文件: mock.go 项目: amarantha-k/query
func (pi *primaryIndex) Scan(span *datastore.Span, distinct bool, limit int64,
	cons datastore.ScanConsistency, vector timestamp.Vector, conn *datastore.IndexConnection) {
	defer close(conn.EntryChannel())

	// For primary indexes, bounds must always be strings, so we
	// can just enforce that directly
	low, high := "", ""

	// Ensure that lower bound is a string, if any
	if len(span.Range.Low) > 0 {
		a := span.Range.Low[0].Actual()
		switch a := a.(type) {
		case string:
			low = a
			conn.Error(errors.NewOtherDatastoreError(nil, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid lower bound %v of type %T.", a, a)))

	// Ensure that upper bound is a string, if any
	if len(span.Range.High) > 0 {
		a := span.Range.High[0].Actual()
		switch a := a.(type) {
		case string:
			high = a
			conn.Error(errors.NewOtherDatastoreError(nil, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid upper bound %v of type %T.", a, a)))

	if limit == 0 {
		limit = int64(pi.keyspace.nitems)

	for i := 0; i < pi.keyspace.nitems && int64(i) < limit; i++ {
		id := strconv.Itoa(i)

		if low != "" &&
			(id < low ||
				(id == low && (span.Range.Inclusion&datastore.LOW == 0))) {

		low = ""

		if high != "" &&
			(id > high ||
				(id == high && (span.Range.Inclusion&datastore.HIGH == 0))) {

		entry := datastore.IndexEntry{PrimaryKey: id}
		conn.EntryChannel() <- &entry
文件: mock.go 项目: amarantha-k/query
// generate a mock document - used by fetchOne to mock a document in the keyspace
func genItem(i int, nitems int) (value.AnnotatedValue, errors.Error) {
	if i < 0 || i >= nitems {
		return nil, errors.NewOtherDatastoreError(nil,
			fmt.Sprintf("item out of mock range: %v [0,%v)", i, nitems))
	id := strconv.Itoa(i)
	doc := value.NewAnnotatedValue(map[string]interface{}{"id": id, "i": float64(i)})
	doc.SetAttachment("meta", map[string]interface{}{"id": id})
	return doc, nil
文件: mock.go 项目: amarantha-k/query
// NewDatastore creates a new mock store for the given "path".  The
// path has prefix "mock:", with the rest of the path treated as a
// comma-separated key=value params.  For example:
// mock:namespaces=2,keyspaces=5,items=50000 The above means 2
// namespaces.  And, each namespace has 5 keyspaces.  And, each
// keyspace with 50000 items.  By default, you get...
// mock:namespaces=1,keyspaces=1,items=100000 Which is what you'd get
// by specifying a path of just...  mock:
func NewDatastore(path string) (datastore.Datastore, errors.Error) {
	if strings.HasPrefix(path, "mock:") {
		path = path[5:]
	params := map[string]int{}
	for _, kv := range strings.Split(path, ",") {
		if kv == "" {
		pair := strings.Split(kv, "=")
		v, e := strconv.Atoi(pair[1])
		if e != nil {
			return nil, errors.NewOtherDatastoreError(e,
				fmt.Sprintf("could not parse mock param key: %s, val: %s",
					pair[0], pair[1]))
		params[pair[0]] = v
	nnamespaces := paramVal(params, "namespaces", DEFAULT_NUM_NAMESPACES)
	nkeyspaces := paramVal(params, "keyspaces", DEFAULT_NUM_KEYSPACES)
	nitems := paramVal(params, "items", DEFAULT_NUM_ITEMS)
	s := &store{path: path, params: params, namespaces: map[string]*namespace{}, namespaceNames: []string{}}
	for i := 0; i < nnamespaces; i++ {
		p := &namespace{store: s, name: "p" + strconv.Itoa(i), keyspaces: map[string]*keyspace{}, keyspaceNames: []string{}}
		for j := 0; j < nkeyspaces; j++ {
			b := &keyspace{namespace: p, name: "b" + strconv.Itoa(j), nitems: nitems}

			b.mi = newMockIndexer(b)
			b.mi.CreatePrimaryIndex("#primary", nil)
			p.keyspaces[b.name] = b
			p.keyspaceNames = append(p.keyspaceNames, b.name)
		s.namespaces[p.name] = p
		s.namespaceNames = append(s.namespaceNames, p.name)
	return s, nil