文件: test.go 项目: pombredanne/gb
// TestPackage returns an Action representing the steps required to build
// and test this Package.
func TestPackage(targets map[string]*gb.Action, pkg *gb.Package, flags []string) (*gb.Action, error) {
	var gofiles []string
	gofiles = append(gofiles, pkg.GoFiles...)
	gofiles = append(gofiles, pkg.TestGoFiles...)

	var cgofiles []string
	cgofiles = append(cgofiles, pkg.CgoFiles...)

	var imports []string
	imports = append(imports, pkg.Package.Imports...)
	imports = append(imports, pkg.Package.TestImports...)

	name := pkg.Name
	if name == "main" {
		// rename the main package to its package name for testing.
		name = filepath.Base(filepath.FromSlash(pkg.ImportPath))

	// internal tests
	testpkg := gb.NewPackage(pkg.Context, &build.Package{
		Name:       name,
		ImportPath: pkg.ImportPath,
		Dir:        pkg.Dir,
		SrcRoot:    pkg.SrcRoot,

		GoFiles:      gofiles,
		CFiles:       pkg.CFiles,
		CgoFiles:     cgofiles,
		TestGoFiles:  pkg.TestGoFiles,  // passed directly to buildTestMain
		XTestGoFiles: pkg.XTestGoFiles, // passed directly to buildTestMain

		CgoCFLAGS:    pkg.CgoCFLAGS,
		CgoPkgConfig: pkg.CgoPkgConfig,

		Imports: imports,
	testpkg.Scope = "test"
	testpkg.Stale = true

	// only build the internal test if there is Go source or
	// internal test files.
	var testobj *gb.Action
	if len(testpkg.GoFiles)+len(testpkg.CgoFiles)+len(testpkg.TestGoFiles) > 0 {

		// build internal testpkg dependencies
		deps, err := gb.BuildDependencies(targets, testpkg)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		testobj, err = gb.Compile(testpkg, deps...)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	// external tests
	if len(pkg.XTestGoFiles) > 0 {
		xtestpkg := gb.NewPackage(pkg.Context, &build.Package{
			Name:       name,
			ImportPath: pkg.ImportPath + "_test",
			Dir:        pkg.Dir,
			GoFiles:    pkg.XTestGoFiles,
			Imports:    pkg.XTestImports,
		// build external test dependencies
		deps, err := gb.BuildDependencies(targets, xtestpkg)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		xtestpkg.Scope = "test"
		xtestpkg.Stale = true
		xtestpkg.ExtraIncludes = filepath.Join(pkg.Workdir(), filepath.FromSlash(pkg.ImportPath), "_test")

		// if there is an internal test object, add it as a dependency.
		if testobj != nil {
			deps = append(deps, testobj)
		testobj, err = gb.Compile(xtestpkg, deps...)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	testmainpkg, err := buildTestMain(testpkg)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	testmain, err := gb.Compile(testmainpkg, testobj)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	cmd := exec.Command(testmainpkg.Binfile(), flags...)
	cmd.Dir = pkg.Dir // tests run in the original source directory
	var output bytes.Buffer
	cmd.Stdout = &output
	cmd.Stderr = &output

	logInfoFn := func(fn func() error, format string, args ...interface{}) func() error {
		return func() error {
			err := fn()
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "# %s\n", pkg.ImportPath)
				io.Copy(os.Stdout, &output)
			} else {
			return err

	// test binaries can be very large, so always unlink the
	// binary after the test has run to free up temporary space
	// technically this is done by ctx.Destroy(), but freeing
	// the space earlier is important for projects with many
	// packages
	withcleanup := func(fn func() error) func() error {
		return func() error {
			file := testmainpkg.Binfile()
			err := fn()
			return err
	fn := withcleanup(cmd.Run)
	fn = logInfoFn(fn, pkg.ImportPath)
	// When used with the concurrent executor, building deps and
	// linking the test binary can cause a lot of disk space to be
	// pinned as linking will tend to occur more frequenty than retiring
	// tests.
	// To solve this, we merge the testmain compile step (which includes
	// linking) and the execute and cleanup steps so they are executed
	// as one atomic operation.

	return &gb.Action{
		Name: fmt.Sprintf("run: %s", cmd.Args),
		Deps: testmain.Deps,
		Run: func() error {
			err := testmain.Run()
			if err != nil {
				return err
			return fn()
	}, nil
文件: test.go 项目: tbruyelle/gb
// TestPackage returns an Action representing the steps required to build
// and test this Package.
func TestPackage(targets map[string]*gb.Action, pkg *gb.Package, flags []string) (*gb.Action, error) {
	var gofiles []string
	gofiles = append(gofiles, pkg.GoFiles...)
	gofiles = append(gofiles, pkg.TestGoFiles...)

	var cgofiles []string
	cgofiles = append(cgofiles, pkg.CgoFiles...)

	var imports []string
	imports = append(imports, pkg.Package.Imports...)
	imports = append(imports, pkg.Package.TestImports...)

	name := pkg.Name
	if name == "main" {
		// rename the main package to its package name for testing.
		name = filepath.Base(filepath.FromSlash(pkg.ImportPath))

	// internal tests
	testpkg := gb.NewPackage(pkg.Context, &build.Package{
		Name:       name,
		ImportPath: pkg.ImportPath,
		Dir:        pkg.Dir,
		SrcRoot:    pkg.SrcRoot,

		GoFiles:      gofiles,
		CFiles:       pkg.CFiles,
		CgoFiles:     cgofiles,
		TestGoFiles:  pkg.TestGoFiles,  // passed directly to buildTestMain
		XTestGoFiles: pkg.XTestGoFiles, // passed directly to buildTestMain

		CgoCFLAGS:    pkg.CgoCFLAGS,
		CgoPkgConfig: pkg.CgoPkgConfig,

		Imports: imports,
	testpkg.Scope = "test"
	testpkg.Stale = true

	// build dependencies
	deps, err := gb.BuildDependencies(targets, testpkg)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// only build the internal test if there is Go source or
	// internal test files.
	var testobj *gb.Action
	if len(testpkg.GoFiles)+len(testpkg.CgoFiles)+len(testpkg.TestGoFiles) > 0 {
		var err error
		testobj, err = gb.Compile(testpkg, deps...)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	// external tests
	if len(pkg.XTestGoFiles) > 0 {
		xtestpkg := gb.NewPackage(pkg.Context, &build.Package{
			Name:       name,
			ImportPath: pkg.ImportPath + "_test",
			Dir:        pkg.Dir,
			GoFiles:    pkg.XTestGoFiles,
			Imports:    pkg.XTestImports,
		// build external test dependencies
		deps, err := gb.BuildDependencies(targets, xtestpkg)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		xtestpkg.Scope = "test"
		xtestpkg.Stale = true
		xtestpkg.ExtraIncludes = filepath.Join(pkg.Workdir(), filepath.FromSlash(pkg.ImportPath), "_test")

		// if there is an internal test object, add it as a dependency.
		if testobj != nil {
			deps = append(deps, testobj)
		testobj, err = gb.Compile(xtestpkg, deps...)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	testmainpkg, err := buildTestMain(testpkg)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	testmain, err := gb.Compile(testmainpkg, testobj)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	cmd := exec.Command(testmainpkg.Binfile()+".test", flags...)
	cmd.Dir = pkg.Dir // tests run in the original source directory
	cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
	cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr

	log.Debugf("scheduling run of %v", cmd.Args)
	return &gb.Action{
		Name: fmt.Sprintf("run: %s", cmd.Args),
		Deps: []*gb.Action{testmain},
		Task: gb.TaskFn(func() error {
			return cmd.Run()
	}, nil
文件: test.go 项目: agonzalezro/gb
func testPackage(targets map[string]gb.PkgTarget, pkg *gb.Package, flags []string) gb.Target {
	var gofiles []string
	gofiles = append(gofiles, pkg.GoFiles...)
	gofiles = append(gofiles, pkg.TestGoFiles...)

	var cgofiles []string
	cgofiles = append(cgofiles, pkg.CgoFiles...)

	var imports []string
	imports = append(imports, pkg.Package.Imports...)
	imports = append(imports, pkg.Package.TestImports...)

	name := pkg.Name
	if name == "main" {
		// rename the main package to its package name for testing.
		name = filepath.Base(filepath.FromSlash(pkg.ImportPath))

	// internal tests

	testpkg := gb.NewPackage(pkg.Context, &build.Package{
		Name:       name,
		ImportPath: pkg.ImportPath,
		Dir:        pkg.Dir,
		SrcRoot:    pkg.SrcRoot,

		GoFiles:      gofiles,
		CFiles:       pkg.CFiles,
		CgoFiles:     cgofiles,
		TestGoFiles:  pkg.TestGoFiles,  // passed directly to buildTestMain
		XTestGoFiles: pkg.XTestGoFiles, // passed directly to buildTestMain

		CgoCFLAGS:    pkg.CgoCFLAGS,
		CgoPkgConfig: pkg.CgoPkgConfig,

		Imports: imports,

	// build dependencies
	deps := gb.BuildDependencies(targets, testpkg)
	testpkg.Scope = "test"
	testpkg.Stale = true

	testobj := gb.Compile(testpkg, deps...)

	// external tests
	if len(pkg.XTestGoFiles) > 0 {
		xtestpkg := gb.NewPackage(pkg.Context, &build.Package{
			Name:       name,
			ImportPath: pkg.ImportPath + "_test",
			Dir:        pkg.Dir,
			GoFiles:    pkg.XTestGoFiles,
			Imports:    pkg.XTestImports,
		// build external test dependencies
		deps := gb.BuildDependencies(targets, xtestpkg)
		xtestpkg.Scope = "test"
		xtestpkg.Stale = true
		xtestpkg.ExtraIncludes = filepath.Join(pkg.Workdir(), filepath.FromSlash(pkg.ImportPath), "_test")
		testobj = gb.Compile(xtestpkg, append(deps, testobj)...)

	testmain, err := buildTestMain(testpkg)
	if err != nil {
		return gb.ErrTarget{err}
	buildmain := gb.Ld(testmain, gb.Compile(testmain, testobj))

	cmd := exec.Command(testmain.Binfile()+".test", flags...)
	cmd.Dir = pkg.Dir // tests run in the original source directory
	cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
	cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr

	gb.Debugf("scheduling run of %v", cmd.Args)
	return pkg.Run(cmd, buildmain)