// Make sure the config is compatible with the current kernel
func (container *Container) verifyDaemonSettings() {
	if container.Config.Memory > 0 && !container.daemon.sysInfo.MemoryLimit {
		log.Infof("WARNING: Your kernel does not support memory limit capabilities. Limitation discarded.")
		container.Config.Memory = 0
	if container.Config.Memory > 0 && !container.daemon.sysInfo.SwapLimit {
		log.Infof("WARNING: Your kernel does not support swap limit capabilities. Limitation discarded.")
		container.Config.MemorySwap = -1
	if container.daemon.sysInfo.IPv4ForwardingDisabled {
		log.Infof("WARNING: IPv4 forwarding is disabled. Networking will not work")
文件: server.go 项目: beginnor/docker
// ServeApi loops through all of the protocols sent in to docker and spawns
// off a go routine to setup a serving http.Server for each.
func ServeApi(job *engine.Job) engine.Status {
	if len(job.Args) == 0 {
		return job.Errorf("usage: %s PROTO://ADDR [PROTO://ADDR ...]", job.Name)
	var (
		protoAddrs = job.Args
		chErrors   = make(chan error, len(protoAddrs))
	activationLock = make(chan struct{})

	for _, protoAddr := range protoAddrs {
		protoAddrParts := strings.SplitN(protoAddr, "://", 2)
		if len(protoAddrParts) != 2 {
			return job.Errorf("usage: %s PROTO://ADDR [PROTO://ADDR ...]", job.Name)
		go func() {
			log.Infof("Listening for HTTP on %s (%s)", protoAddrParts[0], protoAddrParts[1])
			chErrors <- ListenAndServe(protoAddrParts[0], protoAddrParts[1], job)

	for i := 0; i < len(protoAddrs); i += 1 {
		err := <-chErrors
		if err != nil {
			return job.Error(err)

	return engine.StatusOK
文件: server.go 项目: beginnor/docker
func makeHttpHandler(eng *engine.Engine, logging bool, localMethod string, localRoute string, handlerFunc HttpApiFunc, enableCors bool, dockerVersion version.Version) http.HandlerFunc {
	return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		// log the request
		log.Debugf("Calling %s %s", localMethod, localRoute)

		if logging {
			log.Infof("%s %s", r.Method, r.RequestURI)

		if strings.Contains(r.Header.Get("User-Agent"), "Docker-Client/") {
			userAgent := strings.Split(r.Header.Get("User-Agent"), "/")
			if len(userAgent) == 2 && !dockerVersion.Equal(version.Version(userAgent[1])) {
				log.Debugf("Warning: client and server don't have the same version (client: %s, server: %s)", userAgent[1], dockerVersion)
		version := version.Version(mux.Vars(r)["version"])
		if version == "" {
			version = api.APIVERSION
		if enableCors {
			writeCorsHeaders(w, r)

		if version.GreaterThan(api.APIVERSION) {
			http.Error(w, fmt.Errorf("client and server don't have same version (client : %s, server: %s)", version, api.APIVERSION).Error(), http.StatusNotFound)

		if err := handlerFunc(eng, version, w, r, mux.Vars(r)); err != nil {
			log.Errorf("Handler for %s %s returned error: %s", localMethod, localRoute, err)
			httpError(w, err)
文件: tarsum.go 项目: beginnor/docker
func (ts *TarSum) Sum(extra []byte) string {
	var sums []string

	for _, sum := range ts.sums {
		sums = append(sums, sum)
	h := sha256.New()
	if extra != nil {
	for _, sum := range sums {
		log.Infof("-->%s<--", sum)
	checksum := "tarsum+sha256:" + hex.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil))
	log.Infof("checksum processed: %s", checksum)
	return checksum
文件: daemon.go 项目: beginnor/docker
func (daemon *Daemon) checkLocaldns() error {
	resolvConf, err := resolvconf.Get()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if len(daemon.config.Dns) == 0 && utils.CheckLocalDns(resolvConf) {
		log.Infof("Local ( DNS resolver found in resolv.conf and containers can't use it. Using default external servers : %v", DefaultDns)
		daemon.config.Dns = DefaultDns
	return nil
文件: driver.go 项目: beginnor/docker
// release an interface for a select ip
func Release(job *engine.Job) engine.Status {
	var (
		id                 = job.Args[0]
		containerInterface = currentInterfaces.Get(id)

	if containerInterface == nil {
		return job.Errorf("No network information to release for %s", id)

	for _, nat := range containerInterface.PortMappings {
		if err := portmapper.Unmap(nat); err != nil {
			log.Infof("Unable to unmap port %s: %s", nat, err)

	if err := ipallocator.ReleaseIP(bridgeNetwork, &containerInterface.IP); err != nil {
		log.Infof("Unable to release ip %s", err)
	return engine.StatusOK
文件: daemon.go 项目: beginnor/docker
func checkKernelAndArch() error {
	// Check for unsupported architectures
	if runtime.GOARCH != "amd64" {
		return fmt.Errorf("The Docker runtime currently only supports amd64 (not %s). This will change in the future. Aborting.", runtime.GOARCH)
	// Check for unsupported kernel versions
	// FIXME: it would be cleaner to not test for specific versions, but rather
	// test for specific functionalities.
	// Unfortunately we can't test for the feature "does not cause a kernel panic"
	// without actually causing a kernel panic, so we need this workaround until
	// the circumstances of pre-3.8 crashes are clearer.
	// For details see http://github.com/dockercn/docker/issues/407
	if k, err := kernel.GetKernelVersion(); err != nil {
		log.Infof("WARNING: %s", err)
	} else {
		if kernel.CompareKernelVersion(k, &kernel.KernelVersionInfo{Kernel: 3, Major: 8, Minor: 0}) < 0 {
			if os.Getenv("DOCKER_NOWARN_KERNEL_VERSION") == "" {
				log.Infof("WARNING: You are running linux kernel version %s, which might be unstable running docker. Please upgrade your kernel to 3.8.0.", k.String())
	return nil
func (container *Container) Stop(seconds int) error {
	if !container.State.IsRunning() {
		return nil

	// 1. Send a SIGTERM
	if err := container.KillSig(15); err != nil {
		log.Infof("Failed to send SIGTERM to the process, force killing")
		if err := container.KillSig(9); err != nil {
			return err

	// 2. Wait for the process to exit on its own
	if _, err := container.State.WaitStop(time.Duration(seconds) * time.Second); err != nil {
		log.Infof("Container %v failed to exit within %d seconds of SIGTERM - using the force", container.ID, seconds)
		// 3. If it doesn't, then send SIGKILL
		if err := container.Kill(); err != nil {
			container.State.WaitStop(-1 * time.Second)
			return err
	return nil
func (r *resumableRequestReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
	if r.client == nil || r.request == nil {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("client and request can't be nil\n")
	isFreshRequest := false
	if r.lastRange != 0 && r.currentResponse == nil {
		readRange := fmt.Sprintf("bytes=%d-%d", r.lastRange, r.totalSize)
		r.request.Header.Set("Range", readRange)
		time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
	if r.currentResponse == nil {
		r.currentResponse, err = r.client.Do(r.request)
		isFreshRequest = true
	if err != nil && r.failures+1 != r.maxFailures {
		r.failures += 1
		time.Sleep(5 * time.Duration(r.failures) * time.Second)
		return 0, nil
	} else if err != nil {
		return 0, err
	if r.currentResponse.StatusCode == 416 && r.lastRange == r.totalSize && r.currentResponse.ContentLength == 0 {
		return 0, io.EOF
	} else if r.currentResponse.StatusCode != 206 && r.lastRange != 0 && isFreshRequest {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("the server doesn't support byte ranges")
	if r.totalSize == 0 {
		r.totalSize = r.currentResponse.ContentLength
	} else if r.totalSize <= 0 {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to auto detect content length")
	n, err = r.currentResponse.Body.Read(p)
	r.lastRange += int64(n)
	if err != nil {
	if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
		log.Infof("encountered error during pull and clearing it before resume: %s", err)
		err = nil
	return n, err
func (container *Container) Kill() error {
	if !container.State.IsRunning() {
		return nil

	// 1. Send SIGKILL
	if err := container.KillSig(9); err != nil {
		return err

	// 2. Wait for the process to die, in last resort, try to kill the process directly
	if _, err := container.State.WaitStop(10 * time.Second); err != nil {
		// Ensure that we don't kill ourselves
		if pid := container.State.GetPid(); pid != 0 {
			log.Infof("Container %s failed to exit within 10 seconds of kill - trying direct SIGKILL", utils.TruncateID(container.ID))
			if err := syscall.Kill(pid, 9); err != nil {
				return err

	container.State.WaitStop(-1 * time.Second)
	return nil
文件: delete.go 项目: beginnor/docker
// FIXME: rename to ContainerRemove for consistency with the CLI command.
func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerDestroy(job *engine.Job) engine.Status {
	if len(job.Args) != 1 {
		return job.Errorf("Not enough arguments. Usage: %s CONTAINER\n", job.Name)
	name := job.Args[0]
	removeVolume := job.GetenvBool("removeVolume")
	removeLink := job.GetenvBool("removeLink")
	forceRemove := job.GetenvBool("forceRemove")
	container := daemon.Get(name)

	if removeLink {
		if container == nil {
			return job.Errorf("No such link: %s", name)
		name, err := GetFullContainerName(name)
		if err != nil {
		parent, n := path.Split(name)
		if parent == "/" {
			return job.Errorf("Conflict, cannot remove the default name of the container")
		pe := daemon.ContainerGraph().Get(parent)
		if pe == nil {
			return job.Errorf("Cannot get parent %s for name %s", parent, name)
		parentContainer := daemon.Get(pe.ID())

		if parentContainer != nil {

		if err := daemon.ContainerGraph().Delete(name); err != nil {
			return job.Error(err)
		return engine.StatusOK

	if container != nil {
		if container.State.IsRunning() {
			if forceRemove {
				if err := container.Kill(); err != nil {
					return job.Errorf("Could not kill running container, cannot remove - %v", err)
			} else {
				return job.Errorf("You cannot remove a running container. Stop the container before attempting removal or use -f")
		if err := daemon.Destroy(container); err != nil {
			return job.Errorf("Cannot destroy container %s: %s", name, err)

		if removeVolume {
			var (
				volumes     = make(map[string]struct{})
				binds       = make(map[string]struct{})
				usedVolumes = make(map[string]*Container)

			// the volume id is always the base of the path
			getVolumeId := func(p string) string {
				return filepath.Base(strings.TrimSuffix(p, "/layer"))

			// populate bind map so that they can be skipped and not removed
			for _, bind := range container.HostConfig().Binds {
				source := strings.Split(bind, ":")[0]
				// TODO: refactor all volume stuff, all of it
				// it is very important that we eval the link or comparing the keys to container.Volumes will not work
				// eval symlink can fail, ref #5244 if we receive an is not exist error we can ignore it
				p, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(source)
				if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
					return job.Error(err)
				if p != "" {
					source = p
				binds[source] = struct{}{}

			// Store all the deleted containers volumes
			for _, volumeId := range container.Volumes {
				// Skip the volumes mounted from external
				// bind mounts here will will be evaluated for a symlink
				if _, exists := binds[volumeId]; exists {

				volumeId = getVolumeId(volumeId)
				volumes[volumeId] = struct{}{}

			// Retrieve all volumes from all remaining containers
			for _, container := range daemon.List() {
				for _, containerVolumeId := range container.Volumes {
					containerVolumeId = getVolumeId(containerVolumeId)
					usedVolumes[containerVolumeId] = container

			for volumeId := range volumes {
				// If the requested volu
				if c, exists := usedVolumes[volumeId]; exists {
					log.Infof("The volume %s is used by the container %s. Impossible to remove it. Skipping.", volumeId, c.ID)
				if err := daemon.Volumes().Delete(volumeId); err != nil {
					return job.Errorf("Error calling volumes.Delete(%q): %v", volumeId, err)
	} else {
		return job.Errorf("No such container: %s", name)
	return engine.StatusOK
文件: daemon.go 项目: beginnor/docker
func (daemon *Daemon) restore() error {
	var (
		debug         = (os.Getenv("DEBUG") != "" || os.Getenv("TEST") != "")
		containers    = make(map[string]*Container)
		currentDriver = daemon.driver.String()

	if !debug {
		log.Infof("Loading containers: ")
	dir, err := ioutil.ReadDir(daemon.repository)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	for _, v := range dir {
		id := v.Name()
		container, err := daemon.load(id)
		if !debug {
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("Failed to load container %v: %v", id, err)

		// Ignore the container if it does not support the current driver being used by the graph
		if (container.Driver == "" && currentDriver == "aufs") || container.Driver == currentDriver {
			log.Debugf("Loaded container %v", container.ID)

			containers[container.ID] = container
		} else {
			log.Debugf("Cannot load container %s because it was created with another graph driver.", container.ID)

	registeredContainers := []*Container{}

	if entities := daemon.containerGraph.List("/", -1); entities != nil {
		for _, p := range entities.Paths() {
			if !debug {

			e := entities[p]

			if container, ok := containers[e.ID()]; ok {
				if err := daemon.register(container, false); err != nil {
					log.Debugf("Failed to register container %s: %s", container.ID, err)

				registeredContainers = append(registeredContainers, container)

				// delete from the map so that a new name is not automatically generated
				delete(containers, e.ID())

	// Any containers that are left over do not exist in the graph
	for _, container := range containers {
		// Try to set the default name for a container if it exists prior to links
		container.Name, err = daemon.generateNewName(container.ID)
		if err != nil {
			log.Debugf("Setting default id - %s", err)

		if err := daemon.register(container, false); err != nil {
			log.Debugf("Failed to register container %s: %s", container.ID, err)

		registeredContainers = append(registeredContainers, container)

	// check the restart policy on the containers and restart any container with
	// the restart policy of "always"
	if daemon.config.AutoRestart {
		log.Debugf("Restarting containers...")

		for _, container := range registeredContainers {
			if container.hostConfig.RestartPolicy.Name == "always" ||
				(container.hostConfig.RestartPolicy.Name == "on-failure" && container.State.ExitCode != 0) {
				log.Debugf("Starting container %s", container.ID)

				if err := container.Start(); err != nil {
					log.Debugf("Failed to start container %s: %s", container.ID, err)

	if !debug {
		log.Infof(": done.")

	return nil
文件: server.go 项目: beginnor/docker
// ListenAndServe sets up the required http.Server and gets it listening for
// each addr passed in and does protocol specific checking.
func ListenAndServe(proto, addr string, job *engine.Job) error {
	var l net.Listener
	r, err := createRouter(job.Eng, job.GetenvBool("Logging"), job.GetenvBool("EnableCors"), job.Getenv("Version"))
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if proto == "fd" {
		return ServeFd(addr, r)

	if proto == "unix" {
		if err := syscall.Unlink(addr); err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
			return err

	var oldmask int
	if proto == "unix" {
		oldmask = syscall.Umask(0777)

	if job.GetenvBool("BufferRequests") {
		l, err = listenbuffer.NewListenBuffer(proto, addr, activationLock)
	} else {
		l, err = net.Listen(proto, addr)

	if proto == "unix" {
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if proto != "unix" && (job.GetenvBool("Tls") || job.GetenvBool("TlsVerify")) {
		tlsCert := job.Getenv("TlsCert")
		tlsKey := job.Getenv("TlsKey")
		cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(tlsCert, tlsKey)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Couldn't load X509 key pair (%s, %s): %s. Key encrypted?",
				tlsCert, tlsKey, err)
		tlsConfig := &tls.Config{
			NextProtos:   []string{"http/1.1"},
			Certificates: []tls.Certificate{cert},
		if job.GetenvBool("TlsVerify") {
			certPool := x509.NewCertPool()
			file, err := ioutil.ReadFile(job.Getenv("TlsCa"))
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("Couldn't read CA certificate: %s", err)

			tlsConfig.ClientAuth = tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert
			tlsConfig.ClientCAs = certPool
		l = tls.NewListener(l, tlsConfig)

	// Basic error and sanity checking
	switch proto {
	case "tcp":
		if !strings.HasPrefix(addr, "") && !job.GetenvBool("TlsVerify") {
	case "unix":
		socketGroup := job.Getenv("SocketGroup")
		if socketGroup != "" {
			if err := changeGroup(addr, socketGroup); err != nil {
				if socketGroup == "docker" {
					// if the user hasn't explicitly specified the group ownership, don't fail on errors.
					log.Debugf("Warning: could not chgrp %s to docker: %s", addr, err.Error())
				} else {
					return err
		if err := os.Chmod(addr, 0660); err != nil {
			return err
		return fmt.Errorf("Invalid protocol format.")

	httpSrv := http.Server{Addr: addr, Handler: r}
	return httpSrv.Serve(l)