func setupForms(t *testing.T, fixture string) ([]form.Form, *db.DB) { tests.ResetLog() fms, err := formfix.Get("form") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("%s\tShould be able retrieve form fixture : %s", tests.Failed, err) } t.Logf("%s\tShould be able retrieve form fixture.", tests.Success) db, err := db.NewMGO(tests.Context, tests.TestSession) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Should be able to get a Mongo session : %v", err) } return fms, db }
func Test_UpsertForm(t *testing.T) { db := setup(t) defer teardown(t, db) t.Log("Given the need to upsert a form.") { //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get the form fixture. fms, err := formfix.Get("ask_form") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("%s\tShould be able to get the form fixture : %v", tests.Failed, err) } t.Logf("%s\tShould be able to get the form fixture", tests.Success) //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Select a specific form. fm := fms[0] //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Update it's ID to a new one to ensure we aren't updating. fm.ID = bson.ObjectId("") t.Log("\tWhen starting from an empty forms collection") { //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Upsert the form. if err := ask.UpsertForm(tests.Context, db, &fm); err != nil { t.Fatalf("\t%s\tShould be able to upsert the form : %v", tests.Failed, err) } t.Logf("\t%s\tShould be able to upsert the form", tests.Success) if fm.ID.Hex() == "" { t.Fatalf("\t%s\tShould be able to update the ID when upserted as a new record : ID was not updated", tests.Failed) } t.Logf("\t%s\tShould be able to update the ID when upserted as a new record", tests.Success) //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Retrieve the form to ensure it was created. if _, err := form.Retrieve(tests.Context, db, fm.ID.Hex()); err != nil { t.Fatalf("\t%s\tShould be able to retrieve the form : %v", tests.Failed, err) } t.Logf("\t%s\tShould be able to retrieve the form", tests.Success) //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Retrieve the gallery to ensure it was created. gs, err := gallery.List(tests.Context, db, fm.ID.Hex()) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("\t%s\tShould be able to retrieve the gallery : %v", tests.Failed, err) } t.Logf("\t%s\tShould be able to retrieve the gallery", tests.Success) //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Cleanup the galleries created. defer func(gs []gallery.Gallery) { for _, g := range gs { if err := gallery.Delete(tests.Context, db, g.ID.Hex()); err != nil { t.Fatalf("\t%s\tShould be able to remove the created galleries : %v", tests.Failed, err) } } t.Logf("\t%s\tShould be able to remove the created galleries.", tests.Success) }(gs) } t.Log("\tWhen starting from an non-empty forms collection") { //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Update the form. newFooter := bson.M{"key": "value"} fm.Footer = newFooter //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Upsert the form. if err := ask.UpsertForm(tests.Context, db, &fm); err != nil { t.Fatalf("\t%s\tShould be able to upsert the form : %v", tests.Failed, err) } t.Logf("\t%s\tShould be able to upsert the form", tests.Success) if fm.ID.Hex() == "" { t.Fatalf("\t%s\tShould be able to update the ID when upserted as a new record : ID was not updated", tests.Failed) } t.Logf("\t%s\tShould be able to update the ID when upserted as a new record", tests.Success) //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Retrieve the form to ensure it was created. rf, err := form.Retrieve(tests.Context, db, fm.ID.Hex()) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("\t%s\tShould be able to retrieve the form : %v", tests.Failed, err) } t.Logf("\t%s\tShould be able to retrieve the form", tests.Success) rFooter, ok := rf.Footer.(bson.M) if !ok { t.Fatalf("\t%s\tShould have a bson document in the footer value : Does not", tests.Failed) } t.Logf("\t%s\tShould have a bson document in the footer value", tests.Success) value, ok := rFooter["key"] if !ok { t.Fatalf("\t%s\tShould have a bson key in the footer value : Does not", tests.Failed) } t.Logf("\t%s\tShould have a bson key in the footer value", tests.Success) if value != "value" { t.Fatalf("\t%s\tShould have expected value : Expected \"%s\", got \"%v\"", tests.Failed, "value", value) } t.Logf("\t%s\tShould have expected value", tests.Success) } } }
func Test_CreateDeleteSubmission(t *testing.T) { db := setup(t) defer teardown(t, db) // CreateSubmission(context interface{}, db *db.DB, formID string, answers []submission.AnswerInput) (*submission.Submission, error) t.Log("Given the need to add a submission.") { //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get the form fixture. fms, err := formfix.Get("ask_form") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("%s\tShould be able to get the form fixture : %v", tests.Failed, err) } t.Logf("%s\tShould be able to get the form fixture", tests.Success) if err := formfix.Add(tests.Context, db, fms); err != nil { t.Fatalf("%s\tShould be able to add the form fixture : %v", tests.Failed, err) } t.Logf("%s\tShould be able to add the form fixture", tests.Success) fm := fms[0] t.Log("\tWhen starting from an empty submission collection") { var answers []submission.AnswerInput // Create the answers based on the form layout. answer := time.Now().Unix() for _, step := range fm.Steps { for _, widget := range step.Widgets { answers = append(answers, submission.AnswerInput{ WidgetID: widget.ID, Answer: answer, }) } } // Create the submission. sub, err := ask.CreateSubmission(tests.Context, db, fm.ID.Hex(), answers) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("\t%s\tShould be able to create a submission : %v", tests.Failed, err) } t.Logf("\t%s\tShould be able to create a submission.", tests.Success) // Ensure that the answers match. matchSubmissionsAndAnswers(t, sub, fm, answers) // Get the submission from the database. rsub, err := submission.Retrieve(tests.Context, db, sub.ID.Hex()) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("\t%s\tShould be able to retrieve a created submission : %v", tests.Failed, err) } t.Logf("\t%s\tShould be able to retrieve a created submission.", tests.Success) // Ensure that their answers match. matchSubmissionsAndAnswers(t, rsub, fm, answers) // Ensure that the form's stats were updated. rfm, err := form.Retrieve(tests.Context, db, fm.ID.Hex()) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("\t%s\tShould be able to retrieve a form : %v", tests.Failed, err) } t.Logf("\t%s\tShould be able to retrieve a form.", tests.Success) if rfm.Stats.Responses != 1 { t.Fatalf("\t%s\tShould be able to update the stats on a form : Expected %d, got %d", tests.Failed, 1, rfm.Stats.Responses) } t.Logf("\t%s\tShould be able to update the stats on a form", tests.Success) // Delete the submission. if err := ask.DeleteSubmission(tests.Context, db, sub.ID.Hex(), fm.ID.Hex()); err != nil { t.Fatalf("\t%s\tShould be able to delete a submission : %v", tests.Failed, err) } t.Logf("\t%s\tShould be able to delete a submission.", tests.Success) // Ensure that it is deleted. if _, err := submission.Retrieve(tests.Context, db, sub.ID.Hex()); err == nil { t.Fatalf("\t%s\tShould return not found when trying to retrieve a deleted submission : No error", tests.Failed) } else if err != mgo.ErrNotFound { t.Fatalf("\t%s\tShould return not found when trying to retrieve a deleted submission : %v", tests.Failed, err) } t.Logf("\t%s\tShould return not found when trying to retrieve a deleted submission.", tests.Success) // Ensure that the form's stats were updated. rfm, err = form.Retrieve(tests.Context, db, fm.ID.Hex()) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("\t%s\tShould be able to retrieve a form : %v", tests.Failed, err) } t.Logf("\t%s\tShould be able to retrieve a form.", tests.Success) if rfm.Stats.Responses != 0 { t.Fatalf("\t%s\tShould be able to update the stats on a form : Expected %d, got %d", tests.Failed, 0, rfm.Stats.Responses) } t.Logf("\t%s\tShould be able to update the stats on a form", tests.Success) } } }