文件: instances.go 项目: gmelika/rack
func (p *AWSProvider) InstanceList() (structs.Instances, error) {
	ecsRes, err := p.describeContainerInstances()

	var instanceIds []*string
	for _, i := range ecsRes.ContainerInstances {
		instanceIds = append(instanceIds, i.Ec2InstanceId)

	ec2Res, err := p.ec2().DescribeInstances(&ec2.DescribeInstancesInput{
		Filters: []*ec2.Filter{
			&ec2.Filter{Name: aws.String("instance-id"), Values: instanceIds},
		MaxResults: aws.Int64(1000),
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	ec2Instances := make(map[string]*ec2.Instance)
	ec2Metrics := make(map[string]float64)

	// collect instance data from EC2, and CPU Utilization from CloudWatch Metrics
	for _, r := range ec2Res.Reservations {
		for _, i := range r.Instances {
			ec2Instances[*i.InstanceId] = i
			ec2Metrics[*i.InstanceId] = 0.0

			res, err := p.cloudwatch().GetMetricStatistics(&cloudwatch.GetMetricStatisticsInput{
				Dimensions: []*cloudwatch.Dimension{
					&cloudwatch.Dimension{Name: aws.String("InstanceId"), Value: i.InstanceId},
				EndTime:    aws.Time(time.Now()),
				MetricName: aws.String("CPUUtilization"),
				Namespace:  aws.String("AWS/EC2"),
				Period:     aws.Int64(5 * 60), // seconds
				StartTime:  aws.Time(time.Now().Add(time.Duration(-5) * time.Minute)),
				Statistics: []*string{aws.String("Average")},
			if err != nil {

			if len(res.Datapoints) > 0 {
				ec2Metrics[*i.InstanceId] = *res.Datapoints[0].Average / 100.0

	var instances structs.Instances

	// Calculate memory metrics from ECS DescribeContainerInstances
	// We can not collect CPU metrics since we are not yet using ECS CPU reservations
	for _, i := range ecsRes.ContainerInstances {
		var memory structs.InstanceResource

		for _, r := range i.RegisteredResources {
			switch *r.Name {
			case "MEMORY":
				memory.Total = int(*r.IntegerValue)

		for _, r := range i.RemainingResources {
			switch *r.Name {
			case "MEMORY":
				memory.Free = int(*r.IntegerValue)
				memory.Used = memory.Total - memory.Free

		// find the matching Instance from the EC2 response
		ec2Instance := ec2Instances[*i.Ec2InstanceId]

		// build up the struct
		instance := structs.Instance{
			Cpu:    ec2Metrics[*i.Ec2InstanceId],
			Memory: memory.PercentUsed(),
			Id:     *i.Ec2InstanceId,

		if i.AgentConnected != nil {
			instance.Agent = *i.AgentConnected

		if ec2Instance != nil {
			if ec2Instance.PrivateIpAddress != nil {
				instance.PrivateIp = *ec2Instance.PrivateIpAddress

			if ec2Instance.PublicIpAddress != nil {
				instance.PublicIp = *ec2Instance.PublicIpAddress

			if ec2Instance.LaunchTime != nil {
				instance.Started = *ec2Instance.LaunchTime

		if i.RunningTasksCount != nil {
			instance.Processes = int(*i.RunningTasksCount)

		if i.Status != nil {
			instance.Status = strings.ToLower(*i.Status)

		instances = append(instances, instance)

	return instances, nil
func (p *AWSProvider) InstanceList() (structs.Instances, error) {
	res, err := p.listContainerInstances(&ecs.ListContainerInstancesInput{
		Cluster: aws.String(os.Getenv("CLUSTER")),

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	ecsRes, err := p.ecs().DescribeContainerInstances(
			Cluster:            aws.String(os.Getenv("CLUSTER")),
			ContainerInstances: res.ContainerInstanceArns,

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var instanceIds []*string
	for _, i := range ecsRes.ContainerInstances {
		instanceIds = append(instanceIds, i.Ec2InstanceId)

	ec2Res, err := p.ec2().DescribeInstances(&ec2.DescribeInstancesInput{
		Filters: []*ec2.Filter{
			&ec2.Filter{Name: aws.String("instance-id"), Values: instanceIds},

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	ec2Instances := make(map[string]*ec2.Instance)
	for _, r := range ec2Res.Reservations {
		for _, i := range r.Instances {
			ec2Instances[*i.InstanceId] = i

	var instances structs.Instances

	for _, i := range ecsRes.ContainerInstances {
		// figure out the CPU and memory metrics
		var cpu, memory structs.InstanceResource

		for _, r := range i.RegisteredResources {
			switch *r.Name {
			case "CPU":
				cpu.Total = int(*r.IntegerValue)
			case "MEMORY":
				memory.Total = int(*r.IntegerValue)

		for _, r := range i.RemainingResources {
			switch *r.Name {
			case "CPU":
				cpu.Free = int(*r.IntegerValue)
				cpu.Used = cpu.Total - cpu.Free
			case "MEMORY":
				memory.Free = int(*r.IntegerValue)
				memory.Used = memory.Total - memory.Free

		// find the matching Instance from the EC2 response
		ec2Instance := ec2Instances[*i.Ec2InstanceId]

		// build up the struct
		instance := structs.Instance{
			Cpu:    cpu.PercentUsed(),
			Memory: memory.PercentUsed(),
			Id:     *i.Ec2InstanceId,

		if i.AgentConnected != nil {
			instance.Agent = *i.AgentConnected

		if ec2Instance != nil {
			if ec2Instance.PrivateIpAddress != nil {
				instance.PrivateIp = *ec2Instance.PrivateIpAddress

			if ec2Instance.PublicIpAddress != nil {
				instance.PublicIp = *ec2Instance.PublicIpAddress

			if ec2Instance.LaunchTime != nil {
				instance.Started = *ec2Instance.LaunchTime

		if i.RunningTasksCount != nil {
			instance.Processes = int(*i.RunningTasksCount)

		if i.Status != nil {
			instance.Status = strings.ToLower(*i.Status)

		instances = append(instances, instance)

	return instances, nil