 0:
					// Right partial overlap; truncate old start.
					// New: --------          --------
					// Old:     --------  or  ------------
					// New: --------          --------
					// Old:         ----              ----
					key.Start = r.End
					panic(fmt.Sprintf("no overlap between %v and %v", key.Range, r))
			} else {
				// The existing interval has a timestamp equal to the new
				// interval and a different transaction ID.
				switch {
				case sCmp == 0 && eCmp == 0:
					// New and old are equal. Segment is no longer owned by any
					// transaction.
					// New: ------------
					// Old: ------------
					// New:
					// Nil: ============
					// Old:
					cv.txnID = nil
				case sCmp == 0 && eCmp > 0:
					// New contains old, left-aligned. Clear ownership of the
					// existing segment and truncate new.
					// New: ------------
					// Old: ----------
					// New:           --
					// Nil: ==========
					// Old:
					cv.txnID = nil
					r.Start = key.End
				case sCmp < 0 && eCmp == 0:
					// New contains old, right-aligned. Clear ownership of the
					// existing segment and truncate new.
					// New: ------------
					// Old:   ----------
					// New: --
					// Nil:   ==========
					// Old:
					cv.txnID = nil
					r.End = key.Start
				case sCmp < 0 && eCmp > 0:
					// New contains old; split into three segments with the
					// overlap owned by no txn.
					// New: ------------
					// Old:   --------
					// New: --        --
					// Nil:   ========
					// Old:
					cv.txnID = nil
					newKey := tcache.MakeKey(r.Start, key.Start)
					newEntry := makeCacheEntry(newKey, cacheValue{timestamp: timestamp, txnID: txnID})
					tcache.AddEntryAfter(newEntry, entry)
					r.Start = key.End
				case sCmp > 0 && eCmp < 0:
					// Old contains new; split up old into two. New segment is
					// owned by no txn.
					// New:     ----
					// Old: ------------
					// New:
					// Nil:     ====
					// Old: ----    ----
					txnID = nil
					oldEnd := key.End
					key.End = r.Start

					newKey := tcache.MakeKey(r.End, oldEnd)
					newEntry := makeCacheEntry(newKey, *cv)
					tcache.AddEntryAfter(newEntry, entry)
				case eCmp == 0:
					// Old contains new, right-aligned; truncate old end and clear
					// ownership of new segment.
					// New:     --------
					// Old: ------------
					// New:
					// Nil:     ========
					// Old: ----
					txnID = nil
					key.End = r.Start
				case sCmp == 0:
					// Old contains new, left-aligned; truncate old start and
					// clear ownership of new segment.
					// New: --------
					// Old: ------------
					// New:
					// Nil: ========
					// Old:         ----
					txnID = nil
					key.Start = r.End
				case eCmp > 0:
					// Left partial overlap; truncate old end and split new into
					// segments owned by no txn (the overlap) and the new txn.
					// New:     --------
					// Old: --------
					// New:         ----
					// Nil:     ====
					// Old: ----
					key.End, r.Start = r.Start, key.End
					newKey := tcache.MakeKey(key.End, r.Start)
					newCV := cacheValue{timestamp: cv.timestamp, txnID: nil}
					newEntry := makeCacheEntry(newKey, newCV)
					tcache.AddEntryAfter(newEntry, entry)
				case sCmp < 0:
					// Right partial overlap; truncate old start and split new into
					// segments owned by no txn (the overlap) and the new txn.
					// New: --------
					// Old:     --------
					// New: ----
					// Nil:     ====
					// Old:         ----
					key.Start, r.End = r.End, key.Start
					newKey := tcache.MakeKey(r.End, key.Start)
					newCV := cacheValue{timestamp: cv.timestamp, txnID: nil}
					newEntry := makeCacheEntry(newKey, newCV)
					tcache.AddEntryAfter(newEntry, entry)
					panic(fmt.Sprintf("no overlap between %v and %v", key.Range, r))