// run election
func (s *Server) runElection() (leader string, err error) {

	host := GetHostUDPAddr()
	peers := GetPeerUDPAddr()

	// Create an election site to start leader election.
	log.Current.Debugf("Server.runElection(): Local Server %s start election", host)
	log.Current.Debugf("Server.runElection(): Peer in election")
	for _, peer := range peers {
		log.Current.Debugf("	peer : %s", peer)

	s.site, err = protocol.CreateElectionSite(host, peers, s.factory, s.handler, false)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	resultCh := s.site.StartElection()
	if resultCh == nil {
		return "", common.NewError(common.SERVER_ERROR, "Election Site is in progress or is closed.")

	leader, ok := <-resultCh // blocked until leader is elected
	if !ok {
		return "", common.NewError(common.SERVER_ERROR, "Election Fails")

	return leader, nil
// Handle a new incoming request
//func (s *RequestReceiver) NewRequest(message []byte, reply *[]byte) error {
func (s *RequestReceiver) NewRequest(req *Request, reply **Reply) error {

	if s.server.IsDone() {
		return common.NewError(common.SERVER_ERROR, "Server is terminated. Cannot process new request.")

	log.Current.Debugf("RequestReceiver.NewRequest(): Receive request from client")
	log.Current.Debugf("RequestReceiver.NewRequest(): opCode %s key %s value %s", req.OpCode, req.Key, req.Value)

	opCode := common.GetOpCode(req.OpCode)
	if opCode == common.OPCODE_GET {

		result, err := s.server.GetValue(req.Key)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		log.Current.Debugf("RequestReceiver.NewRequest(): Receive response from server, len(value) = %d", len(result))

		*reply = &Reply{Result: result}
		return nil

	} else if opCode == common.OPCODE_ADD ||
		opCode == common.OPCODE_SET ||
		opCode == common.OPCODE_DELETE {

		if req.Value == nil {
			req.Value = ([]byte)("")

		id, err := common.NewUUID()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		request := s.server.factory.CreateRequest(id,

		handle := newRequestHandle(request)

		defer handle.CondVar.L.Unlock()

		// push the request to a channel
		log.Current.Debugf("Handing new request to server. Key %s", req.Key)
		s.server.state.incomings <- handle

		// This goroutine will wait until the request has been processed.
		log.Current.Debugf("Receive Response for request. Key %s", req.Key)

		*reply = &Reply{Result: nil}
		return handle.Err

	} else {
		return common.NewError(common.CLIENT_ERROR, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid Op code %s", req.OpCode))
// Cleanup internal state upon exit
func (s *EmbeddedServer) cleanupState() {

	defer s.state.mutex.Unlock()

		func() {
			if s.listener != nil {

		func() {
			if s.repo != nil {

	for len(s.state.incomings) > 0 {
		request := <-s.state.incomings
		request.Err = common.NewError(common.SERVER_ERROR, "Terminate Request due to server termination")

			func() {
				defer request.CondVar.L.Unlock()

	for _, request := range s.state.pendings {
		request.Err = common.NewError(common.SERVER_ERROR, "Terminate Request due to server termination")

			func() {
				defer request.CondVar.L.Unlock()

	for _, request := range s.state.proposals {
		request.Err = common.NewError(common.SERVER_ERROR, "Terminate Request due to server termination")

			func() {
				defer request.CondVar.L.Unlock()
func listen(name string, pipe *common.PeerPipe) (common.Packet, error) {

	reqch := pipe.ReceiveChannel()
	req, ok := <-reqch
	if !ok {
		return nil, common.NewError(common.SERVER_ERROR, "SyncProxy.listen(): channel closed. Terminate")

	if req.Name() != name {
		return nil, common.NewError(common.PROTOCOL_ERROR,
			"SyncProxy.listen(): Expect message "+name+", Receive message "+req.Name())

	return req, nil
func (l *LeaderSyncProxy) updateAcceptedEpochAfterQuorum() error {


	// Get my follower's vote for the accepted epoch
	packet, err := listen("FollowerInfo", l.follower)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Get epoch from follower message
	info := packet.(FollowerInfoMsg)
	epoch := info.GetAcceptedEpoch()
	fid := info.GetFid()
	voting := info.GetVoting()

	// initialize the follower state
	l.followerState = &followerState{lastLoggedTxid: 0, currentEpoch: 0, fid: fid, voting: voting}

	// update my vote and wait for epoch to reach quorum
	newEpoch, ok := l.state.voteAcceptedEpoch(l.GetFid(), epoch, l.followerState.voting)
	if !ok {
		return common.NewError(common.ELECTION_ERROR,
			"LeaderSyncProxy.updateAcceptedEpochAfterQuorum(): Fail to reach quorum on accepted epoch (FollowerInfo)")

	// update the accepted epoch based on the quorum result.   This function
	// will perform update only if the new epoch is larger than existing value.
	err = l.handler.NotifyNewAcceptedEpoch(newEpoch)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return nil
func (l *LeaderSyncProxy) declareNewLeaderAfterQuorum() error {


	// return the new epoch to the follower
	epoch, err := l.handler.GetCurrentEpoch()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	packet := l.factory.CreateNewLeader(epoch)
	err = send(packet, l.follower)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Get the new leader ack
	ack, err := listen("NewLeaderAck", l.follower)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// TODO : Verify the ack
	ack = ack // TODO : just to get around compile error

	// update my vote and wait for quorum of ack from followers
	ok := l.state.voteNewLeaderAck(l.GetFid(), l.followerState.voting)
	if !ok {
		return common.NewError(common.ELECTION_ERROR,
			"LeaderSyncProxy.declareNewLeaderAfterQuorum(): Fail to reach quorum on NewLeaderAck")

	return nil
// This is the API for client that is co-located withe gometa server
// in the same process.
func NewClientRequest(req *Request, reply **Reply) error {

	if gHandler == nil {
		return common.NewError(common.SERVER_ERROR, "Server is not ready to receive new request.")

	return gHandler.NewRequest(req, reply)
// commit proposal
func (l *Leader) commit(txid common.Txnid) error {

	// We are skipping proposal.  The protocol expects that each follower must
	// send Accept Msg in the order of Proposal being received.   Since the
	// message is sent out a reliable TCP connection, it is not possible to reach
	// quorum out of order.  Particularly, if a new follower leaves and rejoins,
	// the leader is responsible for resending all the pending proposals to the
	// followers.   So if we see the txid is out-of-order there, then it is
	// a fatal condition due to protocol error.
	if !common.IsNextInSequence(txid, l.lastCommitted) {
		log.Current.Debugf("Proposal must committed in sequential order for the same leader term. "+
			"Found out-of-order commit. Leader last committed txid %d, commit msg %d", l.lastCommitted, txid)

		return common.NewError(common.PROTOCOL_ERROR,
			fmt.Sprintf("Proposal must committed in sequential order for the same leader term. "+
				"Found out-of-order commit. Leader last committed txid %d, commit msg %d", l.lastCommitted, txid))

	_, ok := l.proposals[txid]
	if !ok {
		return common.NewError(common.SERVER_ERROR,
			fmt.Sprintf("Cannot find a proposal for the txid %d. Fail to commit the proposal.", txid))

	// marking the proposal as committed.  Always do this first before sending to followers.
	err := l.handler.Commit(txid)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// remove the votes
	delete(l.quorums, txid)
	delete(l.proposals, txid)

	// Update lastCommitted
	l.lastCommitted = txid

	// Send the commit to followers

	// TODO: do we need to update election site?  I don't think so, but need to double check.

	return nil
// Create a new iterator.   This is used by LeaderSyncProxy to replicate log
// entries to a folower/watcher.  txid1 is last logged commited txid from follower/watcher.
// txid2 is the txid of the first packet in the observer queue for this follower/watcher.
// If the observer queue is empty, then txid2 is 0.
// For any LogEntry returned form the iterator, the following condition must be satisifed:
// 1) The txid of any LogEntry returned from the iterator must be greater than or equal to txid1.
// 2) The last LogEntry must have txid >= txid2.  In other words, the iterator can gaurantee
//    that it will cover any mutation by txid2, but cannot guarantee that it stops at txid2.
// Since TransientCommitLog does not keep track of history, it only supports the following case:
// 1) the beginning txid (txid1) is 0 (sending the full repository)
func (r *TransientCommitLog) NewIterator(txid1, txid2 common.Txnid) (CommitLogIterator, error) {

	if txid1 != 0 {
		return nil, common.NewError(common.REPO_ERROR, "TransientLCommitLog.NewIterator: cannot support beginning txid > 0")

	// iter can be nil if nothing has been logged
	retry := true

	txnid, iter, err := r.repo.AcquireSnapshot(MAIN)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// The snapshot txnid must be at least match the ending txid (txid2).  If not, it will retry.
	// This is to ensure that it takes care race condition in which the first msg in an observer's
	// queue is a commit, and the caller asks for the state of the repository which is at least as
	// recent as that commit msg (txid2).  If retry fails, return an error.
	if txnid < txid2 {
		if retry {
			retry = false
			goto retryLabel

		return nil, common.NewError(common.REPO_ERROR,
			fmt.Sprintf("TransientLCommitLog.NewIterator: cannot support ending txid > %d", txnid))

	result := &TransientLogIterator{
		iter:       iter,
		txnid:      txnid,
		repo:       r.repo,
		curTxnid:   common.Txnid(txid1 + 1),
		curKey:     "",
		curContent: nil,
		curError:   nil}

	if result.iter != nil {
		result.curKey, result.curContent, result.curError = result.iter.Next()

	return result, nil
func send(packet common.Packet, pipe *common.PeerPipe) error {

	log.Current.Tracef("SyncProxy.send(): sending packet %s to peer (TCP %s)", packet.Name(), pipe.GetAddr())
	if !pipe.Send(packet) {
		return common.NewError(common.SERVER_ERROR, fmt.Sprintf("SyncProxy.listen(): Fail to send packet %s to peer (TCP %s)",
			packet.Name(), pipe.GetAddr()))

	return nil
// Create a new FollowerServer. This is a blocking call until
// the FollowerServer terminates. Make sure the kilch is a buffered
// channel such that if the goroutine running RunFollowerServer goes
// away, the sender won't get blocked.
func RunFollowerServer(naddr string,
	leader string,
	ss RequestMgr,
	handler ActionHandler,
	factory MsgFactory,
	killch <-chan bool) (err error) {

	// Catch panic at the main entry point for FollowerServer
	defer func() {
		if r := recover(); r != nil {
			log.Current.Errorf("panic in RunFollowerServer() : %s\n", r)
			log.Current.Errorf("%s", log.Current.StackTrace())
			err = r.(error)
		} else {
			log.Current.Debugf("%s", "RunFollowerServer terminates.")

	// create connection to leader
	conn, err := createConnection(leader)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	pipe := common.NewPeerPipe(conn)
	log.Current.Debugf("FollowerServer.RunFollowerServer() : Follower %s successfully "+
		"created TCP connection to leader %s, local address %s", naddr, leader, conn.LocalAddr())

	// close the connection to the leader. If connection is closed,
	// sync proxy and follower will also terminate by err-ing out.
	// If sync proxy and follower terminates the pipe upon termination,
	// it is ok to close it again here.
	defer common.SafeRun("FollowerServer.runFollowerServer()",
		func() {

	// start syncrhorniziing with the leader
	success := syncWithLeader(naddr, pipe, handler, factory, killch)

	// run server after synchronization
	if success {
		runFollower(pipe, ss, handler, factory, killch)
		log.Current.Debugf("FollowerServer.RunFollowerServer() : Follower Server %s terminate", naddr)
		err = nil
	} else {
		err = common.NewError(common.SERVER_ERROR, fmt.Sprintf("Follower %s fail to synchronized with leader %s",
			naddr, leader))

	return err
// Retrieve entry from commit log
func (r *TransientCommitLog) Get(txid common.Txnid) (common.OpCode, string, []byte, error) {

	msg, ok := r.logs[txid]
	if !ok || msg == nil {
		err := common.NewError(common.REPO_ERROR, fmt.Sprintf("LogEntry for txid %d does not exist in commit log", txid))
		return common.OPCODE_INVALID, "", nil, err

	// msg is a protobuf object. Directly pointing slices/strings into a struct
	// may cause problems for cgo calls
	key := string([]byte(msg.GetKey()))
	content := []byte(string(msg.GetContent()))
	return common.GetOpCodeFromInt(msg.GetOpCode()), key, content, nil
func (a *ServerAction) persistChange(op common.OpCode, key string, content []byte) error {

	if op == common.OPCODE_ADD {
		return a.repo.Set(repo.MAIN, key, content)

	if op == common.OPCODE_SET {
		return a.repo.Set(repo.MAIN, key, content)

	if op == common.OPCODE_DELETE {
		return a.repo.Delete(repo.MAIN, key)

	return common.NewError(common.PROTOCOL_ERROR, fmt.Sprintf("ServerAction.persistChange() : Unknown op code %d", op))
文件: env.go 项目: couchbase/gometa
func (e *Env) initWithArgs() error {
	if len(os.Args) < 3 {
		return common.NewError(common.ARG_ERROR, "Missing command line argument")

	err := e.resolveHostAddr()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if len(os.Args) >= 6 {
		if err != nil {
			return err
	return nil
// run server (as leader or follower)
func (s *Server) runServer(leader string) (err error) {

	host := GetHostUDPAddr()

	// If this host is the leader, then start the leader server.
	// Otherwise, start the followerServer.
	if leader == host {
		log.Current.Debugf("Server.runServer() : Local Server %s is elected as leader. Leading ...", leader)
		err = protocol.RunLeaderServer(GetHostTCPAddr(), s.listener, s.state, s.handler, s.factory, s.skillch)
	} else {
		log.Current.Debugf("Server.runServer() : Remote Server %s is elected as leader. Following ...", leader)
		leaderAddr := findMatchingPeerTCPAddr(leader)
		if len(leaderAddr) == 0 {
			return common.NewError(common.SERVER_ERROR, "Cannot find matching TCP addr for leader "+leader)
		err = protocol.RunFollowerServer(GetHostTCPAddr(), leaderAddr, s.state, s.handler, s.factory, s.skillch)

	return err
func (l *LeaderSyncProxy) updateCurrentEpochAfterQuorum() error {


	// Get my follower's vote for the epoch ack
	packet, err := listen("EpochAck", l.follower)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Get epoch from follower message
	// TODO : Validate follower epoch
	info := packet.(EpochAckMsg)
	l.followerState.currentEpoch = info.GetCurrentEpoch()
	l.followerState.lastLoggedTxid = common.Txnid(info.GetLastLoggedTxid())

	// update my vote and wait for quorum of ack from followers
	ok := l.state.voteEpochAck(l.GetFid(), l.followerState.voting)
	if !ok {
		return common.NewError(common.ELECTION_ERROR,
			"LeaderSyncProxy.updateCurrentEpochAfterQuorum(): Fail to reach quorum on current epoch (EpochAck)")

	// update the current epock after quorum of followers have ack'ed
	epoch, err := l.handler.GetAcceptedEpoch()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// update the current epoch based on the quorum result.   This function
	// will perform update only if the new epoch is larger than existing value.
	err = l.handler.NotifyNewCurrentEpoch(epoch)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return nil
// Goroutine for processing each request one-by-one
func (s *LeaderServer) processRequest(killch <-chan bool,
	listenerState *ListenerState,
	reqHandler CustomRequestHandler) (err error) {

	defer func() {
		if r := recover(); r != nil {
			log.Current.Errorf("panic in LeaderServer.processRequest() : %s\n", r)
			log.Current.Errorf("%s", log.Current.StackTrace())
			err = r.(error)
		} else {
			log.Current.Debugf("LeaderServer.processRequest() : Terminates.")

			func() {
				listenerState.killch <- true

	// start processing loop after I am being confirmed as a leader (there
	// is a quorum of followers that have sync'ed with me)
	if !s.waitTillReady() {
		return common.NewError(common.ELECTION_ERROR,
			"LeaderServer.processRequest(): Leader times out waiting for quorum of followers. Terminate")

	// At this point, the leader has gotten a majority of followers to follow, so it
	// can proceed.  It is possible that it may loose quorum of followers. But in that
	// case, the leader will not be able to process any request.
	log.Current.Debugf("LeaderServer.processRequest(): Leader Server is ready to proces request")

	// Leader is ready at this time.  This implies that there is a quorum of follower has
	// followed this leader.  Get the change channel to keep track of  number of followers.
	// If the leader no longer has quorum, it needs to let go of its leadership.
	leaderchangech := s.leader.GetEnsembleChangeChannel()
	ensembleSize := s.handler.GetEnsembleSize()

	// notify the request processor to start processing new request
	incomings := s.state.requestMgr.GetRequestChannel()

	var outgoings <-chan common.Packet = nil
	if reqHandler != nil {
		outgoings = reqHandler.GetResponseChannel()
	} else {
		outgoings = make(<-chan common.Packet)

	for {
		select {
		case handle, ok := <-incomings:
			if ok {
				// de-queue the request

				// forward request to the leader
				s.leader.QueueRequest(s.leader.GetFollowerId(), handle.Request)
			} else {
				// server shutdown.
				log.Current.Debugf("LeaderServer.processRequest(): channel for receiving client request is closed. Terminate.")
				return nil
		case msg, ok := <-outgoings:
			if ok {
				// forward msg to the leader
			} else {
				log.Current.Infof("LeaderServer.processRequest(): channel for receiving custom response is closed. Ignore.")
		case <-killch:
			// server shutdown
			log.Current.Debugf("LeaderServer.processRequest(): receive kill signal. Stop Client request processing.")
			return nil
		case <-listenerState.donech:
			// listener is down.  Terminate this request processing loop as well.
			log.Current.Infof("LeaderServer.processRequest(): follower listener terminates. Stop client request processing.")
			return nil
		case <-leaderchangech:
			// Listen to any change to the leader's active ensemble, and to ensure that the leader maintain majority.
			// The active ensemble is the set of running followers connected to the leader.
			numFollowers := s.leader.GetActiveEnsembleSize()
			if numFollowers <= int(ensembleSize/2) {
				// leader looses majority of follower.
				log.Current.Infof("LeaderServer.processRequest(): leader looses majority of follower. Stop client request processing.")
				return nil

	return nil
func (l *FollowerSyncProxy) receiveAndUpdateAcceptedEpoch() error {


	// Get the accepted epoch from the leader.   This epoch
	// is already being voted on by multiple followers (the highest
	// epoch among the quorum of followers).
	packet, err := listen("LeaderInfo", l.leader)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Get epoch from leader message
	info := packet.(LeaderInfoMsg)
	epoch := info.GetAcceptedEpoch()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	acceptedEpoch, err := l.handler.GetAcceptedEpoch()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if epoch > acceptedEpoch {
		// Update the accepted epoch based on the quorum result.   This function
		// will perform update only if the new epoch is larger than existing value.
		// Once the accepted epoch is updated, it will not be reset even if the
		// sychornization with the leader fails.  Therefore, the follower will always
		// remember the largest accepted epoch known to it, such that it can be used
		// in the next round of voting.   Note that the leader derives this new accepted
		// epoch only after it has polled from a quorum of followers.  So even if sync fails,
		// it is unlikey that in the next sync, the leader will give a new accepted epoch smaller
		// than what is being stored now.
		err = l.handler.NotifyNewAcceptedEpoch(epoch)
		if err != nil {
			return err
	} else if epoch == acceptedEpoch {
		// In ZK, if the local epoch (acceptedEpoch) == leader's epoch (epoch), it will replly an EpochAck with epoch = -1.
		// This is to tell the leader that it should not count this EpockAck when computing quorum of EpochAck.
		// This is to ensure that this follower does not "double ack" to the leader (e.g. when this follower rejoins a
		// stable ensemble).   In our implementation for ConsentState, it should not be affected by double ack from the same host.
	} else {
		return common.NewError(common.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "Accepted Epoch from leader is smaller or equal to my epoch.")

	// Notify the leader that I have accepted the epoch.  Send
	// the last logged txid and current epoch to the leader.
	txid, err := l.handler.GetLastLoggedTxid()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	currentEpoch, err := l.handler.GetCurrentEpoch()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	l.state.lastLoggedTxid = common.Txnid(txid)
	l.state.currentEpoch = currentEpoch

	packet = l.factory.CreateEpochAck(uint64(txid), currentEpoch)
	return send(packet, l.leader)