func (s *etcdStore) applyCommittedEntry(entry raftpb.Entry) error {
	// Set the consistent index regardless of the outcome. Because we need to do
	// this for all committed entries, we need to receive all committed entries,
	// and must therefore take responsibility to demux the conf changes to the
	// configurator via confentryc.
	// This requirement is unique to the etcd store. But for symmetry, we assign
	// the same responsibility to the simple store.

	switch entry.Type {
	case raftpb.EntryNormal:
	case raftpb.EntryConfChange:
		s.logger.Printf("etcd store: forwarding ConfChange entry")
		s.confentryc <- entry
		return nil
		s.logger.Printf("etcd store: got unknown entry type %s", entry.Type)
		return fmt.Errorf("unknown entry type %d", entry.Type)

	// entry.Size can be nonzero when len(entry.Data) == 0
	if len(entry.Data) <= 0 {
		s.logger.Printf("etcd store: got empty committed entry (term %d, index %d, type %s); skipping", entry.Term, entry.Index, entry.Type)
		return nil

	var req etcdserverpb.InternalRaftRequest
	if err := req.Unmarshal(entry.Data); err != nil {
		s.logger.Printf("etcd store: unmarshaling entry data: %v", err)
		return err

	msg, err := s.applyInternalRaftRequest(req)
	if err != nil {
		s.logger.Printf("etcd store: applying internal Raft request %d: %v", req.ID, err)
		s.cancelPending(req.ID, err)
		return err

	s.signalPending(req.ID, msg)

	return nil
文件: main.go 项目: luxas/flannel
func main() {
	from := flag.String("data-dir", "", "")
	snapfile := flag.String("start-snap", "", "The base name of snapshot file to start dumping")
	index := flag.Uint64("start-index", 0, "The index to start dumping")
	if *from == "" {
		log.Fatal("Must provide -data-dir flag.")
	if *snapfile != "" && *index != 0 {
		log.Fatal("start-snap and start-index flags cannot be used together.")

	var (
		walsnap  walpb.Snapshot
		snapshot *raftpb.Snapshot
		err      error

	isIndex := *index != 0

	if isIndex {
		fmt.Printf("Start dumping log entries from index %d.\n", *index)
		walsnap.Index = *index
	} else {
		if *snapfile == "" {
			ss := snap.New(snapDir(*from))
			snapshot, err = ss.Load()
		} else {
			snapshot, err = snap.Read(path.Join(snapDir(*from), *snapfile))

		switch err {
		case nil:
			walsnap.Index, walsnap.Term = snapshot.Metadata.Index, snapshot.Metadata.Term
			nodes := genIDSlice(snapshot.Metadata.ConfState.Nodes)
			fmt.Printf("Snapshot:\nterm=%d index=%d nodes=%s\n",
				walsnap.Term, walsnap.Index, nodes)
		case snap.ErrNoSnapshot:
			log.Fatalf("Failed loading snapshot: %v", err)
		fmt.Println("Start dupmping log entries from snapshot.")

	w, err := wal.OpenForRead(walDir(*from), walsnap)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed opening WAL: %v", err)
	wmetadata, state, ents, err := w.ReadAll()
	if err != nil && (!isIndex || err != wal.ErrSnapshotNotFound) {
		log.Fatalf("Failed reading WAL: %v", err)
	id, cid := parseWALMetadata(wmetadata)
	vid := types.ID(state.Vote)
	fmt.Printf("WAL metadata:\nnodeID=%s clusterID=%s term=%d commitIndex=%d vote=%s\n",
		id, cid, state.Term, state.Commit, vid)

	fmt.Printf("WAL entries:\n")
	fmt.Printf("lastIndex=%d\n", ents[len(ents)-1].Index)
	fmt.Printf("%4s\t%10s\ttype\tdata\n", "term", "index")
	for _, e := range ents {
		msg := fmt.Sprintf("%4d\t%10d", e.Term, e.Index)
		switch e.Type {
		case raftpb.EntryNormal:
			msg = fmt.Sprintf("%s\tnorm", msg)

			var rr etcdserverpb.InternalRaftRequest
			if err := rr.Unmarshal(e.Data); err == nil {
				msg = fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%s", msg, rr.String())

			var r etcdserverpb.Request
			if err := r.Unmarshal(e.Data); err == nil {
				switch r.Method {
				case "":
					msg = fmt.Sprintf("%s\tnoop", msg)
				case "SYNC":
					msg = fmt.Sprintf("%s\tmethod=SYNC time=%q", msg, time.Unix(0, r.Time))
				case "QGET", "DELETE":
					msg = fmt.Sprintf("%s\tmethod=%s path=%s", msg, r.Method, excerpt(r.Path, 64, 64))
					msg = fmt.Sprintf("%s\tmethod=%s path=%s val=%s", msg, r.Method, excerpt(r.Path, 64, 64), excerpt(r.Val, 128, 0))
			msg = fmt.Sprintf("%s\t???", msg)
		case raftpb.EntryConfChange:
			msg = fmt.Sprintf("%s\tconf", msg)
			var r raftpb.ConfChange
			if err := r.Unmarshal(e.Data); err != nil {
				msg = fmt.Sprintf("%s\t???", msg)
			} else {
				msg = fmt.Sprintf("%s\tmethod=%s id=%s", msg, r.Type, types.ID(r.NodeID))