// SendLineStats sends the stats to Datadog. func SendLineStats(dog *statsd.Client, line string, metric string) { Log(fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", metric, line), "debug") oldTags := dog.Tags dog.Tags = append(dog.Tags, fmt.Sprintf("record:%s", metric)) dog.Count("dnsmasq.event", 1, dog.Tags, 1) dog.Tags = oldTags }
// sendQueriesStats actually sends the stats to Dogstatsd. func sendQueriesStats(metric string, value int64, additionalTag string, dog *statsd.Client) { tags := dog.Tags dog.Tags = append(dog.Tags, additionalTag) if os.Getenv("GOSHE_ADDITIONAL_TAGS") != "" { dog.Tags = append(dog.Tags, os.Getenv("GOSHE_ADDITIONAL_TAGS")) } dog.Count(metric, value, tags, signalInterval) dog.Tags = tags }
// InstrumentMiddleware collects metrics about the current request. func InstrumentMiddleware(stats *statsd.Client) echo.MiddlewareFunc { return func(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc { return func(c echo.Context) error { defer func(start time.Time) { tags := []string{ "method:" + c.Request().Method(), "status:" + strconv.Itoa(c.Response().Status()), } stats.Count("laika.request_total", 1, tags, 1) stats.Histogram("laika.request_duration_microseconds", float64(int(time.Since(start).Seconds()*1000000)), tags, 1) }(time.Now()) return next(c) } } }
// TailLog tails a file and sends stats to Datadog. func TailLog(t *tail.Tail, dog *statsd.Client, r *regexp.Regexp) { for line := range t.Lines { // Blank lines really mess this up - this protects against it. if line.Text == "" { continue } match := r.FindAllStringSubmatch(line.Text, -1) if match != nil { Log(fmt.Sprintf("Match: %s", match), "debug") Log(fmt.Sprintf("Sending Stat: %s", MetricName), "debug") tags := dog.Tags if MetricTag != "" { tags = append(tags, MetricTag) } dog.Count(MetricName, 1, tags, 1) } } }
func runCommand(cli string, args []string, r *regexp.Regexp, dog *statsd.Client) { cmd := exec.Command(cli, args...) cmdReader, err := cmd.StdoutPipe() if err != nil { Log(fmt.Sprintf("There was an error running '%s': %s", ProgramStdout, err), "info") os.Exit(1) } scanner := bufio.NewScanner(cmdReader) go func() { for scanner.Scan() { line := scanner.Text() Log(fmt.Sprintf("Line: %s", line), "debug") // Blank lines are bad for the matching software - it freaks out. if line == "" { continue } match := r.FindAllStringSubmatch(line, -1) if match != nil { Log(fmt.Sprintf("Match: %s", match), "debug") Log(fmt.Sprintf("Sending Stat: %s", MetricName), "debug") tags := dog.Tags if MetricTag != "" { tags = append(tags, MetricTag) } dog.Count(MetricName, 1, tags, 1) } } }() err = cmd.Start() if err != nil { Log("There was and error starting the command.", "info") } err = cmd.Wait() if err != nil { Log("There was and error waiting for the command.", "info") } }