// validateHandler consumes items to validate from the internal validate channel
// and returns the result of the validation on the internal result channel. It
// must be run as a goroutine.
func (v *txValidator) validateHandler() {
	for {
		select {
		case txVI := <-v.validateChan:
			// Ensure the referenced input transaction is available.
			//txIn := txVI.tx.MsgTx().TxIn[txVI.txInIdx]
			txIn := txVI.txIn
			txInHash := &txIn.PreviousOutpoint.Hash
			originTx, exists := v.txStore[*txInHash]
			if !exists || originTx.Err != nil || originTx.Tx == nil {
				err := fmt.Errorf("unable to find input "+
					"transaction %v referenced from "+
					"transaction %v", txInHash,
				break out
			originMsgTx := originTx.Tx.MsgTx()

			// Ensure the output index in the referenced transaction
			// is available.
			originTxIndex := txIn.PreviousOutpoint.Index
			if originTxIndex >= uint32(len(originMsgTx.TxOut)) {
				err := fmt.Errorf("out of bounds "+
					"input index %d in transaction %v "+
					"referenced from transaction %v",
					originTxIndex, txInHash, txVI.tx.Sha())
				break out

			// Create a new script engine for the script pair.
			sigScript := txIn.SignatureScript
			pkScript := originMsgTx.TxOut[originTxIndex].PkScript
			engine, err := btcscript.NewScript(sigScript, pkScript,
				txVI.txInIndex, txVI.tx.MsgTx(), v.flags)
			if err != nil {
				break out

			// Execute the script pair.
			if err := engine.Execute(); err != nil {
				err := fmt.Errorf("validate of input "+
					"%d failed: %v", txVI.txInIndex, err)
				break out

			// Validation succeeded.

		case <-v.quitChan:
			break out
// Returns the "Author" who signed the first txin of the transaction
func getAuthor(tx *btcwire.MsgTx, net *btcnet.Params) (string, error) {
	sigScript := tx.TxIn[0].SignatureScript

	dummyTx := btcwire.NewMsgTx()

	// Setup a script executor to parse the raw bytes of the signature script.
	script, err := btcscript.NewScript(sigScript, make([]byte, 0), 0, dummyTx, 0)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	// Step twice due to <sig> <pubkey> format of pay 2pubkeyhash
	// Pull off the <pubkey>
	pkBytes := script.GetStack()[1]

	addrPubKey, err := btcutil.NewAddressPubKey(pkBytes, net)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	return addrPubKey.EncodeAddress(), nil
// txToPairs creates a raw transaction sending the amounts for each
// address/amount pair and fee to each address and the miner.  minconf
// specifies the minimum number of confirmations required before an
// unspent output is eligible for spending. Leftover input funds not sent
// to addr or as a fee for the miner are sent to a newly generated
// address. If change is needed to return funds back to an owned
// address, changeUtxo will point to a unconfirmed (height = -1, zeroed
// block hash) Utxo.  ErrInsufficientFunds is returned if there are not
// enough eligible unspent outputs to create the transaction.
func (a *Account) txToPairs(pairs map[string]btcutil.Amount,
	minconf int) (*CreatedTx, error) {

	// Wallet must be unlocked to compose transaction.
	if a.IsLocked() {
		return nil, wallet.ErrWalletLocked

	// Create a new transaction which will include all input scripts.
	msgtx := btcwire.NewMsgTx()

	// Calculate minimum amount needed for inputs.
	var amt btcutil.Amount
	for _, v := range pairs {
		// Error out if any amount is negative.
		if v <= 0 {
			return nil, ErrNonPositiveAmount
		amt += v

	// Add outputs to new tx.
	for addrStr, amt := range pairs {
		addr, err := btcutil.DecodeAddress(addrStr, cfg.Net())
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot decode address: %s", err)

		// Add output to spend amt to addr.
		pkScript, err := btcscript.PayToAddrScript(addr)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot create txout script: %s", err)
		txout := btcwire.NewTxOut(int64(amt), pkScript)

	// Get current block's height and hash.
	bs, err := GetCurBlock()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Make a copy of msgtx before any inputs are added.  This will be
	// used as a starting point when trying a fee and starting over with
	// a higher fee if not enough was originally chosen.
	txNoInputs := msgtx.Copy()

	unspent, err := a.TxStore.UnspentOutputs()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var selectedInputs []*txstore.Credit
	// These are nil/zeroed until a change address is needed, and reused
	// again in case a change utxo has already been chosen.
	var changeAddr btcutil.Address

	// Get the number of satoshis to increment fee by when searching for
	// the minimum tx fee needed.
	fee := btcutil.Amount(0)
	for {
		msgtx = txNoInputs.Copy()

		// Select unspent outputs to be used in transaction based on the amount
		// neededing to sent, and the current fee estimation.
		inputs, btcin, err := selectInputs(unspent, amt+fee, minconf)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		// Check if there are leftover unspent outputs, and return coins back to
		// a new address we own.
		// TODO: change needs to be inserted into a random txout index, or else
		// this is a privacy risk.
		change := btcin - amt - fee
		if change > 0 {
			// Get a new change address if one has not already been found.
			if changeAddr == nil {
				changeAddr, err = a.ChangeAddress(&bs, cfg.KeypoolSize)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get next address: %s", err)

				// Mark change address as belonging to this account.
				AcctMgr.MarkAddressForAccount(changeAddr, a)

			// Spend change.
			pkScript, err := btcscript.PayToAddrScript(changeAddr)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot create txout script: %s", err)
			msgtx.AddTxOut(btcwire.NewTxOut(int64(change), pkScript))

		// Selected unspent outputs become new transaction's inputs.
		for _, ip := range inputs {
			msgtx.AddTxIn(btcwire.NewTxIn(ip.OutPoint(), nil))
		for i, input := range inputs {
			_, addrs, _, _ := input.Addresses(cfg.Net())
			if len(addrs) != 1 {
			apkh, ok := addrs[0].(*btcutil.AddressPubKeyHash)
			if !ok {
				continue // don't handle inputs to this yes

			ai, err := a.Address(apkh)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot get address info: %v", err)

			pka := ai.(wallet.PubKeyAddress)

			privkey, err := pka.PrivKey()
			if err == wallet.ErrWalletLocked {
				return nil, wallet.ErrWalletLocked
			} else if err != nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot get address key: %v", err)

			sigscript, err := btcscript.SignatureScript(msgtx, i,
				input.TxOut().PkScript, btcscript.SigHashAll, privkey,
			if err != nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot create sigscript: %s", err)
			msgtx.TxIn[i].SignatureScript = sigscript

		noFeeAllowed := false
		if !cfg.DisallowFree {
			noFeeAllowed = allowFree(bs.Height, inputs, msgtx.SerializeSize())
		if minFee := minimumFee(msgtx, noFeeAllowed); fee < minFee {
			fee = minFee
		} else {
			selectedInputs = inputs

	// Validate msgtx before returning the raw transaction.
	flags := btcscript.ScriptCanonicalSignatures
	bip16 := time.Now().After(btcscript.Bip16Activation)
	if bip16 {
		flags |= btcscript.ScriptBip16
	for i, txin := range msgtx.TxIn {
		engine, err := btcscript.NewScript(txin.SignatureScript,
			selectedInputs[i].TxOut().PkScript, i, msgtx, flags)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot create script engine: %s", err)
		if err = engine.Execute(); err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot validate transaction: %s", err)

	buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
	msgtx.BtcEncode(buf, btcwire.ProtocolVersion)
	info := &CreatedTx{
		tx:         btcutil.NewTx(msgtx),
		inputs:     selectedInputs,
		changeAddr: changeAddr,
	return info, nil
// validateHandler consumes items to validate from the internal validate channel
// and returns the result of the validation on the internal result channel. It
// must be run as a goroutine.
func (v *txValidator) validateHandler() {
	for {
		select {
		case txVI := <-v.validateChan:
			// Ensure the referenced input transaction is available.
			txIn := txVI.txIn
			originTxHash := &txIn.PreviousOutPoint.Hash
			originTx, exists := v.txStore[*originTxHash]
			if !exists || originTx.Err != nil || originTx.Tx == nil {
				str := fmt.Sprintf("unable to find input "+
					"transaction %v referenced from "+
					"transaction %v", originTxHash,
				err := ruleError(ErrMissingTx, str)
				break out
			originMsgTx := originTx.Tx.MsgTx()

			// Ensure the output index in the referenced transaction
			// is available.
			originTxIndex := txIn.PreviousOutPoint.Index
			if originTxIndex >= uint32(len(originMsgTx.TxOut)) {
				str := fmt.Sprintf("out of bounds "+
					"input index %d in transaction %v "+
					"referenced from transaction %v",
					originTxIndex, originTxHash,
				err := ruleError(ErrBadTxInput, str)
				break out

			// Create a new script engine for the script pair.
			sigScript := txIn.SignatureScript
			pkScript := originMsgTx.TxOut[originTxIndex].PkScript
			engine, err := btcscript.NewScript(sigScript, pkScript,
				txVI.txInIndex, txVI.tx.MsgTx(), v.flags)
			if err != nil {
				str := fmt.Sprintf("failed to parse input "+
					"%s:%d which references output %s:%d - "+
					"%v (input script bytes %x, prev output "+
					"script bytes %x)", txVI.tx.Sha(),
					txVI.txInIndex, originTxHash,
					originTxIndex, err, sigScript, pkScript)
				err := ruleError(ErrScriptMalformed, str)
				break out

			// Execute the script pair.
			if err := engine.Execute(); err != nil {
				str := fmt.Sprintf("failed to validate input "+
					"%s:%d which references output %s:%d - "+
					"%v (input script bytes %x, prev output "+
					"script bytes %x)", txVI.tx.Sha(),
					txVI.txInIndex, originTxHash,
					originTxIndex, err, sigScript, pkScript)
				err := ruleError(ErrScriptValidation, str)
				break out

			// Validation succeeded.

		case <-v.quitChan:
			break out
// txToPairs creates a raw transaction sending the amounts for each
// address/amount pair and fee to each address and the miner.  minconf
// specifies the minimum number of confirmations required before an
// unspent output is eligible for spending. Leftover input funds not sent
// to addr or as a fee for the miner are sent to a newly generated
// address. If change is needed to return funds back to an owned
// address, changeUtxo will point to a unconfirmed (height = -1, zeroed
// block hash) Utxo.  ErrInsufficientFunds is returned if there are not
// enough eligible unspent outputs to create the transaction.
func (a *Account) txToPairs(pairs map[string]btcutil.Amount,
	minconf int) (*CreatedTx, error) {

	// Wallet must be unlocked to compose transaction.
	if a.IsLocked() {
		return nil, wallet.ErrWalletLocked

	// Create a new transaction which will include all input scripts.
	msgtx := btcwire.NewMsgTx()

	// Calculate minimum amount needed for inputs.
	var amt btcutil.Amount
	for _, v := range pairs {
		// Error out if any amount is negative.
		if v <= 0 {
			return nil, ErrNonPositiveAmount
		amt += v

	// Add outputs to new tx.
	for addrStr, amt := range pairs {
		addr, err := btcutil.DecodeAddress(addrStr, activeNet.Params)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot decode address: %s", err)

		// Add output to spend amt to addr.
		pkScript, err := btcscript.PayToAddrScript(addr)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot create txout script: %s", err)
		txout := btcwire.NewTxOut(int64(amt), pkScript)

	// Get current block's height and hash.
	bs, err := GetCurBlock()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Make a copy of msgtx before any inputs are added.  This will be
	// used as a starting point when trying a fee and starting over with
	// a higher fee if not enough was originally chosen.
	txNoInputs := msgtx.Copy()

	unspent, err := a.TxStore.UnspentOutputs()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Filter out unspendable outputs, that is, remove those that (at this
	// time) are not P2PKH outputs.  Other inputs must be manually included
	// in transactions and sent (for example, using createrawtransaction,
	// signrawtransaction, and sendrawtransaction).
	eligible := make([]txstore.Credit, 0, len(unspent))
	for i := range unspent {
		switch btcscript.GetScriptClass(unspent[i].TxOut().PkScript) {
		case btcscript.PubKeyHashTy:
			if !unspent[i].Confirmed(minconf, bs.Height) {
			// Coinbase transactions must have have reached maturity
			// before their outputs may be spent.
			if unspent[i].IsCoinbase() {
				target := btcchain.CoinbaseMaturity
				if !unspent[i].Confirmed(target, bs.Height) {

			// Locked unspent outputs are skipped.
			if a.LockedOutpoint(*unspent[i].OutPoint()) {

			eligible = append(eligible, unspent[i])

	// Sort eligible inputs, as selectInputs expects these to be sorted
	// by amount in reverse order.

	var selectedInputs []txstore.Credit
	// changeAddr is nil/zeroed until a change address is needed, and reused
	// again in case a change utxo has already been chosen.
	var changeAddr btcutil.Address

	// Get the number of satoshis to increment fee by when searching for
	// the minimum tx fee needed.
	fee := btcutil.Amount(0)
	for {
		msgtx = txNoInputs.Copy()

		// Select eligible outputs to be used in transaction based on the amount
		// neededing to sent, and the current fee estimation.
		inputs, btcin, err := selectInputs(eligible, amt, fee, minconf)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		// Check if there are leftover unspent outputs, and return coins back to
		// a new address we own.
		change := btcin - amt - fee
		if change > 0 {
			// Get a new change address if one has not already been found.
			if changeAddr == nil {
				changeAddr, err = a.ChangeAddress(&bs, cfg.KeypoolSize)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get next address: %s", err)

				// Mark change address as belonging to this account.
				AcctMgr.MarkAddressForAccount(changeAddr, a)

			// Spend change.
			pkScript, err := btcscript.PayToAddrScript(changeAddr)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot create txout script: %s", err)
			msgtx.AddTxOut(btcwire.NewTxOut(int64(change), pkScript))

			// Randomize index of the change output.
			rng := badrand.New(badrand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
			r := rng.Int31n(int32(len(msgtx.TxOut))) // random index
			c := len(msgtx.TxOut) - 1                // change index
			msgtx.TxOut[r], msgtx.TxOut[c] = msgtx.TxOut[c], msgtx.TxOut[r]

		// Selected unspent outputs become new transaction's inputs.
		for _, ip := range inputs {
			msgtx.AddTxIn(btcwire.NewTxIn(ip.OutPoint(), nil))
		for i, input := range inputs {
			// Errors don't matter here, as we only consider the
			// case where len(addrs) == 1.
			_, addrs, _, _ := input.Addresses(activeNet.Params)
			if len(addrs) != 1 {
			apkh, ok := addrs[0].(*btcutil.AddressPubKeyHash)
			if !ok {
				continue // don't handle inputs to this yes

			ai, err := a.Address(apkh)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot get address info: %v", err)

			pka := ai.(wallet.PubKeyAddress)

			privkey, err := pka.PrivKey()
			if err == wallet.ErrWalletLocked {
				return nil, wallet.ErrWalletLocked
			} else if err != nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot get address key: %v", err)

			sigscript, err := btcscript.SignatureScript(msgtx, i,
				input.TxOut().PkScript, btcscript.SigHashAll, privkey,
			if err != nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot create sigscript: %s", err)
			msgtx.TxIn[i].SignatureScript = sigscript

		noFeeAllowed := false
		if !cfg.DisallowFree {
			noFeeAllowed = allowFree(bs.Height, inputs, msgtx.SerializeSize())
		if minFee := minimumFee(msgtx, noFeeAllowed); fee < minFee {
			fee = minFee
		} else {
			selectedInputs = inputs

	// Validate msgtx before returning the raw transaction.
	flags := btcscript.ScriptCanonicalSignatures
	bip16 := time.Now().After(btcscript.Bip16Activation)
	if bip16 {
		flags |= btcscript.ScriptBip16
	for i, txin := range msgtx.TxIn {
		engine, err := btcscript.NewScript(txin.SignatureScript,
			selectedInputs[i].TxOut().PkScript, i, msgtx, flags)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot create script engine: %s", err)
		if err = engine.Execute(); err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot validate transaction: %s", err)

	buf := bytes.Buffer{}
	if err := msgtx.BtcEncode(&buf, btcwire.ProtocolVersion); err != nil {
		// Hitting OOM by growing or writing to a bytes.Buffer already
		// panics, and all returned errors are unexpected.
	info := &CreatedTx{
		tx:         btcutil.NewTx(msgtx),
		inputs:     selectedInputs,
		changeAddr: changeAddr,
	return info, nil
// txToPairs creates a raw transaction sending the amounts for each
// address/amount pair and fee to each address and the miner.  minconf
// specifies the minimum number of confirmations required before an
// unspent output is eligible for spending. Leftover input funds not sent
// to addr or as a fee for the miner are sent to a newly generated
// address. If change is needed to return funds back to an owned
// address, changeUtxo will point to a unconfirmed (height = -1, zeroed
// block hash) Utxo.  ErrInsufficientFunds is returned if there are not
// enough eligible unspent outputs to create the transaction.
func (a *Account) txToPairs(pairs map[string]int64, minconf int) (*CreatedTx, error) {
	// Create a new transaction which will include all input scripts.
	msgtx := btcwire.NewMsgTx()

	// Calculate minimum amount needed for inputs.
	var amt int64
	for _, v := range pairs {
		// Error out if any amount is negative.
		if v <= 0 {
			return nil, ErrNonPositiveAmount
		amt += v

	// outputs is a tx.Pair slice representing each output that is created
	// by the transaction.
	outputs := make([]tx.Pair, 0, len(pairs)+1)

	// Add outputs to new tx.
	for addrStr, amt := range pairs {
		addr, err := btcutil.DecodeAddr(addrStr)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot decode address: %s", err)

		// Add output to spend amt to addr.
		pkScript, err := btcscript.PayToAddrScript(addr)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot create txout script: %s", err)
		txout := btcwire.NewTxOut(int64(amt), pkScript)

		// Create amount, address pair and add to outputs.
		out := tx.Pair{
			Amount:     amt,
			PubkeyHash: addr.ScriptAddress(),
		outputs = append(outputs, out)

	// Get current block's height and hash.
	bs, err := GetCurBlock()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Make a copy of msgtx before any inputs are added.  This will be
	// used as a starting point when trying a fee and starting over with
	// a higher fee if not enough was originally chosen.
	txNoInputs := msgtx.Copy()

	// These are nil/zeroed until a change address is needed, and reused
	// again in case a change utxo has already been chosen.
	var changeAddr *btcutil.AddressPubKeyHash

	var btcspent int64
	var selectedInputs []*tx.Utxo
	var finalChangeUtxo *tx.Utxo

	// Get the number of satoshis to increment fee by when searching for
	// the minimum tx fee needed.
	fee := int64(0)
	for {
		msgtx = txNoInputs.Copy()

		// Select unspent outputs to be used in transaction based on the amount
		// neededing to sent, and the current fee estimation.
		inputs, btcin, err := selectInputs(a.UtxoStore, uint64(amt+fee),
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		// Check if there are leftover unspent outputs, and return coins back to
		// a new address we own.
		var changeUtxo *tx.Utxo
		change := btcin - uint64(amt+fee)
		if change > 0 {
			// Create a new address to spend leftover outputs to.

			// Get a new change address if one has not already been found.
			if changeAddr == nil {
				changeAddr, err = a.ChangeAddress(&bs, cfg.KeypoolSize)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get next address: %s", err)

				// Mark change address as belonging to this account.
				MarkAddressForAccount(changeAddr.EncodeAddress(), a.Name())

			// Spend change.
			pkScript, err := btcscript.PayToAddrScript(changeAddr)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot create txout script: %s", err)
			msgtx.AddTxOut(btcwire.NewTxOut(int64(change), pkScript))

			changeUtxo = &tx.Utxo{
				Amt: change,
				Out: tx.OutPoint{
					// Hash is unset (zeroed) here and must be filled in
					// with the transaction hash of the complete
					// transaction.
					Index: uint32(len(pairs)),
				Height:    -1,
				Subscript: pkScript,
			copy(changeUtxo.AddrHash[:], changeAddr.ScriptAddress())

		// Selected unspent outputs become new transaction's inputs.
		for _, ip := range inputs {
			msgtx.AddTxIn(btcwire.NewTxIn((*btcwire.OutPoint)(&ip.Out), nil))
		for i, ip := range inputs {
			// Error is ignored as the length and network checks can never fail
			// for these inputs.
			addr, _ := btcutil.NewAddressPubKeyHash(ip.AddrHash[:],
			privkey, err := a.AddressKey(addr)
			if err == wallet.ErrWalletLocked {
				return nil, wallet.ErrWalletLocked
			} else if err != nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot get address key: %v", err)
			ai, err := a.AddressInfo(addr)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot get address info: %v", err)

			sigscript, err := btcscript.SignatureScript(msgtx, i,
				ip.Subscript, btcscript.SigHashAll, privkey,
			if err != nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot create sigscript: %s", err)
			msgtx.TxIn[i].SignatureScript = sigscript

		noFeeAllowed := false
		if !cfg.DisallowFree {
			noFeeAllowed = allowFree(bs.Height, inputs, msgtx.SerializeSize())
		if minFee := minimumFee(msgtx, noFeeAllowed); fee < minFee {
			fee = minFee
		} else {
			// Fill Tx hash of change outpoint with transaction hash.
			if changeUtxo != nil {
				txHash, err := msgtx.TxSha()
				if err != nil {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot create transaction hash: %s", err)
				copy(changeUtxo.Out.Hash[:], txHash[:])

				// Add change to outputs.
				out := tx.Pair{
					Amount:     int64(change),
					PubkeyHash: changeAddr.ScriptAddress(),
					Change:     true,
				outputs = append(outputs, out)

				finalChangeUtxo = changeUtxo

			selectedInputs = inputs

			btcspent = int64(btcin)


	// Validate msgtx before returning the raw transaction.
	flags := btcscript.ScriptCanonicalSignatures
	bip16 := time.Now().After(btcscript.Bip16Activation)
	if bip16 {
		flags |= btcscript.ScriptBip16
	for i, txin := range msgtx.TxIn {
		engine, err := btcscript.NewScript(txin.SignatureScript,
			selectedInputs[i].Subscript, i, msgtx, flags)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot create script engine: %s", err)
		if err = engine.Execute(); err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot validate transaction: %s", err)

	txid, err := msgtx.TxSha()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot create txid for created tx: %v", err)

	buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
	msgtx.BtcEncode(buf, btcwire.ProtocolVersion)
	info := &CreatedTx{
		rawTx:      buf.Bytes(),
		txid:       txid,
		time:       time.Now(),
		inputs:     selectedInputs,
		outputs:    outputs,
		btcspent:   btcspent,
		fee:        fee,
		changeAddr: changeAddr,
		changeUtxo: finalChangeUtxo,
	return info, nil
func processPubKeyHash(db btcdb.Db, rd *rData) error {
	sigScript := rd.txIn.SignatureScript
	pkScript := rd.txPrevOut.PkScript
	script, err := btcscript.NewScript(sigScript, pkScript, rd.txInIndex, rd.tx.MsgTx(), 0)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed btcscript.NewScript - h %v: %v\n", rd.in.H, err)

	for script.Next() != btcscript.OP_CHECKSIG {
		_, err := script.Step()
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Failed Step - in %v: %v\n", rd.in, err)

	data := script.GetStack()

	rd.sigStr = data[0]
	rd.pkStr = data[1]

	aPubKey, err := btcutil.NewAddressPubKey(rd.pkStr, &btcnet.MainNetParams)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Pubkey parse error: %v", err)
	rd.address = aPubKey.EncodeAddress()
	rd.compressed = aPubKey.Format() == btcutil.PKFCompressed

	// From github.com/conformal/btcscript/opcode.go

	// Signature actually needs needs to be longer than this, but we need
	// at least  1 byte for the below. btcec will check full length upon
	// parsing the signature.
	if len(rd.sigStr) < 1 {
		return fmt.Errorf("OP_CHECKSIG ERROR")

	// Trim off hashtype from the signature string.
	hashType := rd.sigStr[len(rd.sigStr)-1]
	sigStr := rd.sigStr[:len(rd.sigStr)-1]

	// Get script from the last OP_CODESEPARATOR and without any subsequent
	subScript := script.SubScript()

	// Unlikely to hit any cases here, but remove the signature from
	// the script if present.
	subScript = btcscript.RemoveOpcodeByData(subScript, sigStr)

	hash := btcscript.CalcScriptHash(subScript, hashType, rd.tx.MsgTx(), rd.txInIndex)

	pubKey, err := btcec.ParsePubKey(rd.pkStr, btcec.S256())
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("OP_CHECKSIG ERROR")

	signature, err := btcec.ParseSignature(sigStr, btcec.S256())
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("OP_CHECKSIG ERROR")

	// log.Printf("op_checksig\n"+
	//  "pubKey:\n%v"+
	//  "pubKey.X: %v\n"+
	//  "pubKey.Y: %v\n"+
	//  "signature.R: %v\n"+
	//  "signature.S: %v\n"+
	//  "checkScriptHash:\n%v",
	//  hex.Dump(pkStr), pubKey.X, pubKey.Y,
	//  signature.R, signature.S, hex.Dump(hash))

	if ok := ecdsa.Verify(pubKey.ToECDSA(), hash, signature.R, signature.S); !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("OP_CHECKSIG FAIL")

	rd.signature = signature
	rd.pubKey = pubKey
	rd.hash = hash

	return nil