// CreateVtep creates a VTEP port on the OVS
func (d *OvsdbDriver) CreateVtep(intfName string, vtepRemoteIP string) error {
	portUUIDStr := intfName
	intfUUIDStr := fmt.Sprintf("Intf%s", intfName)
	portUUID := []libovsdb.UUID{{portUUIDStr}}
	intfUUID := []libovsdb.UUID{{intfUUIDStr}}
	opStr := "insert"
	intfType := "vxlan"
	var err error

	// insert/delete a row in Interface table
	intf := make(map[string]interface{})
	intf["name"] = intfName
	intf["type"] = intfType

	// Special handling for VTEP ports
	intfOptions := make(map[string]interface{})
	intfOptions["remote_ip"] = vtepRemoteIP
	intfOptions["key"] = "flow" // Insert VNI per flow

	intf["options"], err = libovsdb.NewOvsMap(intfOptions)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("error '%s' creating options from %v \n", err, intfOptions)
		return err

	// Add an entry in Interface table
	intfOp := libovsdb.Operation{
		Op:       opStr,
		Table:    interfaceTable,
		Row:      intf,
		UUIDName: intfUUIDStr,

	// insert/delete a row in Port table
	port := make(map[string]interface{})
	port["name"] = intfName
	port["vlan_mode"] = "trunk"

	port["interfaces"], err = libovsdb.NewOvsSet(intfUUID)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Add an entry in Port table
	portOp := libovsdb.Operation{
		Op:       opStr,
		Table:    portTable,
		Row:      port,
		UUIDName: portUUIDStr,

	// mutate the Ports column of the row in the Bridge table
	mutateSet, _ := libovsdb.NewOvsSet(portUUID)
	mutation := libovsdb.NewMutation("ports", opStr, mutateSet)
	condition := libovsdb.NewCondition("name", "==", d.bridgeName)
	mutateOp := libovsdb.Operation{
		Op:        "mutate",
		Table:     bridgeTable,
		Mutations: []interface{}{mutation},
		Where:     []interface{}{condition},

	// Perform OVS transaction
	operations := []libovsdb.Operation{intfOp, portOp, mutateOp}
	return d.performOvsdbOps(operations)
// CreatePort creates an OVS port
func (d *OvsdbDriver) CreatePort(intfName, intfType, id string, tag int) error {
	// intfName is assumed to be unique enough to become uuid
	portUUIDStr := intfName
	intfUUIDStr := fmt.Sprintf("Intf%s", intfName)
	portUUID := []libovsdb.UUID{libovsdb.UUID{GoUuid: portUUIDStr}}
	intfUUID := []libovsdb.UUID{libovsdb.UUID{GoUuid: intfUUIDStr}}
	opStr := "insert"

	var err error

	// insert/delete a row in Interface table
	idMap := make(map[string]string)
	intfOp := libovsdb.Operation{}
	intf := make(map[string]interface{})
	intf["name"] = intfName
	intf["type"] = intfType
	idMap["endpoint-id"] = id
	intf["external_ids"], err = libovsdb.NewOvsMap(idMap)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// interface table ops
	intfOp = libovsdb.Operation{
		Op:       opStr,
		Table:    interfaceTable,
		Row:      intf,
		UUIDName: intfUUIDStr,

	// insert/delete a row in Port table
	portOp := libovsdb.Operation{}
	port := make(map[string]interface{})
	port["name"] = intfName
	if tag != 0 {
		port["vlan_mode"] = "access"
		port["tag"] = tag
	} else {
		port["vlan_mode"] = "trunk"
	port["interfaces"], err = libovsdb.NewOvsSet(intfUUID)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	port["external_ids"], err = libovsdb.NewOvsMap(idMap)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	portOp = libovsdb.Operation{
		Op:       opStr,
		Table:    portTable,
		Row:      port,
		UUIDName: portUUIDStr,

	// mutate the Ports column of the row in the Bridge table
	mutateSet, _ := libovsdb.NewOvsSet(portUUID)
	mutation := libovsdb.NewMutation("ports", opStr, mutateSet)
	condition := libovsdb.NewCondition("name", "==", d.bridgeName)
	mutateOp := libovsdb.Operation{
		Op:        "mutate",
		Table:     bridgeTable,
		Mutations: []interface{}{mutation},
		Where:     []interface{}{condition},

	operations := []libovsdb.Operation{intfOp, portOp, mutateOp}
	return d.performOvsdbOps(operations)