// Restore semantic:
// 1) Each index is associated with the <IndexDefnId, IndexerId>.  IndexDefnId is unique for each index defnition,
//    and IndexerId is unique among the index nodes.  Note that IndexDefnId cannot be reused.
// 2) Index defn exists for the given <IndexDefnId, IndexerId> in current repository.  No action will be applied during restore.
// 3) Index defn is deleted or missing in current repository.  Index Defn restored from backup if bucket exists.
//    - Index defn of the same <bucket, name> exists.   It will rename the index to <index name>_restore_<seqNo>
//    - Bucket does not exist.   It will restore an index defn with a non-existent bucket.
func (m *requestHandlerContext) handleRestoreIndexMetadataRequest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

	if !doAuth(r, w, m.clusterUrl) {

	image := m.convertIndexMetadataRequest(r)
	if image == nil {
		send(w, &RestoreResponse{Code: RESP_ERROR, Error: "Unable to process request input"})

	indexerHostMap := make(map[common.IndexerId]string)
	current, err := m.getIndexMetadata(m.mgr.getServiceAddrProvider().(*common.ClusterInfoCache), indexerHostMap)
	if err != nil {
		send(w, &RestoreResponse{Code: RESP_ERROR, Error: "Unable to get the latest index metadata for restore"})

	context := &RestoreContext{idxToRestore: make(map[common.IndexerId][]common.IndexDefn),
		idxToResolve: make(map[common.IndexerId][]common.IndexDefn)}

	// Figure out what index to restore that has the same IndexDefnId
	for _, imeta := range image.Metadata {
		found := false
		for _, cmeta := range current.Metadata {
			if imeta.IndexerId == cmeta.IndexerId {
				m.findIndexToRestoreById(&imeta, &cmeta, context)
				found = true

		if !found {
			logging.Debugf("requestHandler.handleRestoreIndexMetadataRequest(): cannot find matching indexer id %s", imeta.IndexerId)
			for _, idefn := range imeta.IndexDefinitions {
				logging.Debugf("requestHandler.handleRestoreIndexMetadataRequest(): adding index definition (%v,%v) to to-be-resolve list", idefn.Bucket, idefn.Name)
				context.idxToResolve[common.IndexerId(imeta.IndexerId)] =
					append(context.idxToResolve[common.IndexerId(imeta.IndexerId)], idefn)

	// Figure out what index to restore that has the same bucket and name
	for indexerId, idxs := range context.idxToResolve {
		for _, idx := range idxs {
			m.findIndexToRestoreByName(current, idx, indexerId, context)

	// recreate index
	success := m.restoreIndex(current, context, indexerHostMap)

	if success {
		send(w, &RestoreResponse{Code: RESP_SUCCESS})

	send(w, &RestoreResponse{Code: RESP_ERROR, Error: "Unable to restore metadata"})
func (m *requestHandlerContext) restoreIndex(current *ClusterIndexMetadata,
	context *RestoreContext, indexerHostMap map[common.IndexerId]string) bool {

	indexerCountMap := make(map[common.IndexerId]int)
	for _, meta := range current.Metadata {
		indexerCountMap[common.IndexerId(meta.IndexerId)] = len(meta.IndexDefinitions)

	result := true
	for indexerId, idxs := range context.idxToRestore {
		for _, defn := range idxs {
			host, ok := indexerHostMap[indexerId]
			if !ok {
				indexerId = m.findMinIndexer(indexerCountMap)
				host = indexerHostMap[indexerId]

			logging.Debugf("requestHandler.restoreIndex(): restore index definition (%v,%v) on host %v", defn.Bucket, defn.Name, host)
			result = result && m.makeCreateIndexRequest(defn, host)

			indexerCountMap[indexerId] = indexerCountMap[indexerId] + 1

	return result
func (w *watcher) getIndexerId() c.IndexerId {

	defer w.mutex.Unlock()

	if w.serviceMap == nil {
		panic("Index node metadata is not initialized")

	return c.IndexerId(w.serviceMap.IndexerId)
func (m *requestHandlerContext) findIndexToRestoreByName(current *ClusterIndexMetadata,
	defn common.IndexDefn, indexerId common.IndexerId, context *RestoreContext) {

	logging.Debugf("requestHandler.findIndexToRestoreById(): checking for index definition (%v,%v) in repository by name", defn.Bucket, defn.Name)
	for _, meta := range current.Metadata {
		for _, ldefn := range meta.IndexDefinitions {
			if ldefn.Bucket == defn.Bucket && ldefn.Name == defn.Name {
				if topology := m.findTopologyByBucket(meta.IndexTopologies, ldefn.Bucket); topology != nil {
					state, _ := topology.GetStatusByDefn(ldefn.DefnId)
					if state != common.INDEX_STATE_DELETED && state != common.INDEX_STATE_NIL {
						logging.Debugf("requestHandler.findIndexToRestoreByName(): find matching index definition (%v,%v) in repository in state %d", ldefn.Bucket, ldefn.Name, state)

	logging.Debugf("requestHandler.findIndexToRestoreByName(): adding index definition (%v,%v) to restore list", defn.Bucket, defn.Name)
	context.idxToRestore[common.IndexerId(indexerId)] = append(context.idxToRestore[common.IndexerId(indexerId)], defn)
func (o *MetadataProvider) WatchMetadata(indexAdminPort string, callback watcherCallback) c.IndexerId {

	defer o.mutex.Unlock()

	logging.Debugf("MetadataProvider.WatchMetadata(): indexer %v", indexAdminPort)

	for _, watcher := range o.watchers {
		if watcher.getAdminAddr() == indexAdminPort {
			return watcher.getIndexerId()

	// start a watcher to the indexer admin
	watcher, readych := o.startWatcher(indexAdminPort)

	// wait for indexer to connect
	success, _ := watcher.waitForReady(readych, 1000, nil)
	if success {
		// if successfully connected, retrieve indexerId
		success, _ = watcher.notifyReady(indexAdminPort, 0, nil)
		if success {
			logging.Infof("WatchMetadata(): successfully reach indexer at %v.", indexAdminPort)
			// watcher succesfully initialized, add it to MetadataProvider
			o.addWatcherNoLock(watcher, c.INDEXER_ID_NIL)
			return watcher.getIndexerId()

		} else {
			// watcher is ready, but no able to read indexerId
			readych = nil

	logging.Infof("WatchMetadata(): unable to reach indexer at %v. Retry in background.", indexAdminPort)

	// watcher is not connected to indexer or fail to get indexer id,
	// create a temporary index id
	o.watcherCount = o.watcherCount + 1
	tempIndexerId := c.IndexerId(fmt.Sprintf("%v_Indexer_Id_%d", indexAdminPort, o.watcherCount))
	killch := make(chan bool, 1)
	o.pendings[tempIndexerId] = killch

	// retry it in the background.  Return a temporary indexerId for book-keeping.
	go o.retryHelper(watcher, readych, indexAdminPort, tempIndexerId, killch, callback)
	return tempIndexerId
func (r *metadataRepo) updateIndexMetadataNoLock(defnId c.IndexDefnId, inst *IndexInstDistribution) {

	meta, ok := r.indices[defnId]
	if ok {
		idxInst := new(InstanceDefn)
		idxInst.InstId = c.IndexInstId(inst.InstId)
		idxInst.State = c.IndexState(inst.State)
		idxInst.Error = inst.Error
		idxInst.BuildTime = inst.BuildTime

		for _, partition := range inst.Partitions {
			for _, slice := range partition.SinglePartition.Slices {
				idxInst.IndexerId = c.IndexerId(slice.IndexerId)
		meta.Instances = []*InstanceDefn{idxInst}
func (m *requestHandlerContext) getIndexMetadata(cinfo *common.ClusterInfoCache,
	indexerHostMap map[common.IndexerId]string) (*ClusterIndexMetadata, error) {

	if err := cinfo.Fetch(); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// find all nodes that has a index http service
	nids := cinfo.GetNodesByServiceType(common.INDEX_HTTP_SERVICE)

	clusterMeta := &ClusterIndexMetadata{Metadata: make([]LocalIndexMetadata, len(nids))}

	for i, nid := range nids {

		addr, err := cinfo.GetServiceAddress(nid, common.INDEX_HTTP_SERVICE)
		if err == nil {

			resp, err := getWithAuth(addr + "/getLocalIndexMetadata")
			if err != nil {
				return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Fail to retrieve index definition from url %s", addr))

			localMeta := new(LocalIndexMetadata)
			status := convertResponse(resp, localMeta)
			if status == RESP_ERROR {
				return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Fail to retrieve local metadata from url %s.", addr))

			indexerHostMap[common.IndexerId(localMeta.IndexerId)] = addr
			clusterMeta.Metadata[i] = *localMeta

		} else {
			return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Fail to retrieve http endpoint for index node"))

	return clusterMeta, nil
func (m *requestHandlerContext) findIndexToRestoreById(image *LocalIndexMetadata,
	current *LocalIndexMetadata, context *RestoreContext) {

	context.idxToRestore[common.IndexerId(image.IndexerId)] = make([]common.IndexDefn, 0)
	context.idxToResolve[common.IndexerId(image.IndexerId)] = make([]common.IndexDefn, 0)

	for _, idefn := range image.IndexDefinitions {
		match := false
		for _, cdefn := range current.IndexDefinitions {
			if idefn.DefnId == cdefn.DefnId {
				// find index defn in the current repository, check the status
				logging.Debugf("requestHandler.findIndexToRestoreById(): find matching index definition (%v,%v) in repository", idefn.Bucket, idefn.Name)

				if topology := m.findTopologyByBucket(current.IndexTopologies, idefn.Bucket); topology != nil {
					match = true
					state, _ := topology.GetStatusByDefn(idefn.DefnId)
					logging.Debugf("requestHandler.findIndexToRestoreById(): index definition (%v,%v) in repository in state %d", idefn.Bucket, idefn.Name, state)

					if state == common.INDEX_STATE_DELETED || state == common.INDEX_STATE_NIL {
						// Index Defn exists it the current repository, but it must be
						// 1) Index Instance does not exist
						// 2) Index Instance has DELETED state
						logging.Debugf("requestHandler.findIndexToRestoreById(): adding index definition (%v,%v) to restore list", idefn.Bucket, idefn.Name)
						context.idxToRestore[common.IndexerId(image.IndexerId)] =
							append(context.idxToRestore[common.IndexerId(image.IndexerId)], idefn)

		if !match {
			// Index Defn does not exist.  Need to find if there is another index with matching <bucket, name>
			logging.Debugf("requestHandler.findIndexToRestoreById(): adding index definition (%v,%v) to to-be-resolve list", idefn.Bucket, idefn.Name)
			context.idxToResolve[common.IndexerId(image.IndexerId)] =
				append(context.idxToResolve[common.IndexerId(image.IndexerId)], idefn)
func (c *MetadataRepo) GetLocalIndexerId() (common.IndexerId, error) {
	val, err := c.GetLocalValue("IndexerId")
	return common.IndexerId(val), err