func setGradient(k wini.Key, clr *render.Color) {
	// Check to make sure we have a value for this key
	vals := k.Strings()
	if len(vals) == 0 {
		logger.Warning.Println(k.Err("No values found."))

	// Use the last value
	val := vals[len(vals)-1]

	// If there are no spaces, it can't be a gradient.
	if strings.Index(val, " ") == -1 {
		if start, ok := getLastInt(k); ok {

	// Okay, now we have to do things manually.
	// Split up the value into two pieces separated by whitespace and parse
	// each piece as an int.
	splitted := strings.Split(val, " ")
	if len(splitted) != 2 {
		logger.Warning.Println(k.Err("Expected a gradient value (two colors "+
			"separated by a space), but found '%s' "+
			"instead.", val))

	start, err := strconv.ParseInt(strings.TrimSpace(splitted[0]), 0, 0)
	if err != nil {
		logger.Warning.Println(k.Err("'%s' is not an integer. (%s)",
			splitted[0], err))

	end, err := strconv.ParseInt(strings.TrimSpace(splitted[1]), 0, 0)
	if err != nil {
		logger.Warning.Println(k.Err("'%s' is not an integer. (%s)",
			splitted[1], err))

	// finally...
	clr.GradientSet(int(start), int(end))