func getChronoRecursive(tx *sqlx.Tx, chrono *ChronologyTreeStruct) error { var err error = nil // load translations tr := []model.Chronology_tr{} err = tx.Select(&tr, "SELECT * FROM chronology_tr WHERE chronology_id = "+strconv.Itoa(chrono.Id)) if err != nil { return err } chrono.Name = model.MapSqlTranslations(tr, "Lang_isocode", "Name") chrono.Description = model.MapSqlTranslations(tr, "Lang_isocode", "Description") // get the childs of this chronology from the db childs, err := chrono.Chronology.Childs(tx) if err != nil { return err } // recurse chrono.Content = make([]ChronologyTreeStruct, len(childs)) for i, child := range childs { chrono.Content[i].Chronology = child err = getChronoRecursive(tx, &chrono.Content[i]) if err != nil { return err } } return nil }
func getWmLayers(params *LayersParams, viewUnpublished bool, tx *sqlx.Tx) (layers []*model.LayerFullInfos, err error) { layers = []*model.LayerFullInfos{} q := "SELECT, m.type, m.start_date, m.end_date, m.min_scale, m.max_scale, ST_AsGeoJSON(m.geographical_extent_geom) as geographical_extent_geom, m.published, m.created_at, m.creator_user_id, u.firstname || ' ' || u.lastname as author FROM map_layer m LEFT JOIN \"user\" u ON m.creator_user_id = WHERE > 0" if params.Author > 0 { q += " AND = :author" } if params.Published || !viewUnpublished { q += " AND m.published = 't'" } if params.Type != "" { q += " AND m.type= :type" } if params.Bounding_box != "" { q += " AND (ST_Contains(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(:bounding_box), m.geographical_extent_geom::::geometry) OR ST_Contains(m.geographical_extent_geom::::geometry, ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(:bounding_box)) OR ST_Overlaps(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(:bounding_box), m.geographical_extent_geom::::geometry))" } if params.Check_dates { q += " AND m.start_date >= :start_date AND m.end_date <= :end_date" } in := model.IntJoin(params.Ids, false) if in != "" { q += " AND IN (" + in + ")" } nstmt, err := tx.PrepareNamed(q) if err != nil { log.Println(err) _ = tx.Rollback() return } err = nstmt.Select(&layers, params) for _, layer := range layers { tr := []model.Map_layer_tr{} err = tx.Select(&tr, "SELECT * FROM map_layer_tr WHERE map_layer_id = "+strconv.Itoa(layer.Id)) if err != nil { log.Println(err) _ = tx.Rollback() return } layer.Uniq_code = layer.Type + strconv.Itoa(layer.Id) layer.Name = model.MapSqlTranslations(tr, "Lang_isocode", "Name") layer.Attribution = model.MapSqlTranslations(tr, "Lang_isocode", "Attribution") layer.Copyright = model.MapSqlTranslations(tr, "Lang_isocode", "Copyright") layer.Description = model.MapSqlTranslations(tr, "Lang_isocode", "Description") } return }
func getCharacRecursive(tx *sqlx.Tx, charac *CharacTreeStruct, project_id int) error { var err error = nil // load translations tr := []model.Charac_tr{} err = tx.Select(&tr, "SELECT * FROM charac_tr WHERE charac_id = "+strconv.Itoa(charac.Id)) if err != nil { return err } charac.Name = model.MapSqlTranslations(tr, "Lang_isocode", "Name") charac.Description = model.MapSqlTranslations(tr, "Lang_isocode", "Description") // check if enabled in project if project_id > 0 { hiddenCount := 0 tx.Get(&hiddenCount, "SELECT count(*) FROM project_hidden_characs WHERE project_id = "+strconv.Itoa(project_id)+" AND charac_id = "+strconv.Itoa(charac.Id)) if hiddenCount > 0 { charac.Hidden = true log.Println("found hidden : ", charac.Id) } } // get the childs of this charac from the db childs, err := charac.Charac.Childs(tx) if err != nil { return err } // recurse charac.Content = make([]CharacTreeStruct, len(childs)) for i, child := range childs { charac.Content[i].Charac = child err = getCharacRecursive(tx, &charac.Content[i], project_id) if err != nil { return err } } return nil }
// CharacsRoots write all root characs in all languages func CharacsRoots(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, proute routes.Proute) { type row struct { model.Charac_root model.Charac Name map[string]string `json:"name"` Description map[string]string `json:"description"` HiddensCount int `json:"hiddens_count"` //UsersInGroup []model.User `json:"users_in_group" ignore:"true"` // read-only, used to display users of the group //Author model.User `json:"author" ignore:"true"` // read-only, used to display users of the group } params := proute.Params.(*CharacRootsParams) characs := []*row{} // transaction begin... tx, err := db.DB.Beginx() if err != nil { log.Println(err) userSqlError(w, err) return } // if Project_id is specified, verify that we are the owner of the project if params.Project_id != 0 { // get the user _user, ok := proute.Session.Get("user") if !ok { log.Println("CharacsUpdate: can't get user in session...", _user) _ = tx.Rollback() return } user, ok := _user.(model.User) if !ok { log.Println("CharacsUpdate: can't cast user...", _user) _ = tx.Rollback() return } // check if the user is the owner of the project count := 0 tx.Get(&count, "SELECT count(*) FROM project WHERE id = "+strconv.Itoa(params.Project_id)+" AND user_id = "+strconv.Itoa(user.Id)) if count != 1 { log.Println("CharacSetHiddens: user is not the owner...", user, params.Project_id) _ = tx.Rollback() return } } // load all roots err = db.DB.Select(&characs, "SELECT charac_root.* FROM charac_root LEFT JOIN charac on charac_root.root_charac_id = ORDER BY charac.order") if err != nil { log.Println(err) userSqlError(w, err) _ = tx.Rollback() return } // load all root characs for _, charac := range characs { charac.Charac.Id = charac.Charac_root.Root_charac_id err = charac.Charac.Get(tx) if err != nil { log.Println(err) _ = tx.Rollback() userSqlError(w, err) return } // load translations tr := []model.Charac_tr{} err = tx.Select(&tr, "SELECT * FROM charac_tr WHERE charac_id = "+strconv.Itoa(charac.Charac.Id)) if err != nil { log.Println(err) userSqlError(w, err) _ = tx.Rollback() return } charac.Name = model.MapSqlTranslations(tr, "Lang_isocode", "Name") charac.Description = model.MapSqlTranslations(tr, "Lang_isocode", "Description") // load custom modified characs // get the author user /* err = charac.Author.Get(tx) charac.Author.Password = "" if err != nil { userSqlError(w, err) _ = tx.Rollback() return } */ if params.Project_id > 0 { hidden_count := 0 err = tx.Get(&hidden_count, `WITH RECURSIVE subcharac(id, parent_id, charac_id, project_id) AS ( SELECT id, parent_id, phc.charac_id, phc.project_id FROM charac LEFT JOIN project_hidden_characs phc ON phc.charac_id = WHERE id = $1 UNION ALL SELECT, c2.parent_id, phc2.charac_id, phc2.project_id FROM subcharac AS sc, charac AS c2 LEFT JOIN project_hidden_characs phc2 ON phc2.charac_id = WHERE c2.parent_id = ) SELECT count(*) FROM subcharac WHERE project_id=$2`, charac.Id, params.Project_id) if err != nil { log.Println(err) userSqlError(w, err) _ = tx.Rollback() return } charac.HiddensCount = hidden_count } } // commit... err = tx.Commit() if err != nil { log.Println("commit failed") userSqlError(w, err) return } j, err := json.Marshal(characs) w.Write(j) }
// ChronologiesRoots write all root chronologies in all languages func ChronologiesRoots(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, proute routes.Proute) { type row struct { model.Chronology_root model.Chronology Name map[string]string `json:"name"` Description map[string]string `json:"description"` //UsersInGroup []model.User `json:"users_in_group" ignore:"true"` // read-only, used to display users of the group Author model.User `json:"author" ignore:"true"` // read-only, used to display users of the group } // get the params params := proute.Params.(*ChronologiesRootsParams) // get the user logged _user, _ := proute.Session.Get("user") user := _user.(model.User) chronologies := []*row{} returnedChronologies := []*row{} // transaction begin... tx, err := db.DB.Beginx() if err != nil { userSqlError(w, err) return } // load all roots yes condition is always true q := "SELECT *,ST_AsGeoJSON(geom) as geom FROM chronology_root WHERE 1 = 1" if params.Bounding_box != "" { q += " AND (ST_Contains(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(:bounding_box), geom::::geometry) OR ST_Contains(geom::::geometry, ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(:bounding_box)) OR ST_Overlaps(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(:bounding_box), geom::::geometry))" } viewUnpublished, err := user.HavePermissions(tx, "manage all databases") if err != nil { userSqlError(w, err) return } if params.Active || !viewUnpublished { q += " AND active = 't'" } stmt, err := db.DB.PrepareNamed(q) if err != nil { userSqlError(w, err) _ = tx.Rollback() return } err = stmt.Select(&chronologies, params) if err != nil { userSqlError(w, err) _ = tx.Rollback() return } // load all root chronologies for _, chrono := range chronologies { chrono.Chronology.Id = chrono.Chronology_root.Root_chronology_id err = chrono.Chronology.Get(tx) if err != nil { userSqlError(w, err) _ = tx.Rollback() return } // load translations tr := []model.Chronology_tr{} err = tx.Select(&tr, "SELECT * FROM chronology_tr WHERE chronology_id = "+strconv.Itoa(chrono.Chronology.Id)) if err != nil { userSqlError(w, err) _ = tx.Rollback() return } chrono.Name = model.MapSqlTranslations(tr, "Lang_isocode", "Name") chrono.Description = model.MapSqlTranslations(tr, "Lang_isocode", "Description") // get the author user chrono.Author.Id = chrono.Chronology_root.Author_user_id err = chrono.Author.Get(tx) chrono.Author.Password = "" if err != nil { userSqlError(w, err) _ = tx.Rollback() return } // check if chronology is in requested date bounds if params.Check_dates { if chrono.Start_date >= params.Start_date && chrono.End_date <= params.End_date { returnedChronologies = append(returnedChronologies, chrono) } } else { returnedChronologies = append(returnedChronologies, chrono) } } // commit... err = tx.Commit() if err != nil { log.Println("commit failed") _ = tx.Rollback() return } j, _ := json.Marshal(returnedChronologies) w.Write(j) }
// DatabaseList returns the list of databases func DatabaseList(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, proute routes.Proute) { params := proute.Params.(*DatabaseListParams) tx, err := db.DB.Beginx() if err != nil { userSqlError(w, err) return } _user, _ := proute.Session.Get("user") user := _user.(model.User) q := "SELECT d.*, ST_AsGeoJSON(d.geographical_extent_geom) as geographical_extent_geom, as license, (SELECT count(*) from site WHERE database_id = AS number_of_sites, (SELECT number_of_lines FROM import WHERE database_id = ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1) AS number_of_lines, u.firstname || ' ' || u.lastname as author FROM \"database\" d LEFT JOIN \"user\" u ON d.owner = LEFT JOIN license l ON = d.license_id WHERE 1 = 1" type dbInfos struct { model.Database Author string `json:"author"` Description map[string]string `json:"description"` Geographical_limit map[string]string `json:"geographical_limit"` Bibliography map[string]string `json:"bibliography"` Context_description map[string]string `json:"context_description"` Source_description map[string]string `json:"source_description"` Source_relation map[string]string `json:"source_relation"` Copyright map[string]string `json:"copyright"` Subject map[string]string `json:"subject"` Number_of_lines int `json:"number_of_lines"` Number_of_sites int `json:"number_of_sites"` License string `json:"license"` Contexts []string `json:"context"` Countries []struct { Id int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` } `json:"countries"` Continents []struct { Id int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` } `json:"continents"` Authors []struct { Id int `json:"id"` Fullname string `json:"fullname"` } `json:"authors"` } if params.Bounding_box != "" { q += " AND (ST_Contains(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(:bounding_box), geographical_extent_geom::::geometry) OR ST_Contains(geographical_extent_geom::::geometry, ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(:bounding_box)) OR ST_Overlaps(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(:bounding_box), geographical_extent_geom::::geometry))" } if params.Check_dates { q += " AND ((d.start_date = " + strconv.Itoa(math.MinInt32) + " OR d.start_date >= :start_date) AND (d.end_date = " + strconv.Itoa(math.MaxInt32) + " OR d.end_date <= :end_date))" } viewUnpublished, err := user.HavePermissions(tx, "manage all databases") if err != nil { userSqlError(w, err) return } if !viewUnpublished { q += " AND published = 't' OR d.owner = " + strconv.Itoa(user.Id) } q += " ORDER BY d.Id DESC" // fmt.Println(q) databases := []dbInfos{} nstmt, err := tx.PrepareNamed(q) if err != nil { err = errors.New("rest.databases::DatabaseList : (infos) " + err.Error()) log.Println(err) userSqlError(w, err) tx.Rollback() return } err = nstmt.Select(&databases, params) if err != nil { err = errors.New("rest.databases::DatabaseList : (infos) " + err.Error()) log.Println(err) userSqlError(w, err) tx.Rollback() return } returnedDatabases := []dbInfos{} for _, database := range databases { // Authors astmt, err2 := tx.PrepareNamed("SELECT id, firstname || ' ' || lastname as fullname FROM \"user\" u LEFT JOIN database__authors da ON = da.user_id WHERE da.database_id = :id") if err2 != nil { err = errors.New("rest.databases::DatabaseList (authors) : " + err2.Error()) log.Println(err) userSqlError(w, err) tx.Rollback() return } err = astmt.Select(&database.Authors, database) if err != nil { err = errors.New("rest.databases::DatabaseList (authors) : " + err.Error()) log.Println(err) userSqlError(w, err) tx.Rollback() return } // Contexts cstmt, err3 := tx.PrepareNamed("SELECT context FROM database_context WHERE database_id = :id") if err3 != nil { err = errors.New("rest.databases::DatabaseList (contexts) : " + err3.Error()) log.Println(err) userSqlError(w, err) tx.Rollback() return } err = cstmt.Select(&database.Contexts, database) // Countries if database.Geographical_extent == "country" { coustmt, err4 := tx.Preparex("SELECT FROM country_tr ctr LEFT JOIN country c ON ctr.country_geonameid = c.geonameid LEFT JOIN database__country dc ON c.geonameid = dc.country_geonameid WHERE dc.database_id = $1 AND ctr.lang_isocode = $2") if err4 != nil { err = errors.New("rest.databases::DatabaseList (countries) : " + err4.Error()) log.Println(err) userSqlError(w, err) tx.Rollback() return } err = coustmt.Select(&database.Countries, database.Id, user.First_lang_isocode) } // Continents if database.Geographical_extent == "continent" { constmt, err5 := tx.Preparex("SELECT FROM continent_tr ctr LEFT JOIN continent c ON ctr.continent_geonameid = c.geonameid LEFT JOIN database__continent dc ON c.geonameid = dc.continent_geonameid WHERE dc.database_id = $1 AND ctr.lang_isocode = $2") if err5 != nil { err = errors.New("rest.databases::DatabaseList : (continents) " + err5.Error()) log.Println(err) userSqlError(w, err) tx.Rollback() return } err = constmt.Select(&database.Continents, database.Id, user.First_lang_isocode) } tr := []model.Database_tr{} err = tx.Select(&tr, "SELECT * FROM database_tr WHERE database_id = "+strconv.Itoa(database.Id)) if err != nil { log.Println(err) _ = tx.Rollback() userSqlError(w, err) return } database.Description = model.MapSqlTranslations(tr, "Lang_isocode", "Description") database.Geographical_limit = model.MapSqlTranslations(tr, "Lang_isocode", "Geographical_limit") database.Bibliography = model.MapSqlTranslations(tr, "Lang_isocode", "Bibliography") database.Context_description = model.MapSqlTranslations(tr, "Lang_isocode", "Context_description") database.Source_description = model.MapSqlTranslations(tr, "Lang_isocode", "Source_description") database.Source_relation = model.MapSqlTranslations(tr, "Lang_isocode", "Source_relation") database.Copyright = model.MapSqlTranslations(tr, "Lang_isocode", "Copyright") database.Subject = model.MapSqlTranslations(tr, "Lang_isocode", "Subject") returnedDatabases = append(returnedDatabases, database) } if err != nil { log.Println(err) tx.Rollback() userSqlError(w, err) return } err = tx.Commit() if err != nil { log.Println(err) userSqlError(w, err) return } l, _ := json.Marshal(returnedDatabases) w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") w.Write(l) }