// TestMetricsRecording verifies that Node statistics are periodically recorded
// as time series data.
func TestMetricsRecording(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()
	s, _, kvDB := serverutils.StartServer(t, base.TestServerArgs{
		MetricsSampleInterval: 5 * time.Millisecond})
	defer s.Stopper().Stop()

	checkTimeSeriesKey := func(now int64, keyName string) error {
		key := ts.MakeDataKey(keyName, "", ts.Resolution10s, now)
		data := roachpb.InternalTimeSeriesData{}
		return kvDB.GetProto(context.TODO(), key, &data)

	// Verify that metrics for the current timestamp are recorded. This should
	// be true very quickly.
	util.SucceedsSoon(t, func() error {
		now := s.Clock().PhysicalNow()
		if err := checkTimeSeriesKey(now, "cr.store.livebytes.1"); err != nil {
			return err
		if err := checkTimeSeriesKey(now, "cr.node.sys.go.allocbytes.1"); err != nil {
			return err
		return nil
// TestTimeSeriesMaintenanceQueueServer verifies that the time series
// maintenance queue runs correctly on a test server.
func TestTimeSeriesMaintenanceQueueServer(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()

	s, _, db := serverutils.StartServer(t, base.TestServerArgs{
		Knobs: base.TestingKnobs{
			Store: &storage.StoreTestingKnobs{
				DisableScanner: true,
	defer s.Stopper().Stop()
	tsrv := s.(*server.TestServer)
	tsdb := tsrv.TsDB()

	// Populate time series data into the server. One time series, with one
	// datapoint at the current time and two datapoints older than the pruning
	// threshold. Datapoint timestamps are set to the midpoint of sample duration
	// periods; this simplifies verification.
	seriesName := "test.metric"
	sourceName := "source1"
	now := tsrv.Clock().PhysicalNow()
	nearPast := now - (ts.Resolution10s.PruneThreshold() * 2)
	farPast := now - (ts.Resolution10s.PruneThreshold() * 4)
	sampleDuration := ts.Resolution10s.SampleDuration()
	datapoints := []tspb.TimeSeriesDatapoint{
			TimestampNanos: farPast - farPast%sampleDuration + sampleDuration/2,
			Value:          100.0,
			TimestampNanos: nearPast - (nearPast)%sampleDuration + sampleDuration/2,
			Value:          200.0,
			TimestampNanos: now - now%sampleDuration + sampleDuration/2,
			Value:          300.0,
	if err := tsdb.StoreData(context.TODO(), ts.Resolution10s, []tspb.TimeSeriesData{
			Name:       seriesName,
			Source:     sourceName,
			Datapoints: datapoints,
	}); err != nil {

	// Generate a split key at a timestamp halfway between near past and far past.
	splitKey := ts.MakeDataKey(
		seriesName, sourceName, ts.Resolution10s, farPast+(nearPast-farPast)/2,

	// Force a range split in between near past and far past. This guarantees
	// that the pruning operation will issue a DeleteRange which spans ranges.
	if err := db.AdminSplit(context.TODO(), splitKey); err != nil {

	// getDatapoints queries all datapoints in the series from the beginning
	// of time to a point in the near future.
	getDatapoints := func() ([]tspb.TimeSeriesDatapoint, error) {
		dps, _, err := tsdb.Query(
			tspb.Query{Name: seriesName},
		return dps, err

	// Verify the datapoints are all present.
	actualDatapoints, err := getDatapoints()
	if err != nil {
	if a, e := actualDatapoints, datapoints; !reflect.DeepEqual(a, e) {
		t.Fatalf("got datapoints %v, expected %v, diff: %s", a, e, pretty.Diff(a, e))

	// Force pruning.
	storeID := roachpb.StoreID(1)
	store, err := tsrv.Stores().GetStore(roachpb.StoreID(1))
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("error retrieving store %d: %s", storeID, err)

	// Verify the older datapoint has been pruned.
	util.SucceedsSoon(t, func() error {
		actualDatapoints, err = getDatapoints()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if a, e := actualDatapoints, datapoints[2:]; !reflect.DeepEqual(a, e) {
			return fmt.Errorf("got datapoints %v, expected %v, diff: %s", a, e, pretty.Diff(a, e))
		return nil