func SetupRealConnectionInquisitor() (*Supervisor, PacketDispatcher, types.PacketSource) {
	tcpIdleTimeout, _ := time.ParseDuration("10m")
	dispatcherOptions := DispatcherOptions{
		BufferedPerConnection:    10,
		BufferedTotal:            100,
		LogDir:                   ".",
		LogPackets:               true,
		TcpIdleTimeout:           tcpIdleTimeout,
		MaxRingPackets:           40,
		Logger:                   logging.NewAttackMetadataJsonLogger("archives"),
		DetectHijack:             true,
		DetectInjection:          true,
		DetectCoalesceInjection:  true,
		MaxConcurrentConnections: 100,

	wireDuration, _ := time.ParseDuration("3s")
	snifferOptions := types.SnifferDriverOptions{
		Device:       "myInterface",
		Filename:     "",
		WireDuration: wireDuration,
		Snaplen:      65536,
		Filter:       "tcp",

	factory := &DefaultConnFactory{}
	mockPacketLoggerFactory := MockPacketLoggerFactory{}
	options := SupervisorOptions{
		SnifferDriverOptions: &snifferOptions,
		DispatcherOptions:    dispatcherOptions,
		SnifferFactory:       NewMockSniffer,
		ConnectionFactory:    factory,
		PacketLoggerFactory:  mockPacketLoggerFactory,
	supervisor := NewSupervisor(options)
	go supervisor.Run()
	sniffer := supervisor.GetSniffer()
	startedChan := sniffer.GetStartedChan()
	dispatcher := supervisor.GetDispatcher()
	return supervisor, dispatcher, sniffer
func main() {
	var (
		pcapfile                 = flag.String("pcapfile", "", "pcap filename to read packets from rather than a wire interface.")
		iface                    = flag.String("i", "eth0", "Interface to get packets from")
		snaplen                  = flag.Int("s", 65536, "SnapLen for pcap packet capture")
		filter                   = flag.String("f", "tcp", "BPF filter for pcap")
		logDir                   = flag.String("l", "", "incoming log dir used initially for pcap files if packet logging is enabled")
		wireTimeout              = flag.String("w", "3s", "timeout for reading packets off the wire")
		metadataAttackLog        = flag.Bool("metadata_attack_log", true, "if set to true then attack reports will only include metadata")
		logPackets               = flag.Bool("log_packets", false, "if set to true then log all packets for each tracked TCP connection")
		tcpTimeout               = flag.Duration("tcp_idle_timeout", time.Minute*5, "tcp idle timeout duration")
		maxRingPackets           = flag.Int("max_ring_packets", 40, "Max packets per connection stream ring buffer")
		detectHijack             = flag.Bool("detect_hijack", true, "Detect handshake hijack attacks")
		detectInjection          = flag.Bool("detect_injection", true, "Detect injection attacks")
		detectCoalesceInjection  = flag.Bool("detect_coalesce_injection", true, "Detect coalesce injection attacks")
		maxConcurrentConnections = flag.Int("max_concurrent_connections", 0, "Maximum number of concurrent connection to track.")
		bufferedPerConnection    = flag.Int("connection_max_buffer", 0, `
Max packets to buffer for a single connection before skipping over a gap in data
and continuing to stream the connection after the buffer.  If zero or less, this
is infinite.`)
		bufferedTotal = flag.Int("total_max_buffer", 0, `
Max packets to buffer total before skipping over gaps in connections and
continuing to stream connection data.  If zero or less, this is infinite`)
		maxPcapLogSize      = flag.Int("max_pcap_log_size", 1, "maximum pcap size per rotation in megabytes")
		maxNumPcapRotations = flag.Int("max_pcap_rotations", 10, "maximum number of pcap rotations per connection")
		archiveDir          = flag.String("archive_dir", "", "archive directory for storing attack logs and related pcap files")
		daq                 = flag.String("daq", "libpcap", "Data AcQuisition packet source")

	if *daq == "" {
		log.Fatal("must specify a Data AcQuisition packet source`")

	// XXX TODO use the pure golang pcap file sniffing API; gopacket's pcapgo
	if *pcapfile != "" && *daq != "libpcap" {
		log.Fatal("only libpcap DAQ supports sniffing pcap files")

	if *archiveDir == "" || *logDir == "" {
		log.Fatal("must specify both incoming log dir and archive log dir")

	wireDuration, err := time.ParseDuration(*wireTimeout)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("invalid wire timeout duration: ", *wireTimeout)

	if *maxConcurrentConnections == 0 {
		log.Fatal("maxConcurrentConnections must be specified")

	if *bufferedPerConnection == 0 || *bufferedTotal == 0 {
		log.Fatal("connection_max_buffer and total_max_buffer must be set to a non-zero value")

	var logger types.Logger

	if *metadataAttackLog {
		loggerInstance := logging.NewAttackMetadataJsonLogger(*archiveDir)
		defer func() { loggerInstance.Stop() }()
		logger = loggerInstance
	} else {
		loggerInstance := logging.NewAttackJsonLogger(*archiveDir)
		defer func() { loggerInstance.Stop() }()
		logger = loggerInstance

	dispatcherOptions := HoneyBadger.DispatcherOptions{
		BufferedPerConnection:    *bufferedPerConnection,
		BufferedTotal:            *bufferedTotal,
		LogDir:                   *logDir,
		LogPackets:               *logPackets,
		MaxPcapLogRotations:      *maxNumPcapRotations,
		MaxPcapLogSize:           *maxPcapLogSize,
		TcpIdleTimeout:           *tcpTimeout,
		MaxRingPackets:           *maxRingPackets,
		Logger:                   logger,
		DetectHijack:             *detectHijack,
		DetectInjection:          *detectInjection,
		DetectCoalesceInjection:  *detectCoalesceInjection,
		MaxConcurrentConnections: *maxConcurrentConnections,

	snifferDriverOptions := types.SnifferDriverOptions{
		DAQ:          *daq,
		Device:       *iface,
		Filename:     *pcapfile,
		WireDuration: wireDuration,
		Snaplen:      int32(*snaplen),
		Filter:       *filter,

	connectionFactory := &HoneyBadger.DefaultConnFactory{}
	var packetLoggerFactory types.PacketLoggerFactory
	if *logPackets {
		packetLoggerFactory = logging.NewPcapLoggerFactory(*logDir, *archiveDir, *maxNumPcapRotations, *maxPcapLogSize)
	} else {
		packetLoggerFactory = nil

	log.Println("HoneyBadger: comprehensive TCP injection attack detection.")
	options := HoneyBadger.SupervisorOptions{
		SnifferDriverOptions: &snifferDriverOptions,
		DispatcherOptions:    dispatcherOptions,
		SnifferFactory:       HoneyBadger.NewSniffer,
		ConnectionFactory:    connectionFactory,
		PacketLoggerFactory:  packetLoggerFactory,
	supervisor := HoneyBadger.NewSupervisor(options)