// TestRangeSplitsWithWritePressure sets the zone config max bytes for
// a range to 256K and writes data until there are five ranges.
func TestRangeSplitsWithWritePressure(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()
	// Override default zone config.
	cfg := config.DefaultZoneConfig()
	cfg.RangeMaxBytes = 1 << 18
	defer config.TestingSetDefaultZoneConfig(cfg)()

	dbCtx := client.DefaultDBContext()
	dbCtx.TxnRetryOptions = retry.Options{
		InitialBackoff: 1 * time.Millisecond,
		MaxBackoff:     10 * time.Millisecond,
		Multiplier:     2,
	s, _ := createTestDBWithContext(t, dbCtx)
	// This is purely to silence log spam.
	defer s.Stop()

	// Start test writer write about a 32K/key so there aren't too many writes necessary to split 64K range.
	done := make(chan struct{})
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	go startTestWriter(s.DB, int64(0), 1<<15, &wg, nil, nil, done, t)

	// Check that we split 5 times in allotted time.
	testutils.SucceedsSoon(t, func() error {
		// Scan the txn records.
		rows, err := s.DB.Scan(context.TODO(), keys.Meta2Prefix, keys.MetaMax, 0)
		if err != nil {
			return errors.Errorf("failed to scan meta2 keys: %s", err)
		if lr := len(rows); lr < 5 {
			return errors.Errorf("expected >= 5 scans; got %d", lr)
		return nil

	// This write pressure test often causes splits while resolve
	// intents are in flight, causing them to fail with range key
	// mismatch errors. However, LocalSender should retry in these
	// cases. Check here via MVCC scan that there are no dangling write
	// intents. We do this using a SucceedsSoon construct to account
	// for timing of finishing the test writer and a possibly-ongoing
	// asynchronous split.
	testutils.SucceedsSoon(t, func() error {
		if _, _, _, err := engine.MVCCScan(context.Background(), s.Eng, keys.LocalMax, roachpb.KeyMax, math.MaxInt64, hlc.MaxTimestamp, true, nil); err != nil {
			return errors.Errorf("failed to verify no dangling intents: %s", err)
		return nil
文件: db_test.go 项目: knz/cockroach
// getActualData returns the actual value of all time series keys in the
// underlying engine. Data is returned as a map of strings to roachpb.Values.
func (tm *testModel) getActualData() map[string]roachpb.Value {
	// Scan over all TS Keys stored in the engine
	startKey := keys.TimeseriesPrefix
	endKey := startKey.PrefixEnd()
	keyValues, _, _, err := engine.MVCCScan(context.Background(), tm.Eng, startKey, endKey, math.MaxInt64, tm.Clock.Now(), true, nil)
	if err != nil {
		tm.t.Fatalf("error scanning TS data from engine: %s", err.Error())

	kvMap := make(map[string]roachpb.Value)
	for _, kv := range keyValues {
		kvMap[string(kv.Key)] = kv.Value

	return kvMap
// TestBootstrapCluster verifies the results of bootstrapping a
// cluster. Uses an in memory engine.
func TestBootstrapCluster(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()
	stopper := stop.NewStopper()
	defer stopper.Stop()
	e := engine.NewInMem(roachpb.Attributes{}, 1<<20)
	if _, err := bootstrapCluster(
		storage.StoreConfig{}, []engine.Engine{e}, kv.MakeTxnMetrics(metric.TestSampleInterval),
	); err != nil {

	// Scan the complete contents of the local database directly from the engine.
	rows, _, _, err := engine.MVCCScan(context.Background(), e, keys.LocalMax, roachpb.KeyMax, math.MaxInt64, hlc.MaxTimestamp, true, nil)
	if err != nil {
	var foundKeys keySlice
	for _, kv := range rows {
		foundKeys = append(foundKeys, kv.Key)
	var expectedKeys = keySlice{
		testutils.MakeKey(roachpb.Key("\x02"), roachpb.KeyMax),
		testutils.MakeKey(roachpb.Key("\x03"), roachpb.KeyMax),
	// Add the initial keys for sql.
	for _, kv := range GetBootstrapSchema().GetInitialValues() {
		expectedKeys = append(expectedKeys, kv.Key)
	// Resort the list. The sql values are not sorted.

	if !reflect.DeepEqual(foundKeys, expectedKeys) {
		t.Errorf("expected keys mismatch:\n%s\n  -- vs. -- \n\n%s",
			formatKeys(foundKeys), formatKeys(expectedKeys))

	// TODO(spencer): check values.
// TestRangeSplitMeta executes various splits (including at meta addressing)
// and checks that all created intents are resolved. This includes both intents
// which are resolved synchronously with EndTransaction and via RPC.
func TestRangeSplitMeta(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()
	s, _ := createTestDB(t)
	defer s.Stop()

	splitKeys := []roachpb.RKey{roachpb.RKey("G"), mustMeta(roachpb.RKey("F")),
		mustMeta(roachpb.RKey("K")), mustMeta(roachpb.RKey("H"))}

	// Execute the consecutive splits.
	for _, splitKey := range splitKeys {
		log.Infof(context.Background(), "starting split at key %q...", splitKey)
		if err := s.DB.AdminSplit(context.TODO(), roachpb.Key(splitKey)); err != nil {
		log.Infof(context.Background(), "split at key %q complete", splitKey)

	testutils.SucceedsSoon(t, func() error {
		if _, _, _, err := engine.MVCCScan(context.Background(), s.Eng, keys.LocalMax, roachpb.KeyMax, math.MaxInt64, hlc.MaxTimestamp, true, nil); err != nil {
			return errors.Errorf("failed to verify no dangling intents: %s", err)
		return nil
// TestUpdateRangeAddressing verifies range addressing records are
// correctly updated on creation of new range descriptors.
func TestUpdateRangeAddressing(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()
	store, _, stopper := createTestStore(t)
	defer stopper.Stop()

	// When split is false, merging treats the right range as the merged
	// range. With merging, expNewLeft indicates the addressing keys we
	// expect to be removed.
	testCases := []struct {
		split                   bool
		leftStart, leftEnd      roachpb.RKey
		rightStart, rightEnd    roachpb.RKey
		leftExpNew, rightExpNew [][]byte
		// Start out with whole range.
		{false, roachpb.RKeyMin, roachpb.RKeyMax, roachpb.RKeyMin, roachpb.RKeyMax,
			[][]byte{}, [][]byte{meta1Key(roachpb.RKeyMax), meta2Key(roachpb.RKeyMax)}},
		// Split KeyMin-KeyMax at key "a".
		{true, roachpb.RKeyMin, roachpb.RKey("a"), roachpb.RKey("a"), roachpb.RKeyMax,
			[][]byte{meta1Key(roachpb.RKeyMax), meta2Key(roachpb.RKey("a"))}, [][]byte{meta2Key(roachpb.RKeyMax)}},
		// Split "a"-KeyMax at key "z".
		{true, roachpb.RKey("a"), roachpb.RKey("z"), roachpb.RKey("z"), roachpb.RKeyMax,
			[][]byte{meta2Key(roachpb.RKey("z"))}, [][]byte{meta2Key(roachpb.RKeyMax)}},
		// Split "a"-"z" at key "m".
		{true, roachpb.RKey("a"), roachpb.RKey("m"), roachpb.RKey("m"), roachpb.RKey("z"),
			[][]byte{meta2Key(roachpb.RKey("m"))}, [][]byte{meta2Key(roachpb.RKey("z"))}},
		// Split KeyMin-"a" at meta2(m).
		{true, roachpb.RKeyMin, metaKey(roachpb.RKey("m")), metaKey(roachpb.RKey("m")), roachpb.RKey("a"),
			[][]byte{meta1Key(roachpb.RKey("m"))}, [][]byte{meta1Key(roachpb.RKeyMax), meta2Key(roachpb.RKey("a"))}},
		// Split meta2(m)-"a" at meta2(z).
		{true, metaKey(roachpb.RKey("m")), metaKey(roachpb.RKey("z")), metaKey(roachpb.RKey("z")), roachpb.RKey("a"),
			[][]byte{meta1Key(roachpb.RKey("z"))}, [][]byte{meta1Key(roachpb.RKeyMax), meta2Key(roachpb.RKey("a"))}},
		// Split meta2(m)-meta2(z) at meta2(r).
		{true, metaKey(roachpb.RKey("m")), metaKey(roachpb.RKey("r")), metaKey(roachpb.RKey("r")), metaKey(roachpb.RKey("z")),
			[][]byte{meta1Key(roachpb.RKey("r"))}, [][]byte{meta1Key(roachpb.RKey("z"))}},

		// Now, merge all of our splits backwards...

		// Merge meta2(m)-meta2(z).
		{false, metaKey(roachpb.RKey("m")), metaKey(roachpb.RKey("r")), metaKey(roachpb.RKey("m")), metaKey(roachpb.RKey("z")),
			[][]byte{meta1Key(roachpb.RKey("r"))}, [][]byte{meta1Key(roachpb.RKey("z"))}},
		// Merge meta2(m)-"a".
		{false, metaKey(roachpb.RKey("m")), metaKey(roachpb.RKey("z")), metaKey(roachpb.RKey("m")), roachpb.RKey("a"),
			[][]byte{meta1Key(roachpb.RKey("z"))}, [][]byte{meta1Key(roachpb.RKeyMax), meta2Key(roachpb.RKey("a"))}},
		// Merge KeyMin-"a".
		{false, roachpb.RKeyMin, metaKey(roachpb.RKey("m")), roachpb.RKeyMin, roachpb.RKey("a"),
			[][]byte{meta1Key(roachpb.RKey("m"))}, [][]byte{meta1Key(roachpb.RKeyMax), meta2Key(roachpb.RKey("a"))}},
		// Merge "a"-"z".
		{false, roachpb.RKey("a"), roachpb.RKey("m"), roachpb.RKey("a"), roachpb.RKey("z"),
			[][]byte{meta2Key(roachpb.RKey("m"))}, [][]byte{meta2Key(roachpb.RKey("z"))}},
		// Merge "a"-KeyMax.
		{false, roachpb.RKey("a"), roachpb.RKey("z"), roachpb.RKey("a"), roachpb.RKeyMax,
			[][]byte{meta2Key(roachpb.RKey("z"))}, [][]byte{meta2Key(roachpb.RKeyMax)}},
		// Merge KeyMin-KeyMax.
		{false, roachpb.RKeyMin, roachpb.RKey("a"), roachpb.RKeyMin, roachpb.RKeyMax,
			[][]byte{meta2Key(roachpb.RKey("a"))}, [][]byte{meta1Key(roachpb.RKeyMax), meta2Key(roachpb.RKeyMax)}},
	expMetas := metaSlice{}

	for i, test := range testCases {
		left := &roachpb.RangeDescriptor{RangeID: roachpb.RangeID(i * 2), StartKey: test.leftStart, EndKey: test.leftEnd}
		right := &roachpb.RangeDescriptor{RangeID: roachpb.RangeID(i*2 + 1), StartKey: test.rightStart, EndKey: test.rightEnd}
		b := &client.Batch{}
		if test.split {
			if err := splitRangeAddressing(b, left, right); err != nil {
		} else {
			if err := mergeRangeAddressing(b, left, right); err != nil {
		if err := store.DB().Run(context.TODO(), b); err != nil {
		// Scan meta keys directly from engine.
		kvs, _, _, err := engine.MVCCScan(context.Background(), store.Engine(), keys.MetaMin, keys.MetaMax, math.MaxInt64, hlc.MaxTimestamp, true, nil)
		if err != nil {
		metas := metaSlice{}
		for _, kv := range kvs {
			scannedDesc := &roachpb.RangeDescriptor{}
			if err := kv.Value.GetProto(scannedDesc); err != nil {
			metas = append(metas, metaRecord{key: kv.Key, desc: scannedDesc})

		// Continue to build up the expected metas slice, replacing any earlier
		// version of same key.
		addOrRemoveNew := func(keys [][]byte, desc *roachpb.RangeDescriptor, add bool) {
			for _, n := range keys {
				found := -1
				for i := range expMetas {
					if expMetas[i].key.Equal(roachpb.Key(n)) {
						found = i
						expMetas[i].desc = desc
				if found == -1 && add {
					expMetas = append(expMetas, metaRecord{key: n, desc: desc})
				} else if found != -1 && !add {
					expMetas = append(expMetas[:found], expMetas[found+1:]...)
		addOrRemoveNew(test.leftExpNew, left, test.split /* on split, add; on merge, remove */)
		addOrRemoveNew(test.rightExpNew, right, true)

		if test.split {
			if log.V(1) {
				log.Infof(context.Background(), "test case %d: split %q-%q at %q", i, left.StartKey, right.EndKey, left.EndKey)
		} else {
			if log.V(1) {
				log.Infof(context.Background(), "test case %d: merge %q-%q + %q-%q", i, left.StartKey, left.EndKey, left.EndKey, right.EndKey)
		for _, meta := range metas {
			if log.V(1) {
				log.Infof(context.Background(), "%q", meta.key)

		if !reflect.DeepEqual(expMetas, metas) {
			t.Errorf("expected metas don't match")
			if len(expMetas) != len(metas) {
				t.Errorf("len(expMetas) != len(metas); %d != %d", len(expMetas), len(metas))
			} else {
				for j, meta := range expMetas {
					if !meta.key.Equal(metas[j].key) {
						fmt.Printf("%d: expected %q vs %q\n", j, meta.key, metas[j].key)
					if !reflect.DeepEqual(meta.desc, metas[j].desc) {
						fmt.Printf("%d: expected %q vs %q and %s vs %s\n", j, meta.key, metas[j].key, meta.desc, metas[j].desc)