func ExampleCloudFormation_ValidateTemplate() {
	svc := cloudformation.New(nil)

	params := &cloudformation.ValidateTemplateInput{
		TemplateBody: aws.String("TemplateBody"),
		TemplateURL:  aws.String("TemplateURL"),
	resp, err := svc.ValidateTemplate(params)

	if err != nil {
		if awsErr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok {
			// Generic AWS Error with Code, Message, and original error (if any)
			fmt.Println(awsErr.Code(), awsErr.Message(), awsErr.OrigErr())
			if reqErr, ok := err.(awserr.RequestFailure); ok {
				// A service error occurred
				fmt.Println(reqErr.Code(), reqErr.Message(), reqErr.StatusCode(), reqErr.RequestID())
		} else {
			// This case should never be hit, the SDK should always return an
			// error which satisfies the awserr.Error interface.

	// Pretty-print the response data.
func ExampleCloudFormation_SignalResource() {
	svc := cloudformation.New(nil)

	params := &cloudformation.SignalResourceInput{
		LogicalResourceID: aws.String("LogicalResourceId"),      // Required
		StackName:         aws.String("StackNameOrId"),          // Required
		Status:            aws.String("ResourceSignalStatus"),   // Required
		UniqueID:          aws.String("ResourceSignalUniqueId"), // Required
	resp, err := svc.SignalResource(params)

	if err != nil {
		if awsErr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok {
			// Generic AWS Error with Code, Message, and original error (if any)
			fmt.Println(awsErr.Code(), awsErr.Message(), awsErr.OrigErr())
			if reqErr, ok := err.(awserr.RequestFailure); ok {
				// A service error occurred
				fmt.Println(reqErr.Code(), reqErr.Message(), reqErr.StatusCode(), reqErr.RequestID())
		} else {
			// This case should never be hit, the SDK should always return an
			// error which satisfies the awserr.Error interface.

	// Pretty-print the response data.
func ExampleCloudFormation_ListStacks() {
	svc := cloudformation.New(nil)

	params := &cloudformation.ListStacksInput{
		NextToken: aws.String("NextToken"),
		StackStatusFilter: []*string{
			aws.String("StackStatus"), // Required
			// More values...
	resp, err := svc.ListStacks(params)

	if err != nil {
		if awsErr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok {
			// Generic AWS Error with Code, Message, and original error (if any)
			fmt.Println(awsErr.Code(), awsErr.Message(), awsErr.OrigErr())
			if reqErr, ok := err.(awserr.RequestFailure); ok {
				// A service error occurred
				fmt.Println(reqErr.Code(), reqErr.Message(), reqErr.StatusCode(), reqErr.RequestID())
		} else {
			// This case should never be hit, the SDK should always return an
			// error which satisfies the awserr.Error interface.

	// Pretty-print the response data.
func ExampleCloudFormation_EstimateTemplateCost() {
	svc := cloudformation.New(nil)

	params := &cloudformation.EstimateTemplateCostInput{
		Parameters: []*cloudformation.Parameter{
			{ // Required
				ParameterKey:     aws.String("ParameterKey"),
				ParameterValue:   aws.String("ParameterValue"),
				UsePreviousValue: aws.Boolean(true),
			// More values...
		TemplateBody: aws.String("TemplateBody"),
		TemplateURL:  aws.String("TemplateURL"),
	resp, err := svc.EstimateTemplateCost(params)

	if err != nil {
		if awsErr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok {
			// Generic AWS Error with Code, Message, and original error (if any)
			fmt.Println(awsErr.Code(), awsErr.Message(), awsErr.OrigErr())
			if reqErr, ok := err.(awserr.RequestFailure); ok {
				// A service error occurred
				fmt.Println(reqErr.Code(), reqErr.Message(), reqErr.StatusCode(), reqErr.RequestID())
		} else {
			// This case should never be hit, the SDK should always return an
			// error which satisfies the awserr.Error interface.

	// Pretty-print the response data.
func ExampleCloudFormation_CreateStack() {
	svc := cloudformation.New(nil)

	params := &cloudformation.CreateStackInput{
		StackName: aws.String("StackName"), // Required
		Capabilities: []*string{
			aws.String("Capability"), // Required
			// More values...
		DisableRollback: aws.Boolean(true),
		NotificationARNs: []*string{
			aws.String("NotificationARN"), // Required
			// More values...
		OnFailure: aws.String("OnFailure"),
		Parameters: []*cloudformation.Parameter{
			{ // Required
				ParameterKey:     aws.String("ParameterKey"),
				ParameterValue:   aws.String("ParameterValue"),
				UsePreviousValue: aws.Boolean(true),
			// More values...
		StackPolicyBody: aws.String("StackPolicyBody"),
		StackPolicyURL:  aws.String("StackPolicyURL"),
		Tags: []*cloudformation.Tag{
			{ // Required
				Key:   aws.String("TagKey"),
				Value: aws.String("TagValue"),
			// More values...
		TemplateBody:     aws.String("TemplateBody"),
		TemplateURL:      aws.String("TemplateURL"),
		TimeoutInMinutes: aws.Long(1),
	resp, err := svc.CreateStack(params)

	if err != nil {
		if awsErr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok {
			// Generic AWS Error with Code, Message, and original error (if any)
			fmt.Println(awsErr.Code(), awsErr.Message(), awsErr.OrigErr())
			if reqErr, ok := err.(awserr.RequestFailure); ok {
				// A service error occurred
				fmt.Println(reqErr.Code(), reqErr.Message(), reqErr.StatusCode(), reqErr.RequestID())
		} else {
			// This case should never be hit, the SDK should always return an
			// error which satisfies the awserr.Error interface.

	// Pretty-print the response data.
func ExampleCopyOf() {
	type Foo struct {
		A int
		B []*string

	// Create the initial value
	str1 := "hello"
	str2 := "bye bye"
	f1 := &Foo{A: 1, B: []*string{&str1, &str2}}

	// Do the copy
	v := awsutil.CopyOf(f1)
	var f2 *Foo = v.(*Foo)

	// Print the result

	// Output:
	// {
	//   A: 1,
	//   B: ["hello","bye bye"]
	// }