func (this *IntermediateGroup) processItem(item value.AnnotatedValue, context *Context) bool {
	// Generate the group key
	var gk string
	if len(this.plan.Keys()) > 0 {
		var e error
		gk, e = groupKey(item, this.plan.Keys(), context)
		if e != nil {
			context.Fatal(errors.NewEvaluationError(e, "GROUP key"))
			return false

	// Get or seed the group value
	gv := this.groups[gk]
	if gv == nil {
		gv = item
		this.groups[gk] = gv
		return true

	// Cumulate aggregates
	part, ok := item.GetAttachment("aggregates").(map[string]value.Value)
	if !ok {
			fmt.Sprintf("Invalid partial aggregates %v of type %T", part, part)))
		return false

	cumulative := gv.GetAttachment("aggregates").(map[string]value.Value)
	if !ok {
			fmt.Sprintf("Invalid cumulative aggregates %v of type %T", cumulative, cumulative)))
		return false

	for _, agg := range this.plan.Aggregates() {
		a := agg.String()
		v, e := agg.CumulateIntermediate(part[a], cumulative[a], context)
		if e != nil {
				e, "Error updating intermediate GROUP value."))
			return false

		cumulative[a] = v

	return true
func (this *InitialGroup) processItem(item value.AnnotatedValue, context *Context) bool {
	// Generate the group key
	var gk string
	if len(this.plan.Keys()) > 0 {
		var e error
		gk, e = groupKey(item, this.plan.Keys(), context)
		if e != nil {
			context.Fatal(errors.NewEvaluationError(e, "GROUP key"))
			return false

	// Get or seed the group value
	gv := this.groups[gk]
	if gv == nil {
		gv = item
		this.groups[gk] = gv

		aggregates := make(map[string]value.Value, len(this.plan.Aggregates()))
		gv.SetAttachment("aggregates", aggregates)
		for _, agg := range this.plan.Aggregates() {
			aggregates[agg.String()] = agg.Default()

	// Cumulate aggregates
	aggregates, ok := gv.GetAttachment("aggregates").(map[string]value.Value)
	if !ok {
			fmt.Sprintf("Invalid aggregates %v of type %T", aggregates, aggregates)))
		return false

	for _, agg := range this.plan.Aggregates() {
		v, e := agg.CumulateInitial(item, aggregates[agg.String()], context)
		if e != nil {
			context.Fatal(errors.NewGroupUpdateError(e, "Error updating initial GROUP value."))
			return false

		aggregates[agg.String()] = v

	return true
func (this *FinalGroup) processItem(item value.AnnotatedValue, context *Context) bool {
	// Generate the group key
	var gk string
	if len(this.plan.Keys()) > 0 {
		var e error
		gk, e = groupKey(item, this.plan.Keys(), context)
		if e != nil {
			context.Fatal(errors.NewEvaluationError(e, "GROUP key"))
			return false

	// Get or seed the group value
	gv := this.groups[gk]
	if gv != nil {
		return false

	gv = item
	this.groups[gk] = gv

	// Compute final aggregates
	aggregates := gv.GetAttachment("aggregates")
	switch aggregates := aggregates.(type) {
	case map[string]value.Value:
		for _, agg := range this.plan.Aggregates() {
			v, e := agg.ComputeFinal(aggregates[agg.String()], context)
			if e != nil {
					e, "Error updating final GROUP value."))
				return false

			aggregates[agg.String()] = v

		return true
			"Invalid or missing aggregates of type %T.", aggregates)))
		return false