// ProcessData runs the SQL statements, deferring to util.ExecuteSQLQuery
func (s *SQLExecutor) ProcessData(d data.JSON, outputChan chan data.JSON, killChan chan error) {
	// handle panics a bit more gracefully
	defer func() {
		if err := recover(); err != nil {
			util.KillPipelineIfErr(err.(error), killChan)

	sql := ""
	var err error
	if s.query == "" && s.sqlGenerator != nil {
		sql, err = s.sqlGenerator(d)
		util.KillPipelineIfErr(err, killChan)
	} else if s.query != "" {
		sql = s.query
	} else {
		killChan <- errors.New("SQLExecutor: must have either static query or sqlGenerator func")

	logger.Debug("SQLExecutor: Running - ", sql)
	// See sql.go
	err = util.ExecuteSQLQuery(s.readDB, sql)
	util.KillPipelineIfErr(err, killChan)
	logger.Info("SQLExecutor: Query complete")
// ProcessData defers to util.SQLInsertData
func (s *SQLWriter) ProcessData(d data.JSON, outputChan chan data.JSON, killChan chan error) {
	// handle panics a bit more gracefully
	defer func() {
		if err := recover(); err != nil {
			util.KillPipelineIfErr(err.(error), killChan)

	// First check for SQLWriterData
	var wd SQLWriterData
	err := data.ParseJSONSilent(d, &wd)
	logger.Info("SQLWriter: Writing data...")
	if err == nil && wd.TableName != "" && wd.InsertData != nil {
		logger.Debug("SQLWriter: SQLWriterData scenario")
		dd, err := data.NewJSON(wd.InsertData)
		util.KillPipelineIfErr(err, killChan)
		err = util.SQLInsertData(s.writeDB, dd, wd.TableName, s.OnDupKeyUpdate, s.OnDupKeyFields, s.BatchSize)
		util.KillPipelineIfErr(err, killChan)
	} else {
		logger.Debug("SQLWriter: normal data scenario")
		err = util.SQLInsertData(s.writeDB, d, s.TableName, s.OnDupKeyUpdate, s.OnDupKeyFields, s.BatchSize)
		util.KillPipelineIfErr(err, killChan)
	logger.Info("SQLWriter: Write complete")
// ForEachQueryData handles generating the SQL (in case of dynamic mode),
// running the query and retrieving the data in data.JSON format, and then
// passing the results back witih the function call to forEach.
func (s *SQLReader) ForEachQueryData(d data.JSON, killChan chan error, forEach func(d data.JSON)) {
	sql := ""
	var err error
	if s.query == "" && s.sqlGenerator != nil {
		sql, err = s.sqlGenerator(d)
		util.KillPipelineIfErr(err, killChan)
	} else if s.query != "" {
		sql = s.query
	} else {
		killChan <- errors.New("SQLReader: must have either static query or sqlGenerator func")

	logger.Debug("SQLReader: Running - ", sql)
	// See sql.go
	dataChan, err := util.GetDataFromSQLQuery(s.readDB, sql, s.BatchSize, s.StructDestination)
	util.KillPipelineIfErr(err, killChan)

	for d := range dataChan {
		// First check if an error was returned back from the SQL processing
		// helper, then if not call forEach with the received data.
		var derr dataErr
		if err := data.ParseJSONSilent(d, &derr); err == nil {
			util.KillPipelineIfErr(errors.New(derr.Error), killChan)
		} else {
// ProcessData sends data to outputChan if the response body is not null
func (r *HTTPRequest) ProcessData(d data.JSON, outputChan chan data.JSON, killChan chan error) {
	resp, err := r.Client.Do(r.Request)
	util.KillPipelineIfErr(err, killChan)
	if resp != nil && resp.Body != nil {
		dd, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
		util.KillPipelineIfErr(err, killChan)
		outputChan <- dd
// ProcessData defers to WriterBatch
func (w *BigQueryWriter) ProcessData(d data.JSON, outputChan chan data.JSON, killChan chan error) {
	queuedRows, err := data.ObjectsFromJSON(d)
	util.KillPipelineIfErr(err, killChan)

	logger.Info("BigQueryWriter: Writing -", len(queuedRows))
	err = w.WriteBatch(queuedRows)
	if err != nil {
		util.KillPipelineIfErr(err, killChan)
	logger.Info("BigQueryWriter: Write complete")
func (r *SftpReader) sendFile(path string, outputChan chan data.JSON, killChan chan error) {
	file, err := r.client.Open(path)

	util.KillPipelineIfErr(err, killChan)
	defer file.Close()

	r.IoReader.Reader = file
	r.IoReader.ProcessData(nil, outputChan, killChan)

	if r.DeleteObjects {
		err = r.client.Remove(path)
		util.KillPipelineIfErr(err, killChan)
func (r *IoReader) scanLines(killChan chan error, forEach func(d data.JSON)) {
	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(r.Reader)
	for scanner.Scan() {
	err := scanner.Err()
	util.KillPipelineIfErr(err, killChan)
// ensureInitialized calls connect and then creates the output file on the sftp server at the specified path
func (w *SftpWriter) ensureInitialized(killChan chan error) {
	if w.initialized {

	client, err := util.SftpClient(w.parameters.Server, w.parameters.Username, w.parameters.AuthMethods)
	util.KillPipelineIfErr(err, killChan)

	logger.Info("Path", w.parameters.Path)

	file, err := client.Create(w.parameters.Path)
	util.KillPipelineIfErr(err, killChan)

	w.client = client
	w.file = file
	w.initialized = true
func (r *SftpReader) walk(outputChan chan data.JSON, killChan chan error) {
	walker := r.client.Walk(r.parameters.Path)
	for walker.Step() {
		util.KillPipelineIfErr(walker.Err(), killChan)
		if !walker.Stat().IsDir() {
			r.sendObject(walker.Path(), outputChan, killChan)
// connect - opens a connection to the provided ftp host and then authenticates with the host with the username, password attributes
func (f *FtpWriter) connect(killChan chan error) {
	conn, err := ftp.Dial(f.host)
	if err != nil {
		util.KillPipelineIfErr(err, killChan)

	lerr := conn.Login(f.username, f.password)
	if lerr != nil {
		util.KillPipelineIfErr(lerr, killChan)

	r, w := io.Pipe()

	f.conn = conn
	go f.conn.Stor(f.path, r)
	f.fileWriter = w
	f.authenticated = true
// ForEachQueryData handles generating the SQL (in case of dynamic mode),
// running the query and retrieving the data in data.JSON format, and then
// passing the results back witih the function call to forEach.
func (r *BigQueryReader) ForEachQueryData(d data.JSON, killChan chan error, forEach func(d data.JSON)) {
	sql := ""
	var err error
	if r.query == "" && r.sqlGenerator != nil {
		sql, err = r.sqlGenerator(d)
		util.KillPipelineIfErr(err, killChan)
	} else if r.query != "" {
		sql = r.query
	} else {
		killChan <- errors.New("BigQueryReader: must have either static query or sqlGenerator func")

	logger.Debug("BigQueryReader: Running -", sql)

	bqDataChan := make(chan bigquery.Data)
	go r.bqClient().AsyncQuery(r.PageSize, r.config.DatasetID, r.config.ProjectID, sql, bqDataChan)
	aggregatedData := bigquery.Data{}

	for bqd := range bqDataChan {
		util.KillPipelineIfErr(bqd.Err, killChan)
		logger.Info("BigQueryReader: received bqData: len(rows) =", len(bqd.Rows))
		// logger.Debug("   %+v", bqd)

		if bqd.Rows != nil && bqd.Headers != nil && len(bqd.Rows) > 0 {
			if r.AggregateResults {
				logger.Debug("BigQueryReader: aggregating results")
				aggregatedData.Headers = bqd.Headers
				aggregatedData.Rows = append(aggregatedData.Rows, bqd.Rows...)
			} else {
				// Send data as soon as we get it back
				logger.Debug("BigQueryReader: sending data without aggregation")
				d, err := data.JSONFromHeaderAndRows(bqd.Headers, bqd.Rows)
				util.KillPipelineIfErr(err, killChan)
				forEach(d) // pass back out via the forEach func
	if r.AggregateResults {
		logger.Info("BigQueryReader: sending aggregated results: len(rows) =", len(aggregatedData.Rows))
		d, err := data.JSONFromHeaderAndRows(aggregatedData.Headers, aggregatedData.Rows)
		util.KillPipelineIfErr(err, killChan)
		forEach(d) // pass back out via the forEach func
// ProcessData overwrites the reader if the content is Gzipped, then defers to ForEachData
func (r *IoReader) ProcessData(d data.JSON, outputChan chan data.JSON, killChan chan error) {
	if r.Gzipped {
		gzReader, err := gzip.NewReader(r.Reader)
		util.KillPipelineIfErr(err, killChan)
		r.Reader = gzReader
	r.ForEachData(killChan, func(d data.JSON) {
		outputChan <- d
// ProcessData sends the data it receives to the outputChan only if it matches the supplied regex
func (r *RegexpMatcher) ProcessData(d data.JSON, outputChan chan data.JSON, killChan chan error) {
	matches, err := regexp.Match(r.pattern, d)
	util.KillPipelineIfErr(err, killChan)
	if r.DebugLog {
		logger.Debug("RegexpMatcher: checking if", string(d), "matches pattern", r.pattern, ". MATCH=", matches)
	if matches {
		outputChan <- d
// ProcessData writes data as is directly to the output file
func (f *FtpWriter) ProcessData(d data.JSON, outputChan chan data.JSON, killChan chan error) {
	logger.Debug("FTPWriter Process data:", string(d))
	if !f.authenticated {

	_, e := f.fileWriter.Write([]byte(d))
	if e != nil {
		util.KillPipelineIfErr(e, killChan)
func (r *SftpReader) ensureInitialized(killChan chan error) {
	if r.initialized {

	client, err := util.SftpClient(r.parameters.Server, r.parameters.Username, r.parameters.AuthMethods)
	util.KillPipelineIfErr(err, killChan)

	r.client = client
	r.initialized = true
// ProcessData writes the data
func (w *IoWriter) ProcessData(d data.JSON, outputChan chan data.JSON, killChan chan error) {
	var bytesWritten int
	var err error
	if w.AddNewline {
		bytesWritten, err = fmt.Fprintln(w.Writer, string(d))
	} else {
		bytesWritten, err = w.Writer.Write(d)
	util.KillPipelineIfErr(err, killChan)
	logger.Debug("IoWriter:", bytesWritten, "bytes written")
文件: scp.go 项目: dailyburn/ratchet
// Run executes the scp command from the attributes of the SCP struct
func (s *SCP) Run(killChan chan error) {
	scpParams := []string{}
	if s.Port != "" {
		scpParams = append(scpParams, fmt.Sprintf("-P %v", s.Port))
	scpParams = append(scpParams, s.Object)
	scpParams = append(scpParams, s.Destination)

	cmd := exec.Command("scp", scpParams...)
	_, err := cmd.Output()
	util.KillPipelineIfErr(err, killChan)
// ProcessData reads an entire directory if a prefix is provided (sending each file in that
// directory to outputChan), or just sends the single file to outputChan if a complete
// file path is provided (not a prefix/directory).
// It optionally deletes all processed objects once the contents have been sent to outputChan
func (r *S3Reader) ProcessData(d data.JSON, outputChan chan data.JSON, killChan chan error) {
	if r.prefix != "" {
		logger.Debug("S3Reader: process data for prefix", r.prefix)
		objects, err := util.ListS3Objects(r.client, r.bucket, r.prefix)
		logger.Debug("S3Reader: list =", objects)
		util.KillPipelineIfErr(err, killChan)
		for _, o := range objects {
			obj, err := util.GetS3Object(r.client, r.bucket, o)
			util.KillPipelineIfErr(err, killChan)
			r.processObject(obj, outputChan, killChan)
			r.processedObjectKeys = append(r.processedObjectKeys, o)
	} else {
		logger.Debug("S3Reader: process data for object", r.object)
		obj, err := util.GetS3Object(r.client, r.bucket, r.object)
		util.KillPipelineIfErr(err, killChan)
		r.processObject(obj, outputChan, killChan)
		r.processedObjectKeys = append(r.processedObjectKeys, r.object)
	if r.DeleteObjects {
		_, err := util.DeleteS3Objects(r.client, r.bucket, r.processedObjectKeys)
		util.KillPipelineIfErr(err, killChan)
// ProcessData writes data as is directly to the output file
func (w *SftpWriter) ProcessData(d data.JSON, outputChan chan data.JSON, killChan chan error) {
	logger.Debug("SftpWriter Process data:", string(d))
	_, e := w.file.Write([]byte(d))
	util.KillPipelineIfErr(e, killChan)
func (r *SftpReader) sendFilePath(path string, outputChan chan data.JSON, killChan chan error) {
	sftpPath := util.SftpPath{Path: path}
	d, err := data.NewJSON(sftpPath)
	util.KillPipelineIfErr(err, killChan)
	outputChan <- d
// ProcessData reads a file and sends its contents to outputChan
func (r *FileReader) ProcessData(d data.JSON, outputChan chan data.JSON, killChan chan error) {
	d, err := ioutil.ReadFile(r.filename)
	util.KillPipelineIfErr(err, killChan)
	outputChan <- d