func parTestGobler(t *testing.T, l *glick.Library, api, act, cmdPath string, useJSON bool, tisOut func() interface{}) {
	gobbler := fmt.Sprintf("%v", !useJSON)
	if err := l.Configure([]byte(`[
{"Plugin":"pie1","API":"` + api + `","Actions":["intStr1"],"Type":"PIE","Cmd":["` + cmdPath + `"],"Method":"CI.CopyIntX","Gob":` + gobbler + `}
		]`)); err != nil {
	par := test.IntStr{I: 42}
	if _, err := l.Run(nil, api, "intStr1", par); err != nil {
		t.Error("unable to run intStr1 for " + api + " err=" + err.Error())
	if err := l.Configure([]byte(`[
{"Plugin":"pie2","API":"` + api + `","Actions":["intStr2"],"Type":"PIE"}
		]`)); err == nil {
		t.Error("unsuited end pie exe not spotted")
	if err := l.Configure([]byte(`[
{"Plugin":"pie3","API":"` + api + `","Actions":["intStr1"],"Type":"PIE","Cmd":["illegal path"]}
		]`)); err == nil {
		t.Error("unsuited pie exe path not spotted")
	if err := l.Configure([]byte(`[
{"Plugin":"pie4","API":"nothing here","Actions":["intStr1"],"Type":"PIE"}
		]`)); err == nil {
		t.Error("unsuited pie api not spotted")
func parTest(t *testing.T, l *glick.Library, api, act, cmdPath string, useJSON bool, tisOut func() interface{}) {
	par := test.IntStr{I: 42}
	if ret, err := l.Run(nil, api, act, par); err != nil {
		t.Error("unable to run pie " + err.Error())
	} else {
		if ret.(*test.IntStr).I != 42 {
			t.Error("pie integer copy did not work")
	par.I = 4
	if _, err := l.Run(nil, api, act, par); err == nil {
		t.Error("over-long pie plugin did not timeout")
	if err := l.RegPlugin(api, act+"bad",
		glpie.PluginPie(true, "CI.CopyIntX", []string{"./_test/bad/bad"}, tisOut), nil); err != nil {
		t.Error("unable to create " + err.Error())
	par.I = 0
	if _, err := l.Run(nil, api, act+"bad", par); err == nil {
		t.Error("bad pie plugin did not error")
	if err := l.RegPlugin(api, act+"badder",
		glpie.PluginPie(true, "CI.CopyIntX", []string{"./_test/bad/main.go"}, tisOut), nil); err != nil {
		t.Error("unable to create " + err.Error())
	par.I = 0
	if _, err := l.Run(nil, api, act+"badder", par); err == nil {
		t.Error("non-runnable bad pie plugin did not error")
	parTestGobler(t, l, api, act, cmdPath, useJSON, tisOut)