// checkDistAggregationInfo tests that a flow with multiple local stages and a
// final stage (in accordance with per DistAggregationInfo) gets the same result
// with a naive aggregation flow that has a single non-distributed stage.
// Both types of flows are set up and ran against the first numRows of the given
// table. We assume the table's first column is the primary key, with values
// from 1 to numRows. A non-PK column that works with the function is chosen.
func checkDistAggregationInfo(
	t *testing.T,
	srv serverutils.TestServerInterface,
	tableDesc *sqlbase.TableDescriptor,
	colIdx int,
	numRows int,
	fn distsqlrun.AggregatorSpec_Func,
	info DistAggregationInfo,
) {
	colType := tableDesc.Columns[colIdx].Type

	makeTableReader := func(startPK, endPK int, streamID int) distsqlrun.ProcessorSpec {
		tr := distsqlrun.TableReaderSpec{
			Table:         *tableDesc,
			OutputColumns: []uint32{uint32(colIdx)},
			Spans:         make([]distsqlrun.TableReaderSpan, 1),

		var err error
		tr.Spans[0].Span.Key, err = sqlbase.MakePrimaryIndexKey(tableDesc, startPK)
		if err != nil {
		tr.Spans[0].Span.EndKey, err = sqlbase.MakePrimaryIndexKey(tableDesc, endPK)
		if err != nil {

		return distsqlrun.ProcessorSpec{
			Core: distsqlrun.ProcessorCoreUnion{TableReader: &tr},
			Output: []distsqlrun.OutputRouterSpec{{
				Type: distsqlrun.OutputRouterSpec_PASS_THROUGH,
				Streams: []distsqlrun.StreamEndpointSpec{
					{Type: distsqlrun.StreamEndpointSpec_LOCAL, StreamID: distsqlrun.StreamID(streamID)},

	// First run a flow that aggregates all the rows without any local stages.

	rowsNonDist := runTestFlow(
		t, srv,
		makeTableReader(1, numRows+1, 0),
			Input: []distsqlrun.InputSyncSpec{{
				Type:        distsqlrun.InputSyncSpec_UNORDERED,
				ColumnTypes: []sqlbase.ColumnType{colType},
				Streams: []distsqlrun.StreamEndpointSpec{
					{Type: distsqlrun.StreamEndpointSpec_LOCAL, StreamID: 0},
			Core: distsqlrun.ProcessorCoreUnion{Aggregator: &distsqlrun.AggregatorSpec{
				Aggregations: []distsqlrun.AggregatorSpec_Aggregation{{Func: fn, ColIdx: 0}},
			Output: []distsqlrun.OutputRouterSpec{{
				Type: distsqlrun.OutputRouterSpec_PASS_THROUGH,
				Streams: []distsqlrun.StreamEndpointSpec{
					{Type: distsqlrun.StreamEndpointSpec_SYNC_RESPONSE},

	// Now run a flow with 4 separate table readers, each with its own local
	// stage, all feeding into a single final stage.

	numParallel := 4
	// The type outputted by the local stage can be different than the input type
	// (e.g. DECIMAL instead of INT).
	_, intermediaryType, err := distsqlrun.GetAggregateInfo(fn, colType)
	if err != nil {

	if numParallel < numRows {
		numParallel = numRows
	finalProc := distsqlrun.ProcessorSpec{
		Input: []distsqlrun.InputSyncSpec{{
			Type:        distsqlrun.InputSyncSpec_UNORDERED,
			ColumnTypes: []sqlbase.ColumnType{intermediaryType},
		Core: distsqlrun.ProcessorCoreUnion{Aggregator: &distsqlrun.AggregatorSpec{
			Aggregations: []distsqlrun.AggregatorSpec_Aggregation{{Func: info.FinalStage, ColIdx: 0}},
		Output: []distsqlrun.OutputRouterSpec{{
			Type: distsqlrun.OutputRouterSpec_PASS_THROUGH,
			Streams: []distsqlrun.StreamEndpointSpec{
				{Type: distsqlrun.StreamEndpointSpec_SYNC_RESPONSE},
	var procs []distsqlrun.ProcessorSpec
	for i := 0; i < numParallel; i++ {
		tr := makeTableReader(1+i*numRows/numParallel, 1+(i+1)*numRows/numParallel, 2*i)
		agg := distsqlrun.ProcessorSpec{
			Input: []distsqlrun.InputSyncSpec{{
				Type:        distsqlrun.InputSyncSpec_UNORDERED,
				ColumnTypes: []sqlbase.ColumnType{colType},
				Streams: []distsqlrun.StreamEndpointSpec{
					{Type: distsqlrun.StreamEndpointSpec_LOCAL, StreamID: distsqlrun.StreamID(2 * i)},
			Core: distsqlrun.ProcessorCoreUnion{Aggregator: &distsqlrun.AggregatorSpec{
				Aggregations: []distsqlrun.AggregatorSpec_Aggregation{{Func: info.LocalStage, ColIdx: 0}},
			Output: []distsqlrun.OutputRouterSpec{{
				Type: distsqlrun.OutputRouterSpec_PASS_THROUGH,
				Streams: []distsqlrun.StreamEndpointSpec{
					{Type: distsqlrun.StreamEndpointSpec_LOCAL, StreamID: distsqlrun.StreamID(2*i + 1)},
		procs = append(procs, tr, agg)
		finalProc.Input[0].Streams = append(finalProc.Input[0].Streams, distsqlrun.StreamEndpointSpec{
			Type:     distsqlrun.StreamEndpointSpec_LOCAL,
			StreamID: distsqlrun.StreamID(2*i + 1),
	procs = append(procs, finalProc)
	rowsDist := runTestFlow(t, srv, procs...)

	if len(rowsDist[0]) != len(rowsNonDist[0]) {
		t.Errorf("different row lengths (dist: %d non-dist: %d)", len(rowsDist[0]), len(rowsNonDist[0]))
	} else {
		for i := range rowsDist[0] {
			tDist := rowsDist[0][i].Type.String()
			tNonDist := rowsNonDist[0][i].Type.String()
			if tDist != tNonDist {
				t.Errorf("different type for column %d (dist: %s non-dist: %s)", i, tDist, tNonDist)
	if rowsDist.String() != rowsNonDist.String() {
		t.Errorf("different results\nw/o local stage:   %s\nwith local stage:  %s", rowsNonDist, rowsDist)
// Test that distributing  agg functions according to DistAggregationTable
// yields correct results. We're going to run each aggregation as either the
// two-stage process described by the DistAggregationTable or as a single global
// process, and verify that the results are the same.
func TestDistAggregationTable(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()
	const numRows = 100

	tc := serverutils.StartTestCluster(t, 1, base.TestClusterArgs{})
	defer tc.Stopper().Stop()

	// Create a table with a few columns:
	//  - random integer values from 0 to numRows
	//  - random integer values (with some NULLs)
	//  - random bool value (mostly false)
	//  - random bool value (mostly true)
	//  - random decimals
	//  - random decimals (with some NULLs)
	rng, _ := randutil.NewPseudoRand()
		t, tc.ServerConn(0), "t",
		"k INT PRIMARY KEY, int1 INT, int2 INT, bool1 BOOL, bool2 BOOL, dec1 DECIMAL, dec2 DECIMAL",
		func(row int) []parser.Datum {
			return []parser.Datum{
				sqlbase.RandDatum(rng, sqlbase.ColumnType{Kind: sqlbase.ColumnType_INT}, true),
				parser.MakeDBool(parser.DBool(rng.Intn(10) == 0)),
				parser.MakeDBool(parser.DBool(rng.Intn(10) != 0)),
				sqlbase.RandDatum(rng, sqlbase.ColumnType{Kind: sqlbase.ColumnType_DECIMAL}, false),
				sqlbase.RandDatum(rng, sqlbase.ColumnType{Kind: sqlbase.ColumnType_DECIMAL}, true),

	kvDB := tc.Server(0).KVClient().(*client.DB)
	desc := sqlbase.GetTableDescriptor(kvDB, "test", "t")

	for fn, info := range DistAggregationTable {
		if info.LocalStage == distsqlrun.AggregatorSpec_IDENT &&
			info.FinalStage == distsqlrun.AggregatorSpec_IDENT {
			// IDENT only works as expected if all rows have the same value on the
			// relevant column; skip testing this trivial case.
		// We're going to test each aggregation function on every column that can be
		// used as input for it.
		foundCol := false
		for colIdx := 1; colIdx < len(desc.Columns); colIdx++ {
			// See if this column works with this function.
			_, _, err := distsqlrun.GetAggregateInfo(fn, desc.Columns[colIdx].Type)
			if err != nil {
			foundCol = true
			for _, numRows := range []int{5, numRows / 10, numRows / 2, numRows} {
				name := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%d", fn, desc.Columns[colIdx].Name, numRows)
				t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
					checkDistAggregationInfo(t, tc.Server(0), desc, colIdx, numRows, fn, info)
		if !foundCol {
			t.Errorf("aggregation function %s was not tested (no suitable column)", fn)