// Try It tries to log in the username
func (login *Login) Try(loginDetails map[string]interface{}) (adapter.WisplyError, error) {


	thinkMessage := "We think the email or the password were not valid."
	genericMessage := "There was a problem while login. " + thinkMessage

	problem := adapter.WisplyError{}
	result := isValidLogin(loginDetails)
	if !result.IsValid {
		problem.Data = result
		return problem, errors.New("Error")

	email := loginDetails["email"].(string)

	account, err := GetAccountByEmail(email)
	if err != nil {
		problem.Message = genericMessage
		return problem, errors.New(genericMessage)

	passwordString := loginDetails["password"].(string)
	validPassword := checkPasswordIsCorrect(account.Password, passwordString)

	if !validPassword {
		problem.Message = genericMessage
		return problem, errors.New(genericMessage)

	return problem, nil
// InsertNewRepository tries to create a new repository
func InsertNewRepository(repositoryDetails map[string]interface{}) (adapter.WisplyError, error) {

	problem := adapter.WisplyError{}

	// check Institution

	_, errInst := NewInstitution(repositoryDetails["institution"].(string))

	if errInst != nil {
		problem.Message = "This institution does not exist"
		return problem, errors.New("Error")

	result := hasValidInsertDetails(repositoryDetails)
	if !result.IsValid {
		problem.Data = result
		return problem, errors.New("Error")

	name := repositoryDetails["name"].(string)
	description := repositoryDetails["description"].(string)
	url := repositoryDetails["url"].(string)
	institutionID := repositoryDetails["institution"].(string)
	category := repositoryDetails["category"].(string)
	publicURL := repositoryDetails["public-url"].(string)
	sql := "INSERT INTO `repository` (`name`, `description`, `url`, `institution`, `category`, `public_url`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
	query, err := database.Connection.Prepare(sql)
	query.Exec(name, description, url, institutionID, category, publicURL)
	if err != nil {
		problem.Message = "No repository like that"
		return problem, errors.New("Error")

	return problem, nil
// InsertNewInstitution tries to create a new institution
func InsertNewInstitution(institutionDetails map[string]interface{}) (adapter.WisplyError, error) {

	problem := adapter.WisplyError{}

	result := hasValidInstitutionInsertDetails(institutionDetails)
	if !result.IsValid {
		problem.Data = result
		return problem, errors.New("Error")

	name := institutionDetails["name"].(string)
	description := institutionDetails["description"].(string)
	url := institutionDetails["url"].(string)
	logoURL := institutionDetails["logoURL"].(string)
	wikiURL := institutionDetails["wikiURL"].(string)
	wikiID := institutionDetails["wikiID"].(string)

	sql := "INSERT INTO `institution` (`name`, `description`, `url`, `logo_URL`, `wiki_URL`, `wiki_ID`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
	query, err := database.Connection.Prepare(sql)
	query.Exec(name, description, url, logoURL, wikiURL, wikiID)

	if err != nil {
		problem.Message = "No institution like that"
		return problem, errors.New("Error")

	return problem, nil
// Try It tries to create a new account
func (register *Register) Try(userDetails map[string]interface{}) (adapter.WisplyError, error) {
	var problem = adapter.WisplyError{}

	result := isValidRegister(userDetails)
	if !result.IsValid {
		problem.Data = result
		return problem, errors.New("Error")

	email := userDetails["email"].(string)
	emailUsed := register.checkEmailExists(email)
	if emailUsed {
		problem.Message = "Hmmm, the email " + email + " is already used."
		return problem, errors.New("Error")


	return problem, nil